Brush Strokes

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    OOC Thread


    [/url] You are either a high school student at Riverton High, taking extra credit classes to get into a good art program after you graduate; a college student at Riverton University, taking credits as a teacher's aid this semester and helping out Professor Lotvig; or a work of art created by one of the artists, living in your own magical world.

    Everyone will receive a package in the mail, containing a beautiful looking paintbrush. Something about it calls to you, even if you are not a painter. It seems like everything you create with it, has a life of its own and always comes out perfect.
    What you don't know, is that it really does create life.

    The art program has been going on for a couple weeks already.

    I will message everyone individually as to when their paintbrush comes. At that point in time, you may post saying that you received it.

    The artwork won't come to life immediately, but don't worry you wonderful works of art, you have not been forgotten about.

    The magical world that the painting creations live in is vast and beautiful. You may interact with other works of art in your world, but you best be back in your frame by the time your owner gets home.

    Not every work of art will be in the home of its artist. They could be sold to shops, owned by friends, stored away in a closet somewhere, etc. That is for you to
    decide. Note: not everyone will have a work of art that is actually bought and sold. This will mostly just be for artwork created by the college students. The high schoolers will most likely have their pieces at home or given to a friend or something along those lines.


    [/url] If you have a question just ask, but if it is already answered somewhere else, prepare to be kicked to the top of my annoyance list. I'm not a fan of redundancy. So I don't like to explain the same thing over and over again. READ THOROUGHLY.

    Please do not join if you won't be consistently active.

    Be willing to collaborate.

    There is no killing in this RP. Don't injure someone without good cause, and it must be discussed with me first. It better be a really good reason, because this RP is meant to be cute and happy.

    Pairs: Creator/Creation [ Can have more than one artwork per artist ]
    Feel free to join with someone! If you're making a character that is a work of art and your friend is creating an artist, you can put each others names in your CS immediately.
    If you can't choose what work of art you want as an artist, or what artist you want as a work of art, then I will match you up.

    Ages: 14 - 22 Should be pretty self - explanitory. High school students ages 14 - 18. College students ages 18 - 22.

    Only nine character slots open for artists. [ 6 high schoolers and 3 Teaching Aids ] Unlimited slots for artwork

    This is a present day, modern world, RP

    No one has super powers or is magical or anything of the like. It is all in the paintbrush and it can only do two things: bring art to life/restore it to its natural state and create entrances within the artwork.

    This only works on pieces that already have doors in them.

    No one is a perfect artist, that is why it is an extra credit class. They all have things they can learn to become better at their craft.

    While they may specialize in one specific field, they will have to branch out and occasionally work on projects in the other departments.

    One day in the RP is equal to four IRL days.
    The most important days will be the ones that they are at their class -- Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
    Posting on the other days will be more laid back. You will only be required to post at least once in those four IRL days for Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays.
    Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays have a requirement of posting every three days [ so at least twice for that day ].

    I understand that things come up. Just talk to me and we can work something out. I am a very lenient person, so I am willing to make exceptions depending on your reason, but if I know you have the ability to be posting and just blatantly choose not to, I won't be so nice.

    I won't hound anyone or remind them, but once you reach three strikes you are out, no exceptions.

    This is meant to be a very calm, dramatica - free, happy cute RP.

    It will be broken into at least two arcs. The first will be where the artworks come to life, and the second is when the artists wind up in the magical world of paintings. If things go well and I come up with more to add to the story, then I may continue it from that point in time. We'll see. . .

    This is an Advanced RP, so that means a minimum of three paragraphs per post. I can understand the occasional short post if you are just responding to someone, but since there won't be any quick - paced dire urgency to post, there should be no reason as to why you can't make the requirement. If you are consistently posting less than three paragraphs, I will message you. There will only be one warning to ask you to increase your paragraphs per post. If you fail to do as you're asked, I will ask you to leave.

    Days end midnight my time, which is Central Standard Time. + 1 hour for EST ( 1 AM ), - 1 hour for MT ( 11 PM ), and - 2 hours for PST ( 10 PM ). If you live outside of North or South America and need help figuring out the time zone differences, let me know.
    This means promptly at midnight. Any posts made after that will be disregarded.

    I have no problem with language, violence ( there really shouldn't be too much excessive violence in this RP, however ), romance, but it has to be appropriate and well written. No Smut! Don't be tacky or abusive of the privilege. I will revoke the right if you cannot handle it. It does still have to follow forum rules. You may get a strike if you can't be appropriate.

    I shouldn't have to say this, but since not everyone seems to get it: No God - modding. It should be a given, but clearly is not always the case. You are only allowed to control a character belonging to someone else if they have give you permission -- I should be notified of this before hand -- and it should not be a frequent thing.

    No bios. I hate bios. They are dumb and an utter waste of time. I don't want to know every detail of your character's past. You should show me it in the story -- introduce depth.

    No Mary-Sue's -- need not say more. . .

    You may have as many characters as you would like, but that only applies to the Artwork. If you wish to have an Artist, you can only have one. As mentioned before, there are only 9 character slots available for the artists and I want to give everyone a fair chance at picking one. If the RP starts and there is still a slot or two available, then I will open it up to whomever wants it. First come, first serve. The Artwork slots are unlimited, so long as you can properly handle the number of characters you posses.

    I possess the ability to change the rules should I deem fit. If such a thing happens, I will say something in the OOC Thread.

  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 1 3:30 PM
    Monday, January 27th, 2014

    Okie Dokie Mommy! Renée hung up her phone and skipped enthusiastically to the art building across campus. She was here early. She was always here early. Only the best and brightest arrived early each day! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays were the highlights of her week. Nothing beat being here at the University for art class. The joy that came from being accepted filled her heart. She knew that there was little doubt of her being accepted, but with only six slots available, it was a little nerve-wracking. Renée had fretted over her entry piece for weeks. When that acceptance letter came in the mail, she was screaming with excitement. It was just too, too perfect!

