Black★Rock Shooter & Vocaloid Fans : Black★Rock Shooter OVA

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by Sanya, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Okay since the old group was deleted we need to remake the topics and re-add people. The first topic was about the 50 minute Black Rock Shooter Ova.


    My thoughts: There needs to be more. Not just because I want there to be more, but because the way the ova ends, it demands more to follow. Beautiful artwork as expected, interesting connection between the worlds (though I think there may have been to much slice of life in this one). I guess what disappointed me the most was that all the fight sequences was pretty much the entire trailer for this ova. So yeah... once again, I can only hope there is more to follow and a plot that can be better explained. I know a lot of people didn't understand what was going on and for those new to B★RS, I can't say I blame them for not understanding. The fact is, nothing was explained at all. This is why I can only assume there will be more.
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Needs more BRS, needs less Mako. Really, it needed ten minutes of fighting at the end with the eponymous tune playing to make it worthwhile IMO.

    As it is now, I understand very little. The potentially anachronistic order makes it a pain to understand. And who was that who killed BRS in the beginning? Who is STR? How does the Otherworld relate to the mundane one? Is Yuu about to vanish too? Was the entire thing all in Mako's mind? Can Yomi's disappearance be explained by mudane means?

    So many questions unanswered.
  3. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    1. The girl in the beginning was Black★Gold Saw.★Gold_Saw
    It states :

    "In the beginning of the OVA, she fights Black★Rock Shooter and is victorious, presumably giving Black★Rock Shooter her scars. It is unknown if she is an "other self" at all, and if she is, whom she is one for and how she relates to Black★Rock Shooter or Kuroi Mato."

    So I don't think she kills B★RS in the beginning, but does give her the scars... because she doesn't have any scars during that fight.

    2. Strength (or STR) is implied to be the "other self" of Yuu.

    That's all that's known about her on that page.

    3. I'm not entirely sure myself. All that I can tell is that the "other-selves" have some resemblance of their human counterparts. It is pointed out that this girl on the train could be Black★Gold Saw's other-self, but isn't confirmed in any way:

    Other then that the only two areas they really showed were Dead Master's lair and the Desert where STR was.

    4. That's where I can only almost guarantee there will be more to come on the story. I don't see any other reason why huke would leave us with that ending if there wasn't more to be followed. Clearly they show Yuu in the same state Yomi was, so if there is more I assume it will focuse more on STR and maybe some newer characters not mentioned in the OVA.

    5. For some reason I doubt that. If the entire thing was in Mato's mind, I don't think anyone else would have noticed that Yomi had gone missing. It also shows that Mato didn't even know of B★RS's existence until the very end.

    6. Good topic. Now that I think about it, they left out Yomi reuniting with anyone except when she hugs B★RS. All the really show is the police going to Mato's house saying that she is simply "missing". I guess they just didn't go into any detail beyond that.