This isn't majorly important, just another pitfall of many. I had a friend, and he promised he would never hurt me, and that we would always be close. Next day he says we can't be friends and he's sorry, but he's lied about everything. Am I supposed to just go on with my life? I don't even know if its something I did, though I suspect it is......What should I do?
I would ask him about it. 'What did I do?' 'What did you lie about?' See if you can fix this switch that you two are in, and if you still wish to be friends with him, then go right ahead, baby. (:
Ask him why, if he just said "We can't be friends" then there must be a reason. Although circumstances change depending on how he said it.
hey kate mayghann speaking but you probably already know that. um just ask him about it and see if you can try and be friends again
Honey, you should talk to him about it. You should have answers and rights. If he really said those things, maybe her cared and was trying to protect you. Or maybe he said that for kicks, to make you upset. You should really talk to him about it. <:3