Blood of Bahamut

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Inspired by the film, Firebreather, which is based on the comic by the same name. Thanks to Aura and Jayn for helping me with names and other details. Not related at all to the actual game Blood of Bahamut.

    "What are you going to do about it, firebreather?"

    That was the last straw. Before the boy could react, he was hit with a blast of scolding, red flame. His attacker stood in front of him, staring with intense anger in his eyes as they glowed red. Screams were heard as he stared at his victim, the one that called him firebreather. However, he did just that: he breathed fire and the evidence was clear, smoke was pouring from his mouth. His sharp claws were trembling with fury as his eyes stopped glowing and the smoke dissipated.
    "I told you not to call me that!" He yelled as the school's officer's came rushing to apprehend him.

    It's been two years since Wyatt Kaiju had blasted the human through the wall and was forced to transfer schools. Belloc High is no different from his previous one, though. He's still persecuted for being a dragon, well, an Ifrit, anyway.

    In the days of old, the world was ruled by fire-breathing dragons. They were feared by all, people and beast. However, even the mighty dragons became tired of ravaging villages and stealing treasure. Certain clans of dragon settled in different locations around the world, all except one group. Over the following centuries, dragons evolved into other types, losing their fire affinity and gaining affinities for other elements. Over the following millenniums, they continued to evolve, taking on a human form. Dragons now live alongside humans and are no longer feared. In fact, one type of dragon is looked down upon: Ifrits, the fire-breathers. Of course, calling an Ifrit a "firebreather" will get you nothing but a face full of flame.

    Ifrits are the original dragons, the original rulers of the sky, the original monstrous horrors. But they're the only ones who didn't evolve. They're the descendants of that one clan of dragons who refused to settle in the times of old. Every other dragon clan lost their affinity of fire and gained an affinity for a different element. Ifrits could breathe fire and shoot it from their hands, but that was it. The other dragons could not only generate their elements, but they could control it. This made Ifrits seem...obsolete. Humans had evolved, too, and earned abilities of their own. All they had were claws and fangs, and yet, even they looked down on Ifrits because at least they had evolved further.

    What could be worse than being a dragon in human form? Being a dragon in teenager form.
    You are a student in Belloc High School. You are either a dragon or a human. Both species coexist peacefully and it's just a normal high school. Unless you're a dragon of fire, then you are ridiculed, looked down upon, belittled for who you are, for who your ancestors were, for refusing to "get with the times," for being "primitive," for being nothing but a worthless "firebreather." High school can't get any better than this, huh?

    Derived from Draconus, the scientific name for dragons. In the olden days, when the world was young, there was only one type of dragons: the stereotypical fire-breathing, treasure-loving, village-ravaging monsters of the sky. Over time, the dragons split up into six families. Five of these families made their homes in a certain region of the world, corresponding to a specific element. Over centuries, they lost their fire-breathing abilities and gained a different elemental ability, depending on where they lived, and a new name and culture. The original dragons, however, didn't evolve in this way and kept their home in volcanic mountains, as well as their fire affinity. Over millenniums, as the world evolved further, so did the dragons. They lost their monstrous size and form, becoming humanoid and resembling demons or gargoyles. They learned to suppress their dragonic features and take a complete human disguise, save for select features. Because the original firebreathers refused to give up their flame-centric culture and failed to evolve new abilities, they became "obsolete."

    Humans continued to evolve as well, becoming more draconic without gaining elemental powers. They replaced their "Sapien" with "Draconus." Just like actual dragons, they learned to suppress their dragonic features to resemble normal humans. Despite not having any elemental powers of their own, even they look upon fire-breathing dragons since they managed to evolve further. Once the prey of dragons, they are all now on the same social level.

    All species of Draconus, both human and dragon, have their true, monstrous form. This form varies from element to element and individual to individual, but share some common traits. "Draconian Forms" resemble demons or gargoyles. Their powers are stronger in their Draconian Forms. Most of them have wings (except for Leviathans), tails, sharper claws, fangs, and talons. Some have horns, forked tongues, black schlera in their eyes, or a different skin tone. While in their human form, they can access certain Draconian attributes, such as their claws or tails. While it takes more energy, they can even bring out their wings for flight. Even in human form, Draconians can still use their elemental abilities. Their eyes glow their respective color when they do.

