Bit of help with this children's book homework I gotta do by tomorrow

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by jackdaniel0, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    So--Anyway, here's the guidelines, first of all:

    Contest participants should think about how tolerance, diversity and inclusion can improve our world, and then create innovative ways to share these ideas with elementary-aged children through a children’s book.

    Submissions should provide a story that children can identify with and relate to, alongside of illustrations that are thoughtful, beautiful and relatable to the story outlined on each page.

    While this is not a comprehensive list, students can consider the following issues when choosing a topic for their books:
    • Bullying in schools
    • Children and adults with disabilities
    • Diverse families: LGBT parents; inter-generational, foster and single parent homes
    • Equal rights
    • Religious and cultural tolerance
    And basically, all I have so far is that the main character is Pidge, a pigeon. Whose wing gets clipped.
    Pidge doesnt just have to adapt to life without being able to fly, he's also gotta face scorn and disturbed looks from other pigeons.
    So one day, Pidge meets a duck. also a flightless bird. Then they become friends, and Pidge meets some more flightless birds, like maybe a penguin or an ostrich. They all become friends, and by the end of the book, Pidge still feels unsure about how he's going to live life but he feels like he can get through it with this new group that he is now part of and can relate with him.
    I'm not sure if that's gonna translate well into real life, you know what I mean? Like. Is this a good plot that is good for children?