    She couldn't get enough of class. It should be every day! What was there to do with her life on the other four days of the week? Not much. She liked to be in class and watch the Teaching Assistants. Watching them was half the fun. They pushed her to be better. She wanted to be just like them. Each time one of them would help her, there was a flutter of excitement and glee inside of her. Especially Dio - senpai! He was the only one that actually did sculpting, so he was her favorite, but she did love her other two Senpais! They were not forgotten or neglected. Nope. Nope. Nope. If only Dio paid as much attention to her as she did to him. He seemed rather self - absorbed. That wasn't fair! People should pay attention to her. Someday, she would be as skilled and wonderful as them and others will come from around the world to buy her art.

    Renée sighed dreamily.

    That would be the life! She just needed more practice. Practice, practice, practice! When they weren't meeting for their class, Renée would often times sneak onto campus to watch them. It was so interesting and beautiful to see them at work. It was like watching a wild animal in its natural habitat. Beautiful. She would sit and stair through their classroom windows and hide behind pillars when they exited. A few times ( okay, maybe more than a few ... ) she had even followed them home. She was just so fascinated by what they did in their free time. Renée had only been caught twice, but those two times -- oh boy, were they angry -- had not gone well. She learned that she needed to be more stealthy from now on. Getting caught was not an option!

    She entered the building and strolled leisurely down the halls until coming upon the right room. Renée hopped to a stop. Her hands pressed flat against the large double doors and she pushed them open wide. Instantly the wonderful scents of clay and paint thinner permeated her nose. She smiled at the sight of the art room and walked over to her usual table. Good afternoon everyone! she greeted -- everyone being like, two people. Professor Lutvig came in after, carrying a stack of boxes. Renée jumped back up to her feet and moved quickly to the teacher's side. I can help Professor! She reached for a couple of boxes on the top of the stack and helped carry them over to the desk.

    Thank you Renée. You've been so wonderfully helpful. Picking you was a wise decision. she told her once the boxes were on the desk.

    Renée beamed brightly and took a step back. Is there anything else you need help with? Professor Lutvig shook her head. All right then. I'll just go gather my supplies. One of the perks of always showing up early, never having to wait on all the slow pokes to get out of the way so that she could get what she needed. Renée skipped over to the pottery wheels and sculpting stations. Her figurine was almost done. Hopefully today would be the last day that she needed to finish sculpting it. It was one of the rare ones that she actually wanted to paint after which would probably require some assistance from someone else. Painting wasn't a strong suit. Most of her sculptures lacked any sort of painted on decoration. Maybe she could get Dio to teach her! Her heart soared at the thought.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate//Fashion for Today: x//Brain Bubble: ...Le Sigh...//Mood: Mellow]

    'Twas a cold January afternoon to Aiden as he looked out the window of the art classroom where he sat. Everything looked dead to the young boy, but he knew better. The trees were just sleeping, and so were the bulbs and seeds under the icy ground. Spring would be here soon. Soon as in like three to four months anyways. The children at Sunny Ranch seemed to enjoy the snow and cold though. Aiden figured that people seemed to bond more in the winter also. When it's cold, people can't help but to cuddle up to a special someone or even a warm horse. He would watch as some of the kids just stood there with their horse, hugging them and digging their fingers close to the horse's body to get their hands warm again. He smiled at the thought and then swiveled his stool so his was facing his sketch pad and the drawing he was working on.

    He had gotten out of his last high school class early and was there with Professor Lutvig and someone else, though he did not know who they were exactly. Nor did he feel like conversing with them as he picked up his pen once more and began to ink his creation from the sketch pad on a different piece of paper. Aiden was a quiet lad, not one to disturb anyone unless they talked to him first. He liked it that way. He figured he rarely would get on anyone's bad side if he just kept to himself and made little noise as possible-

    The doors suddenly burst wide open.

    Good afternoon everyone!

    Aiden nearly jumped out of his skin, his pen flying out of his hand in surprise and rolled on the floor. He sighed and pushed on the bridge of his glasses, looking up to see no other than Renée strolling in the room. She had her usual cheery disposition about her that the shy, quiet boy couldn't help but to admire.

    "Afternoon," he said softly with a wave to his fellow peer and then glanced back at his drawing. He breathed out in relief and let his shoulders relax when he saw his piece of work was not damaged from his little fright episode. Pen was permanent. One mistake, and the whole drawing could be a bust.

    The fifteen year old hopped off his stool and walked over to where he saw his pen disappear and plucked it off from the floor. Absent minded, he rubbed the outer shell of the pen against his shirt to get any dirt off of it as he headed back to his work station. Aiden plopped back on his stool and ran his fingers through his hair, watching as
    Renée helped out the Professor and then went over to her work station. Ah, she was a kind-hearted lass. He brought his mind back down to earth as he looked over his drawing once more, trying to figure out where he last left off before he was interrupted.
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    With the final stroke his work was complete. A mere warm up and certainly something superior to that of the other fools that dared to ever even possibly think of him as somebody even close to his talent. Thinking about those fools merely made the man scoff an merely thinking back to the moment it all started could only make him chuckle. The moment the man received his reply from the Riverton, he felt no such feeling of surprise nor did he even really keep it as such a grand occasion. It was just the inevitable fate, the expected fate that he would be chosen.

    With his utensils being placed away Dio prepared himself and got himself ready for the day. Today was one of the few days of the week that he would head to that school of amateurs. His jacket placed firmly on, Dio walked out and made his trek over towards the school. This aiding job was only the beginning, it was one step to his goal of fame and he would knock down anybody who dared to stand in his way of that goal.

    With big thud the door to the classroom swung open and there at the doorway stood Dio Brandon with his eyes closed and head lowered. He rose his hand up to the bangs of his hair and with a flick of his wrist he immediately flicked the bangs to the side and swung his arm to the side and rose his head. With that mere action he lowered his head once more and opened his eyes with a fierce stare. He continued to walk on and turned his attention to the adult in the room with a polite smile "Good Afternoon Professor" Dio said with a nod. He noticed three others in the room from the corner of his eye, but he hardly paid any heed to them.
  5. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    The young student had "woken up" outside any sort of building and stared down at the pad in hand. It showed a rough sketch of a what appeared to be a cloudy sky with a sun trying to peek through said clouds. It had been something that the young student had been working on for some time. However, Emile stared at it questioningly, not really knowing how this picture came to be. "Actually, how did I get here?" Emile asked to no one in particular. The student looked around quite confused and unsure of what had happened prior to lead up to being here. As such Emile though back to what had happened this morning.

