this is a bording high school.they are aloud to leave school grounds at weekends..and to go home on hoildays like christmas and easter and summer... name: age: bio: family: apperence: rules: have fun no cusing...only ones like f*** and stuff keep it pg 13 name:kaylee age:15 bio:her mother died in child brith and never sees her father,her older brother looks after her family:a father she never sees and a older brother apperence: :
I'd LOVE to join!!! PS: I'd really like two characters ^^' i understand if thats not allowed. totally fine. =D PSS: kind of creepy... your character kaylee looks a lot like one of my characters named kylee... PSSS: You spelt cursing "cusing" unless you were going for cussing. then you forgot an s. wow i can be picky. im sorry about that ^^'
name:Des age:16 bio: Dad is a rockstar mom dead family:Dad is a rockstar mom dead apperence:
YAY! *is overjoyed* it probably unhealthy to be this happy about the number of characters i can have in an RP... maybe i should get out more... vv' +++ name: Aaron James “A.J†Treveylan age: 16 bio: Once lived with his mother in Arizona. Recently moved in with his grandparents who decided it was best to send him and his sister to boarding school. His life has been rough and he won't stop searching for a reson for his existance. For support, he turns to his music. He has nothing else. family: His mother is still living in Arizona while his father currently resides in Colorado. His Grandparents took him and his sister in before deciding it was best they were sent to a boarding school where someone could properly look after them. After 14 years of being apart, he has recently reunited with his sister, whom he doesn’t know very well. apperence: +++ name: Jaymie Samantha “Sam†Treveylan age: 16 bio: Recently moved from her home with her father in Colorado to her grandparents countryside home. She is forced to go to boarding school along side her brother, whom she knows nothing about. Living a tough life, she uses music as therapy. As a very emotional girl with a rough past, she is desperately searching for anyone who can make her feel loved. family: Father in Colorado, Mother in Arizona, Grandparents living in their country side home, and a brother she knew nothing about until less than a three weeks ago. apperence: +++ PS: Where is everyone getting these pictures for their characters? Do people actually draw them or do they use other people off of dA or something? I've always wondered...
OOC: o,0 dont you want to start? its your thread after all... but if you don't, i guess that's cool too. tee hee. ^^
name: anna age: 16 bio: only has her brother family: dad killed there mom then hisself apperence: name: Erin age: 15 bio: same as anna family: same as anna appearonce:
Aaron squirmed his way through the giant mob of students trying to view the sheet posted on the bulletin board. He didn’t know what was on it, but he knew he wanted to find out. It took time, patience, and a lot of strength but he finally made his way to the front. There it was. The sheet. The bulletin board was covered in students’ names and room numbers and such. He was still being pushed and shoved. He had to look quickly. Aaron J. Trevelyan………………………………………………… Room 321 That’s convenient, he thought, not very hard to remember. He scrambled his way out of the crowd. He looked up at several enormous buildings that, together, made up the school. “Are you serious?†He asked to no one in particular. “I know,†replied a random passerby. Now, he thought, to find room 321… OOC: I'll make the text of my characters two different colors so it's easy for you guys to think of which one im talking about. But maybe for now my post will only involve one character at a time...
OOC: Uhm, if you read page one it kinda looks like you're in ^^ ... but you might want to PM SORA! to find out for sure o.0... this thread seems kinda... slow... >.<