I know I already personally thanked each of you for all the wonderful gifts and well wishings, but i felt it almost necessary to showcase your incredible talents. Thank you to everyone that said happy birthday to me yesterday, and an even bigger thank you to those of you that took the time out of your busy lives to make something for me. Your kindness has really helped. You guys are amazing. I love you <3 Like for reals, I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't have all of you supporting me. You are amazing people. And now, for everyone else to see how amazing you are. Going in order of the gifts I received, most of you have already seen my wonderful signature & avatar by Bushy Brow. My onii-tan is great. Spoiler The next one I received was from Midnight. This made me smile a lot. <3 Spoiler Then there was Jayn, who's wonderful beautiful talents made me so happy. It made my heart swell. Thank you so much Jayn. <3 soul sisters~ Link is here and here Finishing up the gift list is What?. My ashbear-chan admitted to being a bear. woooooo~~~ Now if only he would tell the truth about him and Cookiie. <3 jk... not really. It is fanart based on one of my dead characters from Jayn's rp 100 Days. She looks adorable in pajamas. *squeals* Link is Here Just one last quick thank you to everyone that wished me happy birthday. Saxima, Monochrome, Myst, cstar7777, Hero of Time, K3bl4d3 KH1GHT, Jayn, What?, Haseo, Cookiie, Firekeyblade,Bushy Brow, Fuzzybluelights, Midnight Star, Twilight Blader. If I missed anyone, I apologize. I had a wonderful night last night at the hotel with mike112291. We were happy to see each other for a night for the first time in awhile. The presents are wonderful, but were not necessary. Everyone that spoke to me yesterday made my day that much brighter, which is saying a lot because I usually have very unpleasant birthdays. T H A N K xxY O U U U U! ! ! ! Love, ~hyuge