    It was a morning quite like all others prior to it. Waking up and being Monday, the young student was quite exhilarated to go to classes. Sure it was nothing new, but the feeling of going to a prestigious and quite selective art school was still fresh and unbelievable. Each day held new excitements in it and all the young student could do each morning was smile and giggle in sheer glee to another day at probably the greatest school to exist. Emile got ready for the day and went out nice and early, determined to be the first to class for once and get to working on the drawing during class time earlier than everyone else. Merrily skipping along to the building to start said exciting day, the young student looked at the sky. It was always such a beautiful thing to look at, something Emile had always enjoyed drawing up. Speaking of which, the young student took out his backpack and looked at a picture that always seemed to get more complete by itself. Emile didn't recall ever putting any amount of effort into this project but was always wanting to put more than already was into it. The young student began to look up at the sky and started to lose focus a bit. His hand reached into his backpack and pulled out a pencil and just started sketching involuntarily.

    Oh yeah. That's what happened. They young student put his sketch away and looked at his watch noticing the time. Oh no! There was no way he was going to be early at this rate. He started running full speed, which admittedly was not fast in the slightest, all the way to the main building. Standing outside the door, he bent over and started gasping for air. Emile had an upset expression on his face, because now he wasn't early and tired. Not a fun combo. Oh well. The young student got his breath together and put on his cheerful happy face. Walking through the doors he noticed the familiar faces of his other Riverton peers. "Hello Aiden, hi Renée-chan, hi Dio, hi Professor Lutvig." His rather feminine voice rang out to the people. Merrily walking to an empty table, Emile sat down and took out the work meant for school time. It was a drawing coming along with nothing short of a medieval style battle field with knights, unicorns, dragons, bears and hippos all duking it a garden with rainbows. Giddily Emile started to zone everything out and go into work on said picture.
  6. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Status: Pretty chill Equipment Location: School

    The sun was tickling her bare arms despite the chilly temperatures - though honestly, she didn't feel cold at all! In fact, it was kind of hot. Well, then again, who wouldn't feel at least the slightest bit warmer on a chilly day of January when riding a bike and pedaling for life?

    That's right, she did it again.

    Got too caught up on something she didn't even end up liking and now she was running late! See, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday she had these extra art classes things which were super fun since she would always find out some new things and learn from everyone else but it also cut some time from her being able to go out and discover. Sure, it was kind of the same thing anyway and it was probably better for her to learn along side others for different perspectives and whatnot but really, she just didn't like the idea of this daily routine. She liked it spontaneous.

    Though, sometimes it did get a little too spontaneous. Excited about trying out this new idea in her head, she made a mad dash on her bike back to her place. There was a wide enough time slot to do it, of course. Though she probably miscalculated since she was currently in that oh-crap-I'm-going-to-be-late situation. She didn't even have time to change out of her acid wash shorts where the faded colors were not done on purpose(...), her flannel polo that had all sorts of paint splatter on it or her tool belt! Like she cared anyway. Boots plus any sort of outfit that let her get dirty were always a must. Though, nonetheless, she was now running late.

    Oh well. At least it got her mind off of that horrid piece of plywood she was working on earlier. She was trying to create a new graffiti-esque piece since they always fascinated her but decided it might give a cool texture if she used really thin plywood and let the colors kind of sink into the material in a way. It kind of just went really odd and since she was too impatient to wait for the colors to dry before layering them it kind of just blotted up and looked weird and strange and ew.

    It made her a little sick in the stomach just thinking about it. She made a quick mental note to shred and burn the wood later. Not because what she made was so disgusting! Okay, no that was a lie, it was because of that but she could also turn it into something else! Maybe the wood would curl up and create all these cool sort of shapes and come out with other dark colours that would be really interesting. She'd save those pieces up for the next time she'll work on some kind of three-dimensional mixed media piece. Of course, it could also not work and everything would just turn to ashes or something but hey! What's the harm in trying?

    The enthusiastic green haired teen halted her bike to a stop when she reached the building where their classes took place. She parked it on the side, making sure to lock it among one of the stands. Pushing her tinted goggles up to the top of her head she quickly ran up to the room, clutching her tool belt from falling off of her small waist.

    Urg. She would be in trouble again if she kept coming in late. She went as fast as her boots could take her and by the time she entered the door she was panting but had a huge grin on her face. She placed a hand on the door frame and released a satisfied sigh of relief.

    "Aha! Looks like it's Hallie 1 and time zero!" she announced in her ever so animated voice, followed by a laugh. She stood up more properly and began walking into the room. Passing by the professors desk she tapped it as if they were drums and played a short beat before looking up at him and putting her hands to her hips, "You're lucky I'm quite tired out, don't think I'll be much of a problem for you today, Sir!" He replied with a smile and motioned for her to take a seat. She gave him a wink and obeyed.

