Title: Blood Skies. Author: A.L. Star. Release date: 3rd March. Genre: Fantasy. Blurb: In the magical world of Eden, Heidi Cole lives a quiet life in the middle of Ivy Forest with her grandmother until the shape-shifting Prince Ibis Serpell of Solaris crash-lands near her home. Heidi and Ibis set out to help Ibis escape the captain of a band of sky pirates known as Blood Skies, the malevolent and power-hungry Captain Shani who needs the prince to restore the sunken island Estrella she wishes to rule, in hopes of gaining more power. The longer Heidi travels with Ibis, the more she finds that he isn't the only one Shani needs. The captain also needs her. What connection does Heidi have with Shani? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Edited* I released it early, link in my signature if you want to buy it.