    {Draconus Volcanus}
    Firebreathers are the oldest kind of dragons. Ifrits are the dragons of fire. They are the ones that the others evolved from, but the current ones are descendants of the ones who refused to evolve. They can breathe fire or shoot it from their hands. They're also known to form fireballs in their hands and throw it. Once the fire leaves their body, they can't control it. They can't do anything with preexisting fire. It is for this reason that they're seen as obsolete. Because of that, the term "firebreather" has evolved into a racial slur instead of a category and Ifrits prefer to be called just that, Ifrits. Ifrits are easily recognizable in human form by their bright red eyes and fangs; unlike other dragons who are able to shrink their fangs into teeth when in human forms, Ifrits cannot. In human form, it is common for them to wear loose or open clothing, as if they're always hot.


    {Draconus Glacius}
    The iceclimbers' descendants. When dragons started to settle, these dragons flew to the snowy north, inhabiting the artic. Now, their descendants have the ability to severely reduce the temperature around them. They have "freeze breath," and can use an ice-beam attack from their palms to create ice. They can control any ice, whether they made it or not, to take any form they want, even melting it to water. Once it's water, they can't control it unless they freeze it again. Shivas are easily noticed by their white hair and glassy clear eyes; they also have thin ice in the place of fingernails and toenails. It is popular for them to dress in cold clothes, such as hoodies and even wearing ski goggles.

    {Draconus Ramus}
    Children of stormriders, dragons who traveled with storm clouds. They can generate electricity from anywhere on their body. They can use the electricity to enhance their own physical abilities (by charging up their nervous systems to increase speed for instance), to shock someone with their touch, send small lightning bolts over distances, or to overheat technology. Their eyes are bright yellow and they all have purple hair. They are known for their strange fashion sense.


    {Draconus Aquarius}
    Waterdwellers, as they were known in the past. When dragons settled near the ocean, they eventually lost their affinity for fire in place of water. They're able to secrete any amount of water from their bodies and control it. Their most special ability is the ability to change the state of the water; they can turn it to vapor or ice, but lose the ability to control it once it isn't water. They use this to make objects, forming the shape with water and then freezing it. Leviathans have lost their wings in their true forms (but are able to glide for short periods), but are the only species that can breathe underwater. Leviathans have bright blue eyes and thin, blue, vertical streaks stretching from their eyes to their neck. They are known for their skimpy outfits, usually swimwear.

    {Draconus Icarus}
    Known as windgliders among the population, Garudas were once known as dragons who never settled in one place, but traveled with the weather, usually in places with strong winds. They were nomads. Garudas have "super breath" because of their super-powered lungs. They can use this breath to make small tornados that they can control. Instead of remaining, these tornados simply turn into wind once they release their control on it. Garudas can also make strong winds by motioning with their body (think Last Airbender). They can be spotted by their bright green eyes and tiny wings on their wrists and ankles. They have basic clothing, representing simplicity, but each person has their own personal style, representing the freedom of the air. In their Draconian Form, instead of having wings on their backs, the wings on their ankles grow to a large size.


    {Draconus Gaius}
    Descendants of earthshakers, dragons who settled in the mountains. They are usually bigger than others. They control the element of earth. Just like Leviathans, they secrete their element in the form of dirt but can instantly harden it. Their favorite ability is covering their bodies in flexible rock to harden it. They have light brown eyes with what appears to be cracks going through the iris. Their skin also has a cracked-like texture. They tend to wear skin-tight clothing.


    {Homo Draconus}
    Humans. Once the dragon's prey, they are now on an equal social level with the beasts. Having evolved alongside the dragons, they became more dragonic as opposed to the dragons becoming more humanoid. They have no elemental powers and their strengths are purely physical. Their hands become claws, their teeth fangs, and their spines stretch into a tail. The more evolved ones can even grow wings from their shoulder blades. How can you tell who's a human? Easy. There's nothing special about them.

    Belloc High School

    The school where the story takes place. It is a normal high school, just like the one you went to, except that it is a castle. It is on the coast so there is a large sea behind it. While most other high schools are normal modern buildings built for the purpose of education, Belloc is the oldest, having been a large castle during the Middle Ages. It had been rebuilt several times, keeping the original appearance. There is a large forest south of it and the sea is to the north. A single road travels from the school's parking lot eastward towards the main city, which is several miles away. While most students fly to school, they do have their own parking lot (as most students have books and supplies they need to carry to school); the staff have their own. The school employs all types of Draconians, but only a few of the staff are teachers. Belloc, and every other high school in the Draconian world, has the same rules as your typical high school, with one exception: Students aren't allowed to use their powers and must remain in complete human form while on campus. The only exception are sports, but powers are restricted to elemental abilities and can't be used directly on someone else (Quetzals are known to increase their speed with their electric powers)


