big stuff

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I was sitting in Physics class and the teacher was doing a demonstration. He pulled out a backpack to use and it was a Halo 2 backpack. It was a big wtf moment, and as it turns out he's a big fan of Halo and has been playing it since it started. He told us about all his recent accomplishments on 4, and how he beta tested xbox live and all this other stuff. He also asked us who had a Wii-U because he wanted to know about it.

    Later on in the class he quoted Fantastic Four, and quizzed us (not a real quiz) on who knew the quote.

    At the end of the class we got into a Star Wars/Star Trek debate, and he gave us his thought on Disney buying Star Wars, and basically said everything that I agree with, I was blown away that someone thought basically word for word what I thought.

    A couple days ago we were doing a problem that involved fleas, and he made a comment about a superhero called the flea, but I had a feeling he was talking about the Tick and he was. He told us about how Patrick Warburton played him in a live-action show, and I secretly knew and I felt awesome because no one else knew.

    basically, he's pretty cool.