
Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Labrys, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    ........It's a new show on Comedy Central created by Daniel Tosh. It's about a Dysfunctional workers at the Brickleberry Nation Park, a new ranger joins to fix up the place. Ranger of the month Steve thinks that the new Ranger(Ethel) came to take his place. The characters so far is a Manlady, a bear cub, Denzel, and the ranger boss. The show so far is said to be "funny", in my opinion there are wayyy too much racial stereotypes. In the beginning of the first episode there is a scene were animals hup each other. It was said that at the end of the first episode when Malloy (The bear cub) got raped in a trailer was used to support Daniels argument in the rape joke incident. Honestly I think this show might get canceled or banned. What do you think? I can't post a video because it's a bit graphic.
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Saw bits and pieces of it. It looks like a show that's trying way too hard to be offensive and is just plain dumb. I don't feel like the show is going to pick up and will probably be one of those Comedy Central shows that only lasts a season. Of course, I said the same thing about Workaholics, can't stand that show either, but it's still around.

    The week before it premiered, my grandparents came to visit. We went to go sight seeing, one of the first places being hr Beverly Hills sign. In front of the sign were cardboard cut outs of the Tosh bear character.

    Shine on Comedy Central, shine the fuck on.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The bear rape scene was hilarious, in my opinion. It wasn't meant to be offensive about rape and the victim was clearly offended while being rape and that his rapist wouldn't be sufficiently punished while everyone else was just like "meh."
    However, that was about it for me. I love Daniel Tosh. I love his specials, his stand-ups, and Tosh.0, but this show had no...spark. There's really no depths to the characters and their intelligence is just...way too low, even for a show like this. I gave it a shot, but it wasn't worth it. I don't see it staying on the air for long either.