    1. Basic rules are always: no godmodding, powerplaying, killing off people's characters, excessive swearing (but I welcome a decent amount), be active, sexy romance, etc.
    2. Don't break my rules.
    3. Do not use the word "Bahamut" for anything, even your character's name.
    4. You can be any type, but no crossbreeds.
    5. For OC forms, pictures or descriptions are fine. I would prefer a combo.
    6. This is going to start in Belloc High School, but will expand later on.
    7. You are a student. I'll even welcome teachers if you make an older profile, but don't be the principal (who wants to be that anyway? lol)
    8. If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK.
    9. No weapons or magic, besides elements (at least not yet, *hinthint*).
    10. Draconians relate to everyone, Dragons relate to one of the six elementals, humansis another word for the non-elemental Diabolos, so don't be confused.
    11. No other monsters (at least in the school).
    12. As said before, no Draconian has a monstrous four-legged form. The closest thing is their true form, which resembles demons.
    13. I might break my own rules (most likely godmodding) for plot purposes. In some cases, I'll ask you to do so, too.

    Character Form:

    Username: {Your username on the forum}
    Name: {Your character's name}
    Age: {How old your character is}
    Gender: {what's between the legs of your character?}
    Species: {Which of the 7 Draconian types you are}
    Appearance: {What your character looks like in human form. Post an image (spoiler tags or link) or type out a description. I would prefer a combo of both}
    Draconian Form: {Your character's true, Draconian form. Same rules as "appearance"}
    Personality: {What's he/she like?}
    Biography: {Doesn't have to be too long}
    Other: {Anything else you want to share?}

    Accepted Draconians
    Username: LilBueno
    Name: Wyatt Kaiju
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Species: Ifrit
    Appearance: {He has small fangs showing, instead of teeth}
    Draconian Form: {His horns are a lot smaller, only several inches, but he has even smaller horns surrounding his forehead. He has a tail almost as long as his body with the tip having hair the same color as the hair on his head. His wings are the color of his skin with the rim dark red and orange}
    Personality: Angry. Wyatt used to be proud of being a firebreather, but the word now fills him with hate. He's always looking for fights.
    Biography: Wyatt lives with his father who raised him to be proud as a "firebreather" and only lived in a town of other Ifrits. Once he reached school, however, the term "firebreather" was used against him. He hates the word and hates being ridiculed for something he should be proud of. He's been kicked out of two schools for fighting with his Draconian powers, both times for being bullied about being an Ifrit. Any other Draconian may not have been expelled, but Wyatt was different; he was an Ifrit. He is now a senior at Belloc.
    Other: His necklace is very important to him, as it's all that he has left from his deceased mother. His horns protrude and his hair grows when he gets emotional. Unlike other Draconians, he has hoofs instead of talons.

