Kingdom Hearts II Bright gems

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Beucefilous, May 11, 2012.

  1. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Ok so i have all the synthesis materials except bright gems. Wiki says they drop from surveillance robots, aerial knockers, and magnum loaders all at 4% drop rate. I have All the lucky lucky weapons and abilities equiped and am not getting anything. Is there a difference in what drops it between KH2 and KH2FM? It also says Neoshadows drop bright crystals at the same rate, yet i get those all the time. help?
  2. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Which Kingdom Hearts are you playing (Final Mix or the normal version)? This is my experience and some search about Kingdom Hearts II:
    There are 4 enemies that drop Bright gems,
    • Bulky Vendor [100%] (Limited Capsule Reaction, 49-25% HP)
    • Aerial Knocker [4%]
    • Magnum Loader [4%]
    • Surveillance Robot [3%]

    You can find lots of Aerial Knockers in Pride Lands, they are pretty easy to find and defeat. But if you have patient and good touch with running around trying to get the Bulky Vendor, I would suggest you to find it and get its Bright Gem. Isn't that hard, at least I don't think it is.

    • The Land of Dragons: Checkpoint
    • Beast's Castle: The West Hall
    • Olympus Coliseum: Cave of the Dead: Entrance
    • Agrabah: Bazaar
    • Halloween Town: Candy Cane Lane

    Those are the places where the Bulky Vendor appears. Isn't hard to find him, the hard part is getting what you want. Remember that Limited Capsule is your target, once he's going to change to this Reaction Command (when he jumps), keep pressing Triangle button and when it arrives on the floor you will get him instantly.

    Don't forget to have everyone with Lucky lucky ability and equip Sweet Memories as Sora's Keyblade in anyways. Good luck. ^^