    "Hey-o classmates!" she said loudly as she slid into her seat. "How are your pieces going?"
  7. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Another day. Another quiet day. Another quiet silent day for her besides the scratching sounds that came as her pencil made its way across the sketchpad she had on her table.
    Just another day.
    Sasha was usually one of the first ones to arrive to school. Normal people in the right mind wouldn't want to come to school at least an hour early. Sasha was a special case. Besides her home, the school was a perfect atmosphere for her. Well until some of the rowdy people crash in and start to annoy her and she starts to spit out colorful language in her head. Other than that, school was a great place for her.
    The scratching stopped. Sasha bit her lip as she stared at her picture. She wasn't gonna lie that her pictures weren't bad. She drew well, but they lacked. They all did. Every peer who took a look at her works always had to add the annoying comment at the end. Wasn't art about expressing your emotions? Or was it that her emotions were too jumbled and out of proportion to even comprehend?
    She winced as she heard the doors open followed by loud cheery voices. Sighed quietly, she tore out the paper and crumpled it before tossing it in the trash behind her which missed and bounced to the floor. She would always throw away things like that once a doubt came into her mind. She thrown away hundreds of hours of work. In all honesty, she never was proud of anything she made. Except one of them...hanging in her room. Other than that, nothing else made it out of the trash. All failures from simple lines to large gigantic drawings of landscapes and buildings.
    She breathed a quiet "Hello," to the people entering before started to sketch again on a blank pad paper. Socially, she was more crippled than Anne Keller. 98% of her words never leave her mind mostly because she has no need to speak them out loud when she could just give them body motions and gestures. Not that she wanted to anyways. People had nothing ever nice to say to her. It followed by the lines of, "Eww...what a weirdo," to even threats. It confused why people would want to judge and even threaten a hermit like her. Does it feel good to harass someone lower than you? She wouldn't know.
    Just another day...for Sasha Tayes.
  8. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Rowan Zachary Halstead
    DATE: January 27th, 2014 [Monday] Ø CURRENTLY: In Class Ø CONDITION: No Sleep Ø OOC: Not sleeping like a certain guy typing this post right now...

    This wasn't good, he didn't get any sleep at all. He was up all night researching various different subjects on the net. At first, he started studying about different types of fruits, which led to him studying vitamins, which led to him studying about system deficiencies and so on and so forth. As he studied, he did little sketches here and there to get a basic idea of how to go about drawing what he just learned. This continued on until, completely unaware of the time, the sun was up in the sky.

    It wasn't good to start his mornings like this, especially ones he had to go to class. He had no time to make himself breakfast, though there was enough time to pick up some Starbucks along the way. A hot sandwich and a coffee should be enough to keep him up. Hopefully.

    He barely got through the day running on coffee and that sandwich. So far so good. Now it was time for him to get to the art class he was helping with. Rowan thoroughly enjoyed helping out in that class because he got to help others with their art. Not to mention that he was able to get a glimpse of what was floating around in those little heads of theirs. It was always interesting to see whatever drawings, paintings, and sculptures they made. The class was something he always looked forward to, even if he was having a horrid day.

    His lack of sleep was starting to get to him. As he was heading to the class, he started to nod off. A couple of times, he almost fell flat on his face. That wasn't good. After a while of walking, and rubbing his eyes, he finally looked around and realized that he was going in the complete opposite direction of the art class. After taking in a couple of breaths, and slapping himself in the face, he turned around and headed for the classroom. Hopefully he wouldn't be too late. If he started to quicken his pace, he should be able to get there in time. Hopefully. Maybe.

    When he finally got to the class, he pushed open the doors. He looked inside and saw that there were still some people that weren't there. That was good, he wasn't the last one there. "Afternoon guys." he managed to say through a yawn. "Whew... Sorry about that. Didn't exactly get to sleep last night." He chuckled nervously as he walked in. Rowan walked over to his seat and plopped himself into it. There were bags underneath his eyes and his eyes were very blood-shot. Okay, I really need some sleep...

    He pulled his sketch pad out and started to doodle things randomly. Things mostly related to sleep, such as sheep and clouds and various other soft and fluffy things. Another yawn escaped him as he rubbed his eye in a feeble attempt to get rid of the heaviness in his eyes.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate//Fashion for Today: x//Brain Bubble: ...Le Sigh...//Mood: Mellow]

    The sparkles were obvious around the second person that walked in. When he saw it was no other than Dio, he swallowed hard and faltered his gaze. But he did catch a glimpse of the man flipping his hair like a pompous prince. Aiden groaned inwardly and adverted his gaze back to his paper in front of him. He wondered why in the world Dio wanted to be a teacher's aid in the first place. Dio was not at all teacher aid material. In fact, he was more like Art Nazi material. If anyone was superior to this guy, he would instantly make them an enemy. Aiden couldn't help but to feel sorry for the students that would be under his care in the future. Actually, he was one of those students now wasn't he? Sometimes Aiden was tempted to draw a picture of Dio right in class and make him look absolutely ridiculous. Maybe Aiden would give Dio an Afro, some warts, a big disfigured nose, over sized hairy feet, anything to make this man less intimidating than he already was. But he figured the Professor would be disappointed in him if he did that, and Dio would probably not only make Aiden his enemy but use his blood for his next masterpiece.

    So Aiden chose to keep on working on his project, keeping to himself. He didn't bother to wave or say hello to the others that had wandered in, most of them making grand entrances while a few others were quiet. These people... Some of them should be in a drama class, not an art class. But he figured the loudest people made the best works of art. They probably experienced the world more and had a better perspective of life than he did. Nah, that wasn't true in the slightest. Everyone had their own views and horizons they looked at, and each of them were unique in their own way. No one was really better than the next person, even though Dio made everyone feel like that wasn't the way it went.

    The boy stopped what he was doing, letting his eyes wander around the classroom to see who was here and who wasn't. He saw quite a few people were missing. Even Reilly seemed to be running late today. He let out a quiet sigh, looking outside once more. That was the teacher aid he looked up to the most. She was quiet, yet she was probably one of the loudest people here. To Aiden, she was like the Sand Man from Rise of the Guardians. To others she might seem like the weakest being, but she was actually the strongest and the one who brought life to the party. Aiden silently hoped that Reilly would come today, just so he could say hi and whatnot. He didn't feel like showing off his work to her unless she asked to see it. He hardly showed anyone what he was working on.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x)(x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: In a rush--- Just Saying:
    Reilly was completely covered in paint from head to toe, she had a bag slung over her shoulder, and a paper bag in her hands. Her class had run later then they were supposed to, but everyone who was there wanted to be there. And that was all that they needed to keep class going.

