Black Wings: Arrival

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Alrighty then, this is a story I originally made for a comic me and two friends where making. This has asspects similar to things but trust me everything will be original and not ripped off although some characters may remind you of existing ones (thanks to my two friends who where at the time obsessed with certain games).

    Note that I have not written a story for ages and this was written two years ago with some changes made not so long ago. My writing maybe a little odd or not so good but I did this for fun XD so enjoy if you do and be gone if you don't XD

    I reserve the right to add chapters when I feel and also to stop when I feel.
    I also reserve the rights to the story and characters designs along with my two school friends from two years ago.

    Note that the Fayt Harkwind in the story is not me, but the original idea from which my name came from.

    If anyone has questions about the story or my ideas or something along those lines just post it in the thread, so I won't have to answer it over and over again in PM.



    The mortal realm is the mid-plane of a Dimension on which there are 3 levels: the first being the mortal realm a world called Nivalia, the second being the heavens a world above where eternal guardians live and finally the last being the Demon realm a world six times larger than Nivalia and home to monsters.

    A war began 17 years ago when one of the 9 grand angels vanished and a small boy appeared. The mortal realm was infested with beasts formed from the clash of magic between the demons and the angels. Suddenly, the demons grew in strength and number forcing the angels back. Seven angels formed a group known through the demon realm as the Seven Heaven. The war was at a deadlock until…

    Chapter 1: Fall

    Increasingly a sound shattered through the back of Fayt’s mind, his hands seemed to fade as he looked at them. Suddenly he was nudged, it was Kaya, the girl he lived with. Her black hair swung around violently yet graceful as she moved. Her shining silver armour seemed to move like cloth, angel technology did this. Her skin was as pale as the colour of snow much like her feathered wings.
    “Fayt? You in there?” She asked with confusion and worry in her voice.
    “Y..yeah” he answered back regaining full consciousness.
    “Good now get up we are in a war here” She sounded like a cocky older sister to Fayt.
    Fayt leapt up and drew his twin swords from their resting places on his sides before running into the crowd of demon ahead. Kaya soon followed with her rapier. Fayt stood at a regular 5 foot 10, his armour was as black as his hair except for the purple streak racing down from his hair line to his fringe as it floated by the side of his face. His hair was shoulder length. His face was even paler than Kaya’s, far too white as he had been told before.

    A battle ensued leaving them standing amongst the countless dead bodies of the enemy they had faced as they turned to dust.
    "The small fry always turn to dust"
    These words echoed through Fayt’s mind but it was not his voice, but that of a older man with a deep yet soothing voice.
    “Return to me my son”
    Fayt looked around at the other five who had finished the enemy groups and where walking in towards him and Kaya, his eyes wide with fear as it rained black feathers like the ones on his wings. A man appeared in the distance with a long sword in one hand, the voice fitted him somehow even though he had only taken a glance Fayt knew something bad was to happen.

    Suddenly, the man disappeared amongst the feathers until a voice came from behind, “So you where here all along?”, and without warning a blade pierced Fayt’s chest from behind even piercing his armour and retracting it into his left arms original armour. Once again the man disappeared and the rain stopped. Fayt turned to see Kaya screaming out to him. He could not hear a word as he dropped and his vision left him.

    Chapter 2: A spark of flame

    “Hey, mister, wake up, wake up!” A small child’s voice cried out in a terrified way
    The sound of men in the distance could be heard, they shouted such things as “Monster” and “Cur”. Fayt’s eyes slowly opened seeing a young child who face was hidden under a hat that was too large for him crying while shaking Fayt.
    “I’m too young to be a mister”, Fayt told to the boy half joking half not.
    “help me, their after me”, The boy asked still trembling.
    Instantly, Fayt got up his body was hurt badly, he looked around seeing he was in a seven or so foot deep crater. Swiftly he shot up out of the crater and landed in front of a group of men with pitchforks and the likes.
    “Picking on kids?”, Fayt asked realising he was under his cloak which was one of his armours shape shifted forms.
    Slowly, the men stumbled back as Fayt seemed to be slightly taller than them and he was dressed in full black, which was strange for his kind and terrifying for the men. Suddenly the men burst into running and fled back to a city in the distance.

    Fayt fell onto one knee, I’m badly burnt, he thought to himself remembering the feeling from when he fought one of his friends.
    “Are you alright?”, the boy asked crawling out of the crater.
    “Yeah I’m fi-”, Fayt was cut off as he coughed up a small amount of blood.
    “Come with me”, The boy said grabbing Fayt’s hand and pulling him towards the city.
    After a short walk they reached a gate upon which they where both let in with the guard staring at Fayt and the boy with hate glistening in his eyes. He then led them to a small shack with the sign, “White & Black” Over the door. Before they reached the door a girl came out she was around 16 with a skirt half way down her thigh and a top that had no sleeves both where white.
    “Hey V, who’s your friend?”, She asked her voice sounding kind and cheerful
    “He saved me from the townsfolk”, The boy said
    Fayt looked at the boy properly, aside from his hat the child wore blue trousers, a red undershirt and a blue jacket all of which barely fitted him. He could just about see his face enough to make out that he was white and his eyes where an unnatural yellow.
    They went inside and the girl sat Fayt down. She held out her hands to his body and began healing him with a white light, a white mage. Fayt thought then realising the girl was staring at his face,
    “Your cuter than the guys around here”, she said to him making Fayt turn to see her.
    “Er, thanks I guess”, he said weakly feeling embarrassed.
    “There’s only two good looking guys around here, one of them my little man over there”.
    The boy was obviously embarrassed he put his hands behind his back and twisted his feet on the spot making him swivel.

    “I’m Jen by the way”, the girl said still looking at Fayt
    “I’m Fayt, but why are you looking at me like that”, he asked
    “It’s not every day some one as pale as you appears”.
    “I…I’m Vion”, The boy said sounding shy.
    The healing was done by this stage and Fayt stood up, he was taller than the both of them on each others shoulders.
    Suddenly a knock came at the door, “It’s the city guard, we heard you have a dangerous outsider with you. Open the door”, the voice commanded.
    Jen moved back from the door and stood in front of Vion. Slowly, Fayt stood up and walked to the door and rest his hand on it. Irrationally, he pushed forward breaking the door of the hinges and slammed the guard at the door backwards, walking out Fayt hit two other guards away with his hands. He kept walking forward.

    A guard struck from behind but before he could hit he was shot from behind by a burst of flame. Fayt turned to see Vion with his hands held out at the guard as Vion’s target fell. “A black mage…” Fayt murmured.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Nice. Hopefully you'll get a chance to add more. Centering the entire story is a little odd though. ><
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Adsactly i'm nuts that way XD

    Anywho I'll add more if people become interested. If not its back to the secret vault it goes XD