Well, this will be a little different then the Boarding School idea. There will be only 5 people joining this Role Play. You, have been kidnapped by someone, you do not know who, nor do you understand why. You have been brought to what seems to be the old remains of a Boarding House, and are told that you will be given supplies periodically. Supplies include food, clothing, building material, furniture, etc. You are not told how long you will stay here, or if you'll even be leaving. You make the best of your surroundings, and these 4 other strangers who have been locked up with you. Rules 1. No godmoding. Godmodding, if anyone doesn't know, is when your character has god like characteristics. Take for instance a hammer was just smashed into your chin. Your character isn't going to get up and walk around, he's going to be in pain. 2. No powerplaying. Powerplaying, for those who don't know, is when you take other people's characters and make them do anything. This can be from appearig before you, to jumping out of a window, to breathing. Unless given permission, you can't make other character's do anything else. 3. I would like for the participants to post at least 1 paragraph per post. Just put some detail into your posts, as in your surroudings, how the character feels, etc. and you'll be fine. 5. If you want, Romance is allowed between all ages. But, keep it non-sexual. Hugging and small kissing is allowed. 4. Please put the four supplies I had listed within the explanation of the Role Play. Template Name: Age: (I would like them to be between 14-17) Gender: Appearance: Picture or explanation is fine. Personality: (We want a feel for your character, so be descriptive) My Template: Name: David Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/58133296/ Personality: Crafty but impulsive, David will act on the first idea that beckons him. These ideas are not stupid, however, and are usually excellent ideas, but very underdeveloped. Instead of taking his time and thinking out his ideas fully, he would much rather get the job done as soon *** possible, so he may do what he wants later on. Overall, most of his actions are composed of top of the head decisions, and he may come off as extremely stupid at times. He is not a good communicator when it comes to decisions, unless his decision includes speaking with someone. His personality is one of great pleasure, as he tries to enjoy both the finer and not so fine things of life. As long as something entertains David, he’ll run with it, enjoying it every second of the way. Not so determined, he may back out of a situation if he feels that he cannot accomplish a goal, such as when his ideas fail very quickly.
Name: Harmony Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Harmony is very kind and innocent, almost to the point of being naive. She cannot turn down anyone who asks for help, and always feels obligated to helps people, even when they don't want her assistance. She's slightly meek and has a hard time expressing her feelings, and will often blurt out the wrong thing. She's level-headed and reasonable, and always tries to think things through. She tends to worry easily, and causes herself a lot of stress, particularly if she's trying to contemplate something. She's usually calm and patient, but when angered, she has the tendency to become irrational and, at times, violent. Otherwise, she's amiable and hates fighting. She dislikes changes, and is unflexible to some extent. She can be stubborn on her beliefs, but this also means she's determined and loyal. She would never turn her back on a friend, and would stand up for them no matter what.
Yukai thinks this will be interesting. But she'll have to start when she comes back on Thursday from camp if it's OK... --- Name: Yukai Makino - 牧野 愉快 (Makino Yukai) Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: About 4'11" with black hair that goes down almost to her lower back and tied in pigtails and large red eyes. She wears an orange top with a white jacket and a white skirt with a loose brown belt that has a small pouch on the right side to hold things. It's mainly for show. She also has a reddish-brown messenger bag which would typically contain some supplies for sketching. Personality: Yukai, although she is a teenager, acts like a little kid. When ever she talks her voice becomes extremely high-pitched to the point where she's extremely annoying. Yukai also won't do things unless she's told or if she likes the idea, most of the time she does things of her own free will. She has hard times trying to tell people what she's really thinking because she's afraid she would get scolded and tries her best to avoid becoming discouraged. Because of this, she is unable to communicate her problems to the people around her and eventually isolated herself at home. Yukai wants to meet people she can trust just to talk to them. Yukai is mistaken to have a mental disease because of her behavior and her speech pattern but isn't exactly what everyone expects. Most people don't understand why her personality was warped to the point where she was a little kid. When calm, Yukai will have times when she's normal and will talk normally. Typically, that would be the best time to have a rational conversation with her. Yukai doesn't like it when people are negative or sad and would try to make any negative situation into a positive one. On another note, Yukai likes fresh air (has a habit of opening windows), and her favorite animals are monkeys (because they always seem so cheerful). Her favorite fruit are bananas and her favorite food is cake. She hates foods that are bitter or spicy to the extreme such as wasabi or pure cocoa powder. Yukai likes to cook once in awhile but her favorite hobby is to draw and will often go through great lengths to draw something as simple as a circle. She also likes to make things like paper birds, paper airplanes because she used to help her father build computers and laptops. Yukai's favorite board games are Pictionary and Scrabble and her favorite colors are yellow and orange. Teh supplies include food, clothing, building material, furniture, etc.
My sincerest apologies for not starting this and putting more into it. Both of you are accepted. Join!
May I join? Name: Rand Thordon Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Rand is average height. He is thin and he is a bit scrawny. His hair straight black and comes to just below his ears. It looks like it has not been combed in a long time (Rand’s hair does look clean, though, just messy). His eyes are deep green with blue specks. He wears clear contacts. He has a small mouth and thin lips. His skin is very pale, almost white. He wears a black t-shirt and pants with pockets. This makes his skin look even whiter than it is. He does not have any socks or shoes. Personality: Rand is very strong-willed. When he has a plan to do something, nothing will get in his way. Though he is intelligent, sometimes he lets his emotions get in the way and cloud his thinking. Rand will only talk when he needs to, which may seem a lot. He has many questions and gets annoyed if they are unanswered. He is a very emotional person, and tends to show a person exactly how he feels. This has got him in trouble many times. Rand can sometimes come on a little strong and even inconsiderate to other people’s feelings, but he really is a kind person and just doesn’t know how to react well with other people. Rand HATES to be touched, even if it is just a tap on the shoulder. Overall, Rand means well, but may not always show it. The four things would be food (this includes water, right?), extra clothing, furniture, building supplies, etc. Would one of these categories include sanitary supplies?
Name: Luke Carrson Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Black hair that covers his eyes. A white T-shirt with a black dress shirt over it. Baggy jeans and some skate shoes. Personality: Luke's extremely quiet, shy, and softspoken. he's had a tough life and comes from a very broken home. He has no friends and keeps his feelings on the inside. He doesn't worry much so he's pretty laid back. He hates meeting new people and is extremely lonely. All he really wants inside is to have a friend. Supplies include food, clothing, building material, furniture, etc.
Name: Jude Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall, shoulder length brown hair, Personality: Reliabe, free spirited, fun loving, loses temper time to time.. supplies are: food, clothing, building material, furniture.
Is this roleplay going to start? I am asking because this seems like an interesting story, but nobody has started it. Is this thread dead before it even starts? Or am I just being too impatient? I can wait, though, it would be nice to start soon.
OOC: if you insist..... it'll be terrible though, BIC: Jude woke up, his head in agony. he looked around. all he saw were unfamiliar walls. there seemed to be other people still unconscious on the ground around him. he didnt remember anything at all.
I meant, was if we are allowed to start. The thread owner, Happyman, has not been on in a while, so I was wondering if he is still keeping this thread open. As you have seen, he hasn't even accepted some of roleplayers to this thread, including myself, to this roleplay. I cannot just start without his permission, unless he gave you permission to start this rolplay. .....Your start was good, though.
OOC: meh, i know. though on a lot of rps, people just say, 'start when you want.' this seems to be stricter though.