    Username: LilBueno
    Name: Zelos Arcadia
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Species: Quetzal
    Appearance: {His eyes are much more purple and so is his hair. He has no sword}
    Draconian Form: {The runes on his human shoulders now encompass his entire torso. His eyes and hair are still blue. He has large talons and a tail, both the same color as his wings.
    Personality: Adventurous and uncaring for trivialities. He doesn't really care for "social norms," but is not above the occasional prejudiced thought against Ifrits and won't hesitate to use the term "firebreather," simply because of how he was raised.
    Biography: Zelos was born to an aristocratic family. His family was among the most prejudiced and raised him such. Zelos preferred to go on adventures and even made friends with Ifrits, something his parents despised. Zelos' nature of using the word "firebreather" without thinking usually cost him his Ifrit friends. Tired of his parents ways, Zelos waited until he was 18, seizing his trust fund and moved out. He hasn't talked to his parents since. He's also a senior at Belloc.
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Username: {кenny, Jayn}
    Name: {Julianna Eve.}
    Age: {Seventeen.}
    Gender: {Female.}
    Species: {Garudas}
    [​IMG] [Green eyes]
    Draconian Form: She looks pretty much the same in terms of her humanoid shape, but she of course has the addition of the wings at her ankles. ...And she grows fangs, claws and tail. B|
    Personality: {She can be a little stupid sometimes, but overall she's pretty caring and dedicated. She can be on the mellow side at one point and then be completely energetic for no real reason.}
    Biography: {Julianna has always been independent, from the time she was young and up to now. It wasn't because she had a bad family or foundation or anything, more just because she liked to be alone. When it comes to the Dragon part of her, she takes quiet pride in what and who she is, and doesn't see much of a need to tease others or be too judgmental about it.}
    Other: {<3}
  3. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Username: Twilight Knight
    Name: Aoi Tsumi
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Species: Quetzal
    Has dyed his hair white but his eyes remain bright yellow. He wears the same hoodie and wears black jeans and black Converse.
    Draconian Form: Personality: Calm and ambiguous, he comes off as an enigma to most, considering nothing is known about him. When angered, he can become as violent as the worst storm. He also hates to socialize.
    Biography: For as long as Aoi can remember he's been alone. Shipped from house to house to be in the care of different families. He's never held a family for more than a few months. He has no real feeling for groups because of that. He's a loner who doesn't like to talk about the incident that landed him in an orphanage. The incident, unknown to everyone, was when at the age of 4, he brutally killed his parents. His dragon counterpart is the embodiment of all his emotions. All feelings taken to the extreme and put into a single form. He doesn't like to use it much.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Kisa Parenthapaeus
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Appearance:,%20light%20blue%20eyes%20and%20hoodies/SASUKE109/Decorated%2520images/girl-2.jpg.html?src=wwwbut with yellow eyes.
    Species: Quetzal
    True form:
    Personality: Kisa is a quiet girl. When provoked she can be very vocal and rude. Listening to her music calms her.
    Bio: Kisa's father died when she was a little girl and shortly after she entered highschool her mother became comatose. Leaving Kisa to become the heir to a royalty she didn't
    know existed and a large sum of money. The one thing Kisa cherishes is her time with her comatose mother. When she's not hiding in the janitors closet at school she's hanging
    around Zelos. Though she dislikes her own kind, she greatly appreciates him.
    Other: Kisa carries around a pocket watch that was her fathers, it has a sun and three lightning bolts going through it that symbolize her family's rank in royalty.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Username: Tsubaki
    Name: Tora Cross
    Age: Sixteen
    Gender: Female
    Species: Shiva
    The dreads on the top of the hair in this pic is not there. Hair is dark blue for the bangs, dark purple on the back, and light blue streaks. All dyed as she is tired of the whole 'natural shiva pride thing.' Dye is fading and she is unable to get anymore. Never goes anywhere without her googles.
    Draconian Form: ...Think Shiva. Yep. I'm cheap like that. Erm, FF X.
    Personality: Monotone, and doesn't like to get involved with things. Uncaring about the differences in species but thanks to her family she cannot talk to anyone other than her own kind.
    Biography: She was cut off from the outside world and home schooled even. Only a few years ago was she allowed to start high school with everyone else. Due to no pervious social skills beforehand and her overprotective brother she has yet to make any close friends. Is in a group of people of Shivas that really don't know her.

    Username: Tsubaki
    Name: David Cross
    Age: Seventeen
    Gender: Male
    Species: Shiva
    This picture is kind of a mixture of his two forms.
    Draconian Form: His hands and majority of his arms turn to ice which he can change into blades.
    Personality: Proud, and loyal to his family. He doesn't like to mix with the other species and will get mad whenever any of them talks to either him or his sister.
    Biography: Their family is rather rich and high in social ranks. He was told to protect his sister since he could walk and whenever he failed to do so his parents would punish him severly, so he takes it really seriously. Other to his sister, he doesn't care for anyone and is rather rude, thus creating several issues with anyone he has met.
  6. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Alex Gales
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Species: Garudas
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    I know you can't see below his chest, but he would be wearing jeans.
    (Also, forget the headphones, add green wings to the wrists, and imagine green instead of blue eyes!)
    Draconian Form: When Alex is in his Dragon form, his body becomes bigger (especially his upper body). The green wings on his ankles grow and he grows a green tail, fangs, and massive claws. His body would turn this green color and his hair would turn this green color. He still stands on two feet though.
    Personality: Alex is a very outgoing and bright boy. He is very caring of his friends. He is couragous and can be a little headstrong at times. Alex tries to look on the bright side of things at all times, following the pholosophy he believed as a kid. After his parents died, Alex learned to have more responsibility and can handle tough situations better than most people.
    Biography: Alex grew up surrounded by friends and family until he was 14. His parents were driving back from having dinner on their 17th Anniversary and got hit head-on by a drunk driver. Alex then had to live alone. He had to cook his own food, wash his own clothes, and take on all the responsibilities his parents had. Alex sold his house, moved into an apartment, and had two jobs as waitors. Then, Alex decided to enroll in Belloc High School.
    Other: Alex doesn't like to be alone so he likes to surround himself with friends.​
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You're all in, except for a couple of a things.
    Edit your experiences the correct eye color (I don't mean edit the picture, just type it out xD) and other signature physical trait of your respective Dracs. Also, be aware that their Draconian forms are a lot less human like, they can't just grow wings. Everyone of them gets at least large claws and fangs.
    Tsubaki, if you can at least say Shiva from which game, that would be better xD but their eyes won't change colors in Drac form either, it stays the color that their specific Dragon type has.
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Sorry, I forgot to put anything in there at first so was like "OMG NO ONE CAN SEE THAT EDITEDITEDIT"
    Back to editing XD
    Would I have to type out the traits as well?
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    xD it's fine. Traits like white hair and glassy eyes (For Shivas?) Nope. Unless you do something different. Like how you colored her bangs and gave her streaks? That's fine, but her natural hair color would be white so what isn't colored or streaked would be white, you know?

