BioWare discusses potential Mass Effect Spinoff

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kites, May 13, 2013.

  1. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008

    I mean, playing Garrus could be okay, I wouldn't "mind" if they did that (you know how much I love Garrus), but at the same time I think they should just move forward with the story instead of taking a side-road. On the flip side - Kai Leng??????? Really??????? He was one of the weakest characters in the entire game (even though they did set him up in Mass Effect Evolution), I don't think I could play an entire game as Kai Leng much less take it seriously. The problem with these ideas is that they are going back to the graphic novels - the Kai Leng idea, the Garrus, Aria, and Illusive Man ideas are all comics that are "okay". I have read them and to base an entire game on something like that just doesn't strike me as interesting as let's say, a sequel would.
  2. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    You know what I want to see? Garrus during his time as Archangel! That would be awesome. You can see him recruit the members of his squad (which could lead to some memorable characters), taking on the gangs of Omega, etc.

    That's about all I could think of that would get me interested. Beyond that none of the other listed characters I find interesting enough to see a spin-off. Especially Kai Leng, screw that guy.
  3. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    I think this could be a great idea. I really liked the side characters in the ME series (Garrus being of of my favorites) and a gamed based on that can really help expand their story up more.

    I'm not too bothered by them going back to comic like style, but if they change the gameplay though, I might have a few gripes with that.

    On a side note...
    Give it a likable ending plox?
  4. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    Garrus finds a hidden C Sec office with three buttons. He can destroy all criminals, but he is part criminal so he;d die. He can try to control all criminals, or synthesize all life with criminals
  5. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    There will be a fourth ending (which would be DLC after fan outrage) which has a hilarious fourth wall breaking scene where he breaks into the offices of BioWare and punch the writer for being so goddamn stupid.
  6. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    I agree with you about Kai Leng, definitely one of the weakest characters in the trilogy. I wouldn't particularly mind playing as Garrus (I mean c'mon, it's Garrus) but meh, to me it'd feel kind of fan service?? I don't know. I feel like the final DLC was enough! it was 'a fun ride', the hilarious banter, last interaction with characters//saying goodbye to them etc etc. (Kites, your avatar is making me think of “grunt, you apologize to the nice man for setting his car on fire” rvbfrkvbgregr

    I don't know. I'd just like them to move on instead of side-tracking//doing side stories etc.
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I could see it. I mean the games were just the exploits of Commander Shepard, the exploits of another character seem easy enough to put in motion. Only difficulties I could see would that you could potentially be restricted to a class' like Garrus is an Infiltrator, or Aria as an Adept, and may mean less choice as a result. Also, the idea of key moral choices would be potentially to convey in characters who already have an established sense about them. Still the ideas are interesting.

    Aria I could see a lot of potential from. She's seen more action and had more happen to her than most of the other characters in the ME universe. Her back story has a lot to offer too.
    Garrus I could see maybe as his exploits on Omega, or after ME3. His time at C-Sec might be ok, but he'd be a little too innocent for me to see as a great game opportunity.
    Not sure about Kai Leng, he's had an interesting history as far as I can tell. A game entered around him could be very much like a stealthy action game like Metal Gear Solid Revenangce, which could be incredibly good or mediocre. Still, the early exploits of Cerberus and their rise would be good, which Kai Leng could definitely build up from his perspective.
    Another one was the idea of Javik after ME3 from someone at Bioware put on Twitter or something. I'm not sure what I could see from him, it's be interesting following the last survivor of a dead species, but really think that' be better set up after a sequel game to ME3 is made.
  8. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I just had an idea! Javik's story when he was fighting the Reapers! You know before he froze himself.