Bomb Threat

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sonic the Hedgehog, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    About 2 days ago.My school had a threatening voice mail.A caller.It spead around the school from an announcement.And a letter notice sent home.Today.On Friday The 13th.Another threat was made.A bomb threat.I was going to school this morning.I was walking.And I saw ropes,blockades and all that ****.I saw a man out in front saying.School s closed.It's on lockdown.When I got back home after I told my mom why school was closed.We got a call from the school that goes otu to all parents.It said there was a bomb threat and that school was closed.

    I was like.What the hell?So later we get another call about being reloacted to another school.I chose not to go like some of my friends.

    So,what do you gusy think?
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I've had my school threatened like that before. But like...It didn't matter.
    I mean, nothing was going to happen.
    I think it's stupid. Like...What do they want?
    Why bomb a random school like that? (Really asking).

    Bah. I never get scared when it happens.
    I just roll my eyes and go home...:/
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I am and not worried.I mean.It could be a kid who gets pissed off at his teacher.Most likely needs anger management.I don't know.This happened before last year at the same school while I was there.It was crazy.Someone wrote a threat in the bathroom.They never found out who it was.I think it's to cause trouble.Or get out of school.Who knows.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    They need to stop doing things like that.
    One of these days, it might actually be serious. @-@
    I hate it when this happens and your school is on the news for it.
    Why the hell are you on the news when it doesn't matter?! ; ;

    Gah. It frustrates me. >>
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    It just pisses me off.I hope it turns out okay.But I don't think it will get on the news unless something else happens.
  6. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    My school got threated last year but things like that happen all the time at my towns high school.
  7. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i wouldnt really worry about it. if it sounds pretty serious then go. but other than that stay. im sure nothings gonna happen
  8. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    People have done things like that at my school too, and each time it was a false alarm. The reason is most likely because students want to get out early.

    And about what Pop Tart said, that one time it might be serious, there isn't much of a need to worry. It wouldn't be a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" scenario. If a school receives a bomb threat, they can't just assume that it's fake, they are obligated to evacuate everyone, until it is proved to be fake.
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Yes but.The school staff just told us to stay home.Like the principal or whoever.I even saw teachers walking away from the school.So they must not have known about it.Well..we got another call saying that school will resume on Monday like normal.I don't know what they are gonna do about it all though.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sometimes it is good to be safe then sorry, so I think that's why they sent you guys home.

    As for the bomb threats, like you said, kids get mad. Sometimes at teachers or at parents, or simply they're stressed because of school so they make a threat so they don't have to go to school since they're forced to... *shrugs shoulders*

    I think police have a way to track phone calls though, so they might be able to pick those students out or the ones causing the threats. If they even do anything about it. B\

    But yeah, it's really stupid that this happens a lot these days...
  11. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    you got out of school? my school got threatened with a shooting and we still had to attend school.

    I swear, If armagedon happened on a test day we'd have to go to school while the world is being set on fire.
  12. Cutsman Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 15, 2008
    Dangit! Sai put me in a box!
    Wow that's a pretty insane day. yeah nothing like that has happened. the biggest bomb scare we had was a computer bomb. like to shut down the system.
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    A computer bomb.Like a virus or something?
  14. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    why would they not let you into school if it was a bomb threat? I thought that they couldnt put the school into lockdown unless there was dangerous activity near the school, not a bomb threat....
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Well I dunno.I think they were searchin the school.There were cops everywhere on school grounds.
  16. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Kinda reminds me of when I was in high school . It seemed that we had one of those threats a month. There was one time we had a threat on a day we had an early release, and we were in lockdown for two hours before they decided to let us all go home. It was because someone found deer slugs (bullets) near the office windows.

    And in college, we've had two threats: one threatened to blow up the school, nother was because someone drew a pen!s on the gym floor. Good times.
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    You must have a bad school.Just hope there aren't any shootings.
  18. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    No kidding. *knocks on wood* College is in a bad area, so I count my blessings each day and panic whenever I hear sirens around.
  19. fadedphantom King's Apprentice

    Aug 15, 2007
    That reminds me of the one and only bomb threat my high school ever had, which happened last year (my senior year).

    First of all, my high school was an all girls Catholic school, grades 7-12, with a total of about 600 students.

    There had been threats (not bomb threats though) written on the bathroom stalls a few times over the weeks leading up to this, and then one day I show up to school and head to first period for a math test (eww) and my teacher, who happens to be head of discipline, is like "no test, everyone go to the library" and so we were all happy of course, but we knew something was up. Then, like 20 minutes later, the principal comes on the intercom and she's like "Um... we're... we're having an... earthquake drill... everyone go out to the tennis courts." So we did, and of course we knew she was lying (we don't go to the tennis courts for an earthquake drill), and I guessed that it was a bomb threat.

    Then like 45 minutes later, they told us that it really was a bomb threat, and all the seventh graders freaked out and were like trying to find their friends to make sure they hadn't blown up (even though nothing had actually happened) and then we eventually got to go home (but I went out to a see a movie with my friends). The school called in the FBI and we were on the news (as we were being released) and my principal, who has like a degree in handwriting analysis, had us all write down anything we knew the next day in class, and by fourth period that day the girl who had done it (a freshman) was arrested and taken away by the police. It was intense.

    Oh, and the bomb threat had been written in the form of a poem on one of the lockers. I went to see it (they painted over it but it was still visible), and it was actually pretty creepy. But also kind of funny at the same time.

    Anyways, that's my bomb threat story. I find it kind of hilarious, because they called in the freaking FBI and everything, so I just thought I'd share.

    But my point is, don't worry too much about it. Schools take this kind of thing very seriously, and they wouldn't allow you to return until they were sure it was safe.
  20. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    As I'm sure others have said, it was most likely a crank caller or a pissed-off student. They get TONS of those around the country. However, they can never take them too lightly, in the wake of Columbine and other shootings, 9/11, etc.

    One time, I remember, my brother's (former) best friend was at a private high school after leaving a Christian middle school, and threatened to blow it up. He was completely sh*tting around, he has no knowledge of explosives nor does he have any way to buy them. However, the school expelled him, and he did some jail-time. He is now, last I heard (a few years ago) in public high school (the same one I went to, in fact - bumped into him a few times on visits back), although he has yet to actually threaten the school. He'll probably end up in prison before long.

    Wow... I'd better wrap this up before I start to ramble.