No Thanks Birthday Sticky in Spamzone

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Radiowave, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    I mean no disrespect to the person who made the thread or the person who stuck it, but it sort of seems like a waste of space. People keep posting there but its not updated at all...a lot of people's old usernames from like 2006-2008 are still there. Do we really need it there?

    EDIT: Talking about this thread by the way:
  2. Shade Tail Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 24, 2006
    The majority of those stickies seem rather pointless to me...
    The main reason the usernames aren't updated is because a ton of members have namechanges; which obviously makes things far harder to keep track of.

    The only thing I can think of to make that thread make a little more organized is to add links to the usernames on the lists. :/
  3. Repliku Chaser

    We're working on deciding up an area for where that and other stickies are going to go so just hang in there. I'll bring up again some stuff and see how it works out. For now though, it's staying there since it has nowhere else to go.