Digital Art Bits & Banners

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Midnight Star, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    So lately I've been making quite a lot of banners for rps that I'm in, I've been trying to make them more interesting than simply the image but I've mainly been doing it by trial and error. I was hoping by posting them here I could get some feedback on what I've done and suggestions on how to improve.


    Not that happy with this one, I tried experimenting with new brushes. [​IMG]

    So with this one, it's quite plain but I removed some head jewellery from the original image, here.

    This one is quite plain as I'm not really sure what to do with verical banners but I recoloured her hair and messed around a little with the image. Original image here.


    Thank you, all CnC welcome, I want to improve.