    Usually, she would have enough time to run to her dorm, take a quick shower, change into something a bit nicer, and then run off to help with the class, but she was already late and she hated the feeling, so she kept on walking with a purpose towards her destination.
    When she arrived, she looked around and saw not all of the students were there, and put on a frown. She thought she was incredibly late. Reilly quickly walked over to Professor Lutvig and put on the smile she usually did when she was apologetic and signed out, I'm sorry I'm late, Introduction to Body Painting went later than intended...
    Reilly rubbed her face, where the remains of a face paint once were, and then turned to look at the rest of the room and was happy to see the students had started out on their own. She grinned immediately, seeing so many younger faces wanting to improve on her artwork always made her happy. She didn't want to start working on something yet, she normally didn't unless none of the children needed help.
    Reilly walked towards the kids and saw Rowan's face immediately and jumped slightly, then turned more towards him and moved her hands. Are you alright? You look like you could collapse right now.
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    ~All Together~


    Angie collapsed in green grass and wild flowers, laughing as she laid there looking up at the somewhat blue sky. Sammy collapsed next to her and giggled as she kicked her little legs in delight. Then not staying still for long, Sammy sat up next to Angie with bits of flower and grass in her hair and spread her arms out. "Again Angie! Again!"
    The older girl groaned, throwing her arm over her eyes. "No Sammy, Angie is too tired to play airplane again."
    "Awww," Sammy whined, rolling herself over to stand up over the other girl. Without much warning, she moved over Angie and sat on her stomach. Angie let out an 'oof' as air escaped from her lungs and peeked under her arm to see Sammy sitting there, giving that all too cute puppy dog face. The older girl couldn't help but to chuckle, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes.
    "Really now, you have to give me the adorable look?" When Sammy continued to stare at her with those big eyes of hers, Angie couldn't help but to start caving in. "Oh fine, airplane one more-"

    A shadow suddenly loomed over the two of them. "Hello," came a soft, but eerie voice.
    Both girls screamed at the sudden presence when they saw it was a dark figure that strongly contrasted to this colorful world of Sammy's. Sammy tumbled off of Angie while Angie sat up to look up at the very, very tall dark figure. "Oh! It's you Echo! You sure scared us."
    The scary looking Echo smiled faintly and curtsied. "My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you two. It gets so lonely in my world. I thought I'd come for a visit."
    "She scares me!" Sammy whispered to Angie, but it was loud enough for the two girls to hear. The little one was shaking, peeking from behind Angie's shoulder.
    Both of the older girls laughed. "She's okay, Sammy!" Angie said with a cheerful grin, looking over her shoulder at the frightened little one.
    Echo crouched down so she wasn't standing over the two of them. Clutched in one hand was a doll in a blue dress while in her other arm she carried a picnic basket. Echo sat on the ground and placed the picnic basket next to her before she rummaged around. The young woman than pulled out a cookie, holding it out to Sammy. "Would you like a gingersnap?" she asked, trying to smile softly but it looked rather odd with her make up.
    Sammy hesitated for a moment, not trusting Echo all too much. For all she knew, the lady probably poisoned it. But with Angie's encouraging nudge, Sammy reached over and took the cookie from Echo's hand with her big claws and nibbled on it.
    "There, now we're all friends, right?" Angie asked with a smile, looking at both of the people she was with. Sammy nodded her head, coming around and sitting on Angie's lap while Echo pulled out a picnic blanket, more cookies, and of course her homemade herbal tea.
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Emile was happily refining his drawing when something caught the young lad's attention. It was the entrance of a rather effervescent young female. One who radiated an awesome spirit of adventure and was just absolutely bubbling with life. He looked away from his drawing to notice the green haired teen waltz in her usual casual yet bubbly way. It was none other than the absolutely breathtaking Hallie Faye. She was just so cool in so many ways. How he wished he could be like her, so energetic and enthusiastic about everything. She was just so cool. And so pretty too. He continued to watch her as she moved to her seat until he realized that his pencil was moving on his paper. Emile looked down to see what he had done.

    He had somehow managed to involuntarily pull out a new piece of paper and had started sketching on it. It was sketch of none other than the one he had just been staring at. He hadn't gotten very far, given the short time spent on it, but it was clear he was starting to sketch Hallie. At this realization of his stupid absent minded sketching, Emile's face flushed and he quickly crumpled the paper up before stuffing it back in his backpack, hoping no one notice. Or even if they did, they'd just think it was Emile being embarrassed by his work again.

    Trying to regain himself he noticed that Sasha had entered the room. Though Emile often times didn't notice things in front of his face, Sasha was a case of just appearing out of nowhere to Emile. Then there was Rowan walking in. He was his favorite, though that was mostly because he was so talented with his drawings. It was like he could bring his drawings to life with his pencil, that's how detailed they seemed. Finally Reilly came in. It took Emile a good week or so before he finally found out that she was mute, at which point he felt really embarrassed. Though he did try, he couldn't quite get the grasp on sign language and decided to just guess as to what she was saying. Other than that, she was a swell person.

    "Alright young ones," Professor Lutvig's voice rang out, "class has started so you may go and gather your supplies and continue working on your projects. And remember, don't be afraid to ask for help if needed, that's what the adults are here for." With that everyone went about to work on their project. Emile got his rather interesting fantasy battle picture from earlier and grabbed an assortment of colored pencils of differing reds, oranges, and yellows.

    Merrily walking over to Rowan, he decided to try and get some assistance on something that has road blocked the young artist. "Um, Mr. Rowan, sir, if you could help me on something. I, um, need some assistance on a sort of, um, effect." Emile didn't like asking for help, because he always had the feeling that he may be a bother to the person. However he had to suck it up every now and get that help. "I want to um, make a sort of fiery effect on this dragon's scales," he then pointed to the dragon in the odd fantasy warzone, "but I'm um, having trouble on picking colors and how to even make that effect."
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 1 5:30 PM
    Monday, January 27th, 2014

    Renée had just begun to gather her supplies and had an arm full when loud thud sounded and the doors to classroom swung open. There, standing at the doorway stood Dio Brandon with his eyes closed and head lowered. Renée immediately dropped everything to a clatter on the floor. Her heart fluttered and her throat closed up. She made a squeaking noise as he rose his hand up to the bangs of his hair and with a flick of his wrist, sent his bangs to the side of his head. Dio - senpai! Her heart was beating frantically and she dropped to the floor to quickly gather her supplies. When everything was back in her arms, he was approaching the professor. "Good Afternoon Professor" Dio said with a nod. Her heart soared and her knees knocked together. She hoped and prayed that he would give her recognition, but alas, he moved to his seat and said nothing.

