
Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by MSUK, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. MSUK Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2008
    Okay, so if this is the wrong place to post this, mods, you can move it. I have a feeling it is the right place though.

    So yeah, the problems with life I have right now, is not anything irrational or major, per se. It's the fact that my attention span has lowered to such an extent that I can't get immersed in anything without finding myself being bored of it so very...very quickly.

    When I was young, I always liked to play RPGs. I would spend hours playing final fantasy games, Vagrant Story, you name it. Hell, I even used to play sonic battle(which is an epic game) at bedtimes to the extent that I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. I also loved to write, I would write so much, anything that popped into my head, really. Also, drawing, dispite the fact that I couldn't draw to save my own life(and that fact has still not changed).

    I don't know where it all became different. I've been trying my hardest to get involved in something, a hobby, and stay with it, and get interested in it, but no matter how hard I try I always seem to get extremely bored of it within a majorly short period of time, and try to move onto something else. Said thing happens again, and I do it again. And again. It's like a viscous cycle. I still write, but nowhere near to the extent of how much I used to. Plus, it's not really spontaneous...I have to get inspired, or someone'll have to suggest it.
    I think it might be because something's...missing from my life, I dunno.

    Anyway...Yeah, what do you guys suggest that I can do, to become more interested in things again?
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Same problem here, but eventually I find something to interest me again, if only for a short while. Maybe keep trying to find stuff that interests you, or find someone to spend your time with. Hanging out with friends can be.....entertaining and interesting. Sorry for the sucky advice but this is how I deal with boredom :bounce:
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I have been looking for an answer for this myself.

    Try making things like sigs or amvs if you can, that may provide a little entertainment. If not try to play some community or multiplayer games/sports people recommend on consoles or real life. Then I run out of ideas, sorry I obviously wasn't much help.
  4. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Well if the things you used to like don't interest you anymore why don't you try the things you never used to like? And what has changed in your life since you were young? A family member moving away? Somebody dying?
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Most folk can relate to this at least one point in their life. I feel the same way usually when there is somethin' on my mind, even though i don't know what it is. It can distract me from anythin', n' i often find myself doin' absoultely nothin'. I even find myself gettin' bored with games. Like, i'll play it for a while n' just get bored of it even if i find the game's story or gameplay fun.

    It could be possible that it's the same case with you. I find a nice walk through a park, a forest or somewhere peaceful where you can think helps quite a lot n' you can identify thin's on your mind that you never knew where there. Even if there isn't anythin' wrong you could go out for a walk n' let your mind wander. You can come up with some really creative ideas without thinkin' 'bout it.

  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    not really a big problem, it's probably just a phase, i had this problem a few times before as well.
  7. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Just try a lot of things. Experiment a little. That's the only advice I can give I'm afraid, and I wouldn't be suprised if it's already been given (haven't read the other replies).
    Good luck with finding something new for ya.
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    I asked 5 people this one question one time. 2 of them were a couple. 2 of them were a lesbian couple, and one of them was a girl who some might consider to be a whore (but she aint so shush). WHen I asked, they all gave me the same response. "Get a girlfriend"

    I doubt that really helped, but hell, the point is, get someone to go out with or find something random to entertain you that you might find interest in, or else you'll just keep on stayen bored. Why do I say this? Becuz apparently thats the only advice I ever got, lol. though now I spend my time in the rp section, so it keeps me entertained ^_^
  9. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    find a sport you like, find something to collect like coins, start a club at school etc. stuff like that
  10. MSUK Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2008
    Haha. Thanks guys for actually bothering to give advice(I didn't think I'd get any. xP)

    Not particuarly. My personality did change recently though(And by recently, I mean about a year ago) due to the result of a...clash between my parents.

    Yeah. I find listening to music in somewhere ambient(like a forest, or just looking up at the sky at night) pretty helpful when trying to identify just what's going on with my mind. It's probably lovesickness, lately I've been going through phases like that(Last year I had 3 intense crushes >_>)

  11. Desi Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    Down on that huge island people call Australia
    Are you interested in reading?, maybe find a good series and just read. Or any novel,thats what I tend to do. Go out with friends or just do somthing. Cooking can be fun, if you can.