    EDIT: I'm on my way home for Thanksgiving so I may not post again until Friday. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone~
  10. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alright, I edited it. Is it better?
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Terra
    Name: Adustum "Frost" Terrus
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Species: Behemoth
    [Wears a white hoody, gloves, and--at times--goggles. He also constantly files down the "nails" of his left hand while letting his talons grow out of his right. And of course his eyes look like how one would expect for a Behemoth.]
    Draconian Form: Obviously his talons grow(his left grows out further to match the length of his right hand's talons), his spine lengthens out into a tail, he grows out stone spikes from his back(Godzilla-style) and his arms, he also gains a pair of wings larger than the average pair other species have.
    Personality: In his earlier years Frost was a violent troublemaker, getting himself into so many fights that it was almost certain that he would be kicked out of the school. When his own mother spoke to him, he told her that he was merely defending her as those who he fought saw her as an impurity in his family. After a long talk, he was persuaded into promising to avoid violence at all costs. Having earned a reputation of sorts, a mere glare from him would be enough to cause other Draconians to step aside.
    Biography: At first glance, one might think his name looks like it belongs to some long-dead king or emperor of some sort. Frost, as he prefers to be called, truly is a descendent of what can only be describe as "greatness". He comes from a long line of Behemoths having the bloodline be purely out of that species until his father decided going against tradition and had wed a Shiva. While this was unheard of, none of his kind could challenge such a mighty being. To his father's delight, Adustum took after his father in species...although for everything else, he had a taste for things unfitting for a Behemoth. He dressed more like a Shiva, finding that the tight clothing a Behemoth would wear too restricting. His first name was chosen by his mother to mean "Frostbite" which further shows the duality in his lineage. While in his first two years of high school he had been known to cause a great deal of fights, he has calmed down and currently acts as a person who stops them instead of the one who starts them.
    Other: Chocomog approves of this post.

    I'm assuming I'm not the only one who watched Firebreather today. XD
  12. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    I'll edit tonight. I got grounded again and I'll steal back my comp tonight.

    EDIT: Done.
  13. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Username: {Your username on the forum}Heartless_angel
    Name: {Your character's name}Mya
    Age: {How old your character is}18
    Gender: {what's between the legs of your character?}Female
    Species: {Which of the 7 Draconian types you are}Quetzals
    Appearance: {What your character looks like in human form. Post an image (spoiler tags or link) or type out a description. I would prefer a combo of both} music/mKBy09/music-11.jpg.html?o=71 (Has purple hair though)
    Draconian Form: {Your character's true, Draconian form. Same rules as "appearance"} Gray dragon with a strange mark on her left wing (So lame DX)
    Personality: {What's he/she like?}Usually quiet and friendly. Sometimes too carefree
    Biography: {Doesn't have to be too long}As a child through now, she wasn't treated too well. She was constantly bantered by her race and wierd clothing style. Got moved after zapping the guy who started to push her too far. She ony wants to be accepted.
    Other: {Anything else you want to share?}She has a bracelet passed down from her family. She protects it with her life.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Everybody's in. I added something to the first post about the school and changed Wyatt's Draconian Form.
    I'll be starting the RP soon~

    Wyatt's chin was resting on his head as he stared at the board. Draconian History had to be one of the most boring classes out there. Seriously, what does it matter what happened thousands of years ago? He asked himself as his teacher sat on his desk.

    "It was around this time that the iceclimbers and waterdwellers started a war. A war that would soon be called," Professor Balasa, the middle-aged Ifrit, paused for dramatic effect as he waved a hand through the air, "The Cold War. Of course, it wasn't just cold, but also very wet," he chuckled at his own joke, taking his rectangular glasses off to wipe them on his white suit.

