Okay, I noticed nobody had apparently posted codes for this game, so here are some codes for ARDS, note I can only find the (U) -North American- Edition... since DS is Regionless if you have a PAL ds and a PAL edition if there is one and a (J) edition, then test these they should be regionless (U) Edition Mastercode: YYBE 30A5064B Health Codes Spoiler :HP Never Decrease, Read Comments via r4cce ::Always On But Cannot Open Chest and Shadow Attack will Replenish Enemy Health :::Cannot Open Chest and Shadow Attack will Replenish Enemy Health 92169FB0 0000E002 12169FB2 00002B00 12169FB4 0000D100 D0000000 00000000 Item Codes Money Codes Spoiler ::Max Money 94000130 FFFB0000 02145310 0001869F D0000000 00000000 Exp Codes Spoiler ::Max Exp After Battle 1201A4F0 000046C0 0201A4F4 0000270F Other Spoiler ::Max Rank After Battle 1201A500 00004801 0201A504 0000270F ::Always On But Cannot Open Chest and Shadow Attack will Replenish Enemy Health :::Cannot Open Chest and Shadow Attack will Replenish Enemy Health 92169FB0 0000E002 12169FB2 00002B00 12169FB4 0000D100 D0000000 00000000 ::R+Up ON, R+Down OFF to Open Chest, Switches, Shadow Attack :::Code need to reactivate after every scene change, and off it for open chest, switches and shadow attack 94000130 FEBF0000 92169FB0 0000E002 12169FB2 00002B00 12169FB4 0000D100 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FE7F0000 92169FB0 0000E002 12169FB2 00004291 12169FB4 0000DC00 D2000000 00000000 Believed to be joker? Spoiler 94000130 FEBF0000 Note: For the joker you MUST mess with it, I do NOT know the digits, unless the KH (J) joker works... which as I look... it seems to be different THIS IS MY FIRST CODE FORUM TO DISPLAY CODES, MORE WILL FOLLOW!