Quick! Eat all the chewy crap you can! You won't be able to when you get them. On a happier note, they're fine after the first few days of them sawing your mouth innards open.
Good luck. I've had them on for about 3 years now. For now enjoy the freedom of gum and chewy foods. When you first get your braces on they might irritate you, but their not too horrible. I still eat chewy stuff, you just have to chew right in between your teeth, but when they say 'none of this this this' there's usually a way to get around that.
Is it sad I actually want braces? ;_; I think my teeth would be better if I got braces. So I hope I can get them before I graduate so I can at least have straight teeth before College. ._.
If you love caramel(like I do) you should eat as much as you can now cause you won't be able to have it when you have braces. :( Use plenty of wax, so you won't get as many blisters on the inside of your mouth.
I had braces for about 2 years. They really only hurt for the first few days you have them on, and even then, they're not too bad. Make sure you have some popsicles on hand. c:
... Why? The only reason to wear braces is to get better teeth. So you're saying you miss having ugly teeth?
Do not worry sir, even though your Speed stat shall be halved, any received Effort Values shall be doubled.
Braces aren't that bad. I still had chewy lollies and stuff when I had my braces on and I was fine, I just made sure that I brushed my teeth more. xD
Well, I didn't even have them on a year but I still felt like they were part of me. They had had a big influence on me, and now they are gone, never to be seen again.