    "Are you joking?" Wyatt muttered to himself as he stood up. The red-haired Ifrit stared at his teacher with matching red eyes. That was a horrible joke, he thought as he studied Balasa. Balasa had the red eyes and sharp fangs of Ifrits, but his hair was short and silver with age. He was wearing a suit that was entirely white with a red tie and his glasses. Behind him, he heard a deep snicker and the statement:

    "Maybe the Shivas and Leviathans should have teamed up instead and thrown this firebreathing teacher into the sea. That'd shut him up."

    It was followed with a chuckle from a neighbor and Wyatt's right hand warming up as it closed into a fist.

    Zelos grinned as he raised his hand. "Come on!" He yelled as he brought his right hand down, colliding the tennis racket with the ball. The ball flew over the net, bounced once, and was met with another racket, this time flying back towards Zelos' right. The yellow eyed tennis player leaped to his right, meeting the ball just in time to send it back over the net. Zelos readied himself for the counter, staying on his toes. He was outside in the sun, during his gym class, practicing tennis. Zelos was a professional at tennis. Everyone called him the Surging Server. He hopped from foot to foot as his tennis clothes waved in the wind. He was wearing the traditional white tennis shorts and shirt, but they had streaks of dark purple through them, his own customization. His shirt was also cut at the shoulders, revealing his flesh beneath and letting the sleeves hang slightly. The ball flew back towards his left. He couldn't make it in time...until he felt his legs tingling. A single surge of electricity through his leg's muscle system sent him speeding towards the ball, backhanding it back to his opponent. His opponent was a Garuda, as the wings on his wrists and ankles showed, but he could be a god and still would fail to beat Zelos. "Bring me your best!"

  15. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Alex sighed and rested his head on his arm.
    He stared at the board and Professor Balasa intently. Even as much as he hated Draconian History, he still wanted to get good grades. Alex was only two seats to the right of Wyatt (if you were staring at the board) but he still heard the remarks and snickers directed to Professor Balasa.

    He felt bad for Professor Balasa (even though Balasa probably didn't care what a bunch of kids said) because he will always be an Infrit...a firebreather as others called him and he can't do anything about it. 'At least they didn't direct the comment to Wyatt.' Alex thought.

    Then, he saw Wyatt clench his fist. 'Well, they might as well have. He's steamed.' The green eyed, blonde haired, 17 year old teenage Garudas thought.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa shifted a lock of purple hair over her eyes. Watching Zelos play tennis was like watching a video game. Normally she'd end up getting too excited and overheat the thing but now she was rather calm. She rested her head on her folded arms and leaned on the fence, "Zelos, don't you think you're being a bit rough with the poor guy? Not everyone can move as fast as us." she gave a lazy smile and wished she could hide in the janitor's closet like during history. "If you're done showing off, I should head to math..." she let the statement hang and decided against going. For a Quetzel, she was rather laid back and unmoving.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya was on the other court across Zelos'. She hit every ball back at the human. A lot of students were fustrated at her kind since they had an advantage at sports and anything that required activity. Her shoulder length purple hair was streaked with gray despite ignoring the nasty remarks from the humans seeing it as "uncool" or "stupid". She wore a tank top one side white the other gray. Her shorts were basically cutoff gray jeans. Her shoes were bright yellow twinged with purple shoelaces. As the ball flew towards her, she hit it back, accidentally hitting him in the face. Oh! Sorry!
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa eyed the other court, she didn't take time to get to know everyone and laughed as the Quetzel hit a tennis ball in the human's face. Her laughter was sharp and pointed. She could tell it made the human angry and provoked him even more, "Is that the best a human can do? Even against a Quetzel, I know we're hard to beat, but c'mon! Pa~the~tic!" she sang. Her purple hair touched her shoulders, clashing with her blue hoodie and ripped jeans.
  19. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    The human snarled at Mya. You stupid b***h! Go to hell! He leftthe court angerily while Mya sighed. She can't ever have a day without a human ranting at her. She tossed her racket aside and sat on a bench, buring her face in her arms.
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kisa loped over to her kin and sat on the back of the bench, "Ah, don't take them idiots seriously. They're just jealous cause we're better." She held her hand out to her, "Kisa. Kisa Parenthapaeus." Her yellow eyes glittered with electrical sparks and she gestured over to Zelos, "I'm usually out here because of him." she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, "Zelos is the best."
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