    She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout and walked back to her table, setting everything down in front of her chair. Light footsteps padded into the room and she looked up see little Emile entering. He was just so tiny and cute! Hello Aiden, hi Renée-chan, hi Dio, hi Professor Lutvig. Emile greeted them before sitting down.

    Renée smiled brightly up at him. Hi Emmy - chan! she replied cheerily with an overly zealous wave. Renée hopped back out of her seat and skipped her merry way over to a blob draped in a white cloth. She carefully slipped her hand under the base and kept her other arm wrapped around the structure so that it would not fall down, all while sneaking glances over to Dio. Renée breathed out a dreamy sigh as she slid the base onto the table.

    Another person walked in and she glanced over to see Hallie approaching the teacher. Hey-o classmates! Hallie said loudly as she slid into her seat. How are your pieces going?

    Hi Hallie! A bubble of excitement popped out of her and Renée peaked under the cloth. I think I'm gonna be finishin' today. Can't wait! Her gaze immediately shifted back to the figurine under the cloth. Almost done. She could totes finish it today! Yup. Yup. Yup. Renée kept her head under the cloth to inspect the figurine, so she heard rather than saw Rowan - senpai enter the room. She wrenched her head free of the cloth and gazed upon the gloriousness that was Rowan. Renée propped her elbow up on the table and rested her chin on the back of her hand. She sighed and watched as he walked into the room.

    Afternoon guys. he managed to say through a yawn. Whew... Sorry about that. Didn't exactly get to sleep last night. He chuckled nervously as he walked in. Rowan - senpai walked over to his seat and plopped himself into it.

    Hi Senpai! she greeted energetically. Mmm. Rowan - senpai looked so dreamy in his seat all sleepy looking.

    Silently, Reilly came walking in after. Sempai! Reilly was the silent one, but not by choice. She watched carefully as her sempai went to speak -- sign -- to the teacher and then approached Rowan. Not fair. Renée pouted. They could converse so freely with one another. It took her so much work to walk up to one let alone two of them. They always made her so nervous and tongue - tied and just so -- Ah! Her heart was racing. They were just so magnanimous. She really needed to learn sign language so that she could impress her sempai with the ability to converse with her via hands. Oh right! She needed to start on her project. They were just so distracting and having distracting senpai and being A.D.D. made concentrating nearly -- PROJECT!

    She turned her attention back to the sheet. Professor Lutvig addressed them and said to gather supplies. Hah! Been there. Done that! She was on top of things. Suck it losers! Renée smiled triumphantly and lifted up her little tri - fold barrier to conceal her project from prying eyes. No one could see it until she was done, unless Dio - senpai wanted to see it! He would be the exception to the room. Her blue eyes shot to him and then back to the tri - fold where she buried her burning face. Renée tucked a lock of curly blond hair behind her ear and sighed.

    The sheet rested on the floor and Renée's arms were coated in a layer of clay. She had been sure to remove some of her layers of clothes to keep from getting it all coated in the clay and ruining it. Her momma would not be pleased if she ruined even more clothes because of clay. ( She has ruined a lot already. ) Clothes aren't cheap -- yadda, yadda. She had an apron wrapped around her waist and rested her fists against her hips, examining the piece from a few feet away. Her lips were pursed and one thin blond eyebrow was cocked as she stared at it in deep concentration. She heard the feint sound of Emile talking to Rowan - senpai.

    She wanted to talk to senpai too but right now her sculputure was more important. Renée would have to ask Emile later if Rowan - senpai said mentioned her at all while they spoke. She hoped so! Sculputure! Right. This was more important. She should as a second opinion, but that would mean revealing it to someone before it was ready. Did she still want to paint it? Painting wasn't exactly a strong suit, but she wanted to branch out. Experimentation was her strong suit. She liked to try new things all of the time. It didn't matter what it was. Renée would always do it at least once. Twice if you dared her.
    Renée reached into her pocket with her clay covered hands and pulled out a miniature chocolate bar. She unwrapped the packaging and pocket the gooey chewy deliciousness into her mouth before returning her attention to the sculputure. She needed to work up the courage to talk to Dio - senpai and chocolate always made things better! Yay sweets!! She swallowed the chocolate and took a deep, courage - filled breath and marched over to her Senpai. D-Dio - s-senpai, she squeaked, Will you um, come look at my sculpture? I feel like it's st - still missing something. Maybe your heavenly eyes will see what it needs... Renée bit her lower lip anxiously. Her cheeks blazed red and she balled her hands at her sides.
  14. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009

    location: colorful artworld [ le forêt's bakery shoppe ] mood: (◡‿◡✿) theme: tea?
    ooc: yay super excited!! ^ u ^

    "C'mere Kokoro! Let's go explore through here! ^ u ^" An eager girl exclaimed across the meadow, dotted with colorful, pastel flowers. Baby blues, light pinks, and soft lavenders flashed by in a blur as she sprinted into the woods, her fluffy companion not far behind. He barked as she skidded to a halt, almost falling forward. She giggled and spun around, her dress twirling playfully with the gentle breeze. She squatted down until she was almost level with her puppy, their eyes locking. She altered her expression to a "serious" one, puffing her cheeks and squinting hard. She clenched them tighter, then quickly opened them.

    "Boo~!" Kokoro titled his head in confusion, his ears flopping to one side. The girl cracked a smile, and the dog returned to his joyful appearance. She scooped him up, holding him under her arm as she pointed in a random direction and charged. The furry pal yelped in excitement. She knew they were close to discovering something new! As she breathed in, the girl caught a whiff of something... sweet and sugary? Her and Kokoro's ears perked at the sudden delicious scent, their heads turning and eyes meeting once more. Placing the poochie back on the warm ground, after a short silence, the girl shouted cheerfully.

    "First one there gets their yummy dessert first! Threeeee... twoooo... ooooooone. . . go!" Immediately, the kawaii duo of friends sprinted their hearts out in the direction of the delectable aroma. Kokoro snatched the lead at first, the girl trailing close behind. As the view of the bakery shoppe [ unbeknownst to them at the time ] came into view, she picked up the speed, pushing herself as hard as she could. Closer... closer... almost there! At the last minute, the girl pulled ahead, leaving the dog in the dust. In a few seconds he caught up however, and the two were neck and neck.

    And the winner was... Miss Fortune! * 3 * Doing a cute celebratory dance, she cheered gleefully. Bending down, she petted the dog's back, his tail shooting up with sudden enjoyment. He chirped happily, licking the girl's face lovingly. She giggled, proclaiming sweetly, "You did a super duper amazing job Kokoro! But you're no match for the best sprinter ever!!" With a perky smile, the girl kissed his forehead and skipped to the front of the vivid building. "A bakery shoppe...? Hmmmm, this must be new! I wonder what goodies they have!" She murmured to herself, calling for her four-legged friend with a whistle. Together they entered the bright store, grins smeared across both faces.
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Having said his greetings to the professor, there was nothing more for the man to do other than to merely take his seat and wait for the other slackers to make their entrance into their classroom. It was annoying that these people had to hold him back, but it was what he had signed up for and he really couldn't be one to complain. For now he merely sat with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

    One by one the fools flocked into the classroom, annoying the blond haired man with each entrance. True he wanted them in the class as early as possible so they could start...but did they have to be so annoying? They all marched in without a care in the world and definitely without any finesse or style. There was no passion and no grace and it just made him feel lower about them.

    Once everybody made their way in the class began and everybody was scurrying off to do as instructed. For now Dio merely remained in his seat, remaining just the way he was when he first took a seat. It was calm for him but immediately he heard his voice called out in a mere weak and timid was. His eyes immediately opened and immediately his eyes narrowed as he stared at the girl, if he could shoot lazers out of his eyes he would have done so instantly.

    His eyes were locked on the girl that called out to him, but immediately they softened and soon closed his eyes with a small smile. Renee was one of the people he could respect, one he could say he liked. The girl's passion for his advice and her praise had impressed him enough to decide to warrant his approval of her. Wit a sigh, Dio merely lowered his head and placed his hand in his hair. " want my help..." Dio said before raising his head and staring up at her with his red eyes and a charming grin on his face "Very well then I, Dio, shall set gaze upon your masterpiece" Dio said
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x)(x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: A little sad, but still happy!--- Just Saying:
    Reilly went around and had asked kids if they needed help throughout, but they all seemed all set. It made her a little sad. She liked being able to help kids out, but none seemed to be painting, or they were all done with painting.
    When 8pm struck, she helped clean up the supplies and washed off brushes she had used when she decided to start painting. When she was done, she waved by to those who were left in the room and headed back to her dorm.
    When she got there, she waved hello to her roommate, put her stuff down, and then went for the shower. When she was done, she put on her cute fuzzy pink pajamas and started working on some more painting at home. It was only about 10pm when she decided to just go to bed for the night. So she climbed into her bed and curled up into a little ball with a big smile on her face.
  17. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Rowan Zachary Halstead
    DATE: January 27th, 2014 [Monday] Ø CURRENTLY: At Home Ø CONDITION: Finally sleeping Ø OOC: ORA ORA ORA!

    It was getting more and more difficult as time seemed to drag on and on. Minutes started to feel like hours. Suddenly, Reilly, a fellow teaching aide, had come up and asked if he was alright using sign language. Communicating with her at first was difficult, since he had absolutely no idea how to do sign language. He has since learned how to do sign language. The tired man rubbed his eyes again in a useless attempt to rid himself of tiredness. "Ah, yeah. I just got carried away with studying last night that I sort of forgot to sleep." He chuckled nervously. "See, the thing is that I started to research fruits to get a better understanding of them for drawing purposes." At that point, he put his pencil down on his sketch pad. "But then as I studied fruits, I started to study other subjects like vitamins and such because they were related." The rambling had begun. "So before I knew it, the sun had come up. I think I was studying about medical problems when I realized what time it was." He scratched his head.

    At some point during his rambling, the professor had officially started the class. He was going to continue talking to Reilly when all of a sudden, one of the students had come up to him. "Um, Mr. Rowan, sir, if you could help me on something. I, um, need some assistance on a sort of, um, effect." Emile brought what he was working on with him.

    "What is it?" He turned to face the androgynous looking young man.

    "I want to um, make a sort of fiery effect on this dragon's scales," he then pointed to the dragon in the odd fantasy warzone, "but I'm um, having trouble on picking colors and how to even make that effect."

    "Hmm..." That was a good question. "Well... If you want to create a fiery effect with the scales, I'd recommend starting with a base color of yellow on the scales. Afterwards, partially color over the yellow scales with orange," he started to point out what he was talking about on the image. "And then outline the scales with red. At least, that's my suggestion for your problem."

    After that, he had continued to switch between nodding off and drawing in his sketch pad. Occasionally, he would help any of the students that would come up to him, trying to the best of his ability to recommend solutions to their problems. Eventually, 8 PM rolled around and the class had ended. Even though he would've loved to help with clean up, the desire to sleep had been too great for him to delay going home any longer. So after bidding a tired farewell, he left the class to get home.

    The drive home was horrible, there were a few moments he almost fell asleep at the wheel. That wouldn't have been good at all. Like, at all. At the very least he got home safely, somehow. He shoved the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door to his house. Immediately he made his way to his room, carelessly tossing his bag aside in his room before crash landing in his bed. His bed had never felt more amazing than at that moment. It was so incredibly comfortable and so incredibly soft that he just stayed there for the rest of the night. He didn't even bother changing out of his clothes, he just lay face down in his wonderfully fluffy bed and fell asleep.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 1 • 5:40 PM
    Monday, January 27th, 2014

    When Dio's glorious red eyes of wonderment locked with her crystal blue's, Renée had to force herself not to swoon at his amazing gaze. Dio - senpai was breathtaking and made her heart flutter. His usually cold gaze softened when he looked upon her. She sighed dreamily on the inside. How wonderful was it that he could smile at her like that? He didn't smile at anyone else like that. Success! He shut his eyes, taking those masterpieces away from her view. How disappointing. With a sigh, he lowered his head and lost his hand in his hair. want my help... Dio said before raising his head and staring up at her.

    Yes. she chirped.

    With his red eyes and a charming grin on his face, he replied, Very well then I, Dio, shall set gaze upon your masterpiece.

    Masterpiece. She was both giddy and terrified at the same time. What if he looked at it and suddenly decided that it was nowhere near a masterpiece. She couldn't disappoint her senpai! That was not okay at all. Nope. Nope. Nope. Renée was so scared that he wouldn't like it, but was also excited to have his input. All right then! she said cheerfully walking back over to her concealed table.

    Renée waved Dio over to stand beside her and she pulled the sheet that was draped over the tri - fold away. It made a whooshing sound and landed at her feet. She beamed up at Dio proudly and rested her hands on her hips. What do you think? She stepped back from the statue of the boy on his knees. His arm was outstretched and his hand curled as if he were calling for something. His head was bowed and shoulders slumped. He looked tired and his clothes rumpled. His eyes reflected sadness, as if whatever he was beckoning refused to come.

    Renée had taken everything her senpai told her very seriously. She decided that today would not be the last day she works on her sculpture. It needed more perfecting. It felt strange and foreign to let someone else see the work before it was done, but she did. Senpai didn't outright hate it, which was the best part! If she worked harder, then maybe someday she would be able to reveal a piece to him that even left the great Dio Brandon speechless and bowing down before her. Wouldn't that be a treat?
    She skipped her way home, well actually to the bus stop. Home was too far away to skip too and she was rather lacking in the car department. Renée rubbed her hands together in the cold January night air. The darkness of 8 PM made everything so eery yet peaceful. Even in blackness she could see her breath and she pulled her jacket closer to her body. The campus bus shelter glowed in the dim lighting from the school library behind it. It would seem scary being out in the dark at the University if not for the street lights. Adults could be terrifying -- excluding her senpais. When the bus arrived, she got on and took a seat in the back, riding it to the transit center and switching to the Southside.
    When she finally arrived home, it was nearing 9 o'clock. That didn't leave her a lot of time before she needed to get to bed. Renée ate the large plate of tater - tot hotdish sitting in the refrigerator for her. Her mom makes the best tater - tot hotdish. It was delicious and warm and yummy. After being gone all day, she had been starving and it hit the spot. She needed to shower right after to get all the clay off of her. There was little time left for homework, not that she cared about doing it anyway. Sighs. It ended up being like 11 o'clock when she finally shut off her bedroom light and curled up for sleep. Homework was nowhere near as fun as art. Hmph.

    She curled up with her pillows and buried her face into the sheets. Her bed was warm and inviting and just perfect. The only thing that would make it better was if she had a senpai to snuggle as well. Oh well. That would be a job for another day. One day she would ensnare one of her senpai into her web. Until then, she would sleep, eat, and art her way into their hearts.
  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Emile had listened intently as to what his teaching aid had to say to him. The advice seemed to be good and after Rowan had finished explaining it he nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Rowan sir." And with that went back to his table. Putting the paper down he started started giddily getting back to work with the new advice in toe. After making the scales yellow, he shaded over it with orange and outlined it with red, just like Rowan had said. With it done Emile looked down at the picture. The effect had been pulled off better than anything Emile could've imagined it to be. The smile on his face got brighter and he let out a soft "yay~."

    Class had ended eventually and Emile knew that there were still some finishing touches missing on his picture, though the hardest parts were done now. The scales were complete, the rainbow (which took a good majority of time to make,) was done, all things fighting were now detailed. Only the flowers in the garden needed to be added and the, for lack of better term, "aura of death" needed to be added to the hippo. But other than that the picture was nearing perfection. He was so happy after the amount of thought and effort that went into this picture, it could be magnificent that his heart was ready to explode. But that would have to wait till next class. "Have a good night everyone~," he said before leaving the classroom.

    Merrily skipping back to his place, Emile closed the door behind him once there. It was quite the day, though class days always were the greatest time. All that time dedicated just to furthering his art work, all the people there (especially one in particular) they just made it all the better. After eating dinner he went straight to bed, feeling exhausted from the sheer amount of effort merrily skipping from place to place takes. Seriously it's not as easy it sounds. Feeling fatigue take him over, Emile peacefully went to into the great world of sleep.
  20. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    From sunrise to sundown, Sasha kept sketching and drawing on countless pieces of paper. Every 30 minutes to even 4 hours, she would crumple another piece of paper and throw them behind her in the now overflowed trash can. They were always empty the start of the day, but she always managed to fill them up which is a reason why the janitor was not very fond of her.
    As the clock struck the end of school time, she closed her sketchbook, about 40 pages shorter than the beginning of the day. She left the school and made her way home which was about a 30 minute walk from school to home. A usual straight path with some turns before entering an apartment complex. At the 8th floor, she unlocked one of the doors and entered.
    She kicked off her shoes and looked at the dark room of her home. Her parents were working late today again. Sighing, she set her bag against the wall before walking over to the kitchen and grabbing some leftover soup to microwave. While it was heating up, she walked over to a door labeled "Mya Tayes." Smiling, she ran her hand along the door. "Hey sis...I'm home..." The beeping of the microwave made Sasha walk back to the kitchen and grabbing her bowl before eating.
    Tossing her bowl in the sink, she made her way towards her room, undressing and tossing her clothes in the basket before slipping on a simple t-shirt and sweats. She laid on her bed and sighed, staring at her paining on the wall. "Maybe tomorrow...maybe I can make something for once..." Tired, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
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