I have $30.52 to throw around atm, and I cant decide if I should buy this or not. http://store.apple.com/us_smb_78313/product/MA591G/C/apple-30-pin-to-usb-cable# The cord that came with my phone is all torn up. It will still charge my phone, but won't connect to my computer. My mom gave me one of hers that came with her iPod a few years ago, and that one works on everything. The problem is that hers is shaped differently than mine, which really bugs me, and it's not in great condition either. I refuse to buy a 3rd party cord, it must be Apple and it must be like the one I got originally. The problem is that their cord is ridiculously expensive. So, should I buy this or not? Or do you think I should get over it and not waste the money?
So . . . does the charger your mom gave you work or not? If yes then I believe you shouldn't waste money if you don't have to. It's not really important to have the same exact cord. If no then I don't know why it's so important to be apple. As long as you get a cord that works, it shouldn't matter whether it's a 3rd party cord or not. I wouldn't waste twenty dollars on a cord. It's just not worth it.
this. You should never pay more than a few dollars for a cable, unless it's some crazy length. Monoprice, Amazon, and Newegg are your friends. Buying official Apple cables is like buying Monster HDMI cables.
As much as I love my ipod touch if I ever lost the cable I would never buy Apple's cable. It's ridiculously overpriced for an awready overpriced product (I know I know, I bought a ridiculously overpriced product, wheesht!). If you don't need it then don't buy it. Put some make-up on your cable and pretend its pretty.
Then I don't see the need for a question here. Is it my fault I felt I needed to have you readdress some issues so I could verify where the problem was. If you have a cord that works, why do you need to buy one?
I really dislike Apple. They're up there with Google for me, but my compulsive need to not have 3rd party replacement products is stronger than my dislike of them. I'm not going to buy it right now. Maybe I'll ask my parents to buy it for me for my birthday or something, I don't know. Since I have two ugly ones that work I decided that it's not worth me paying the $24.
Yes, your answer contributed nothing. Reiterating the same information in the question is not the same thing as answering the question. If this was a test, you would fail. I already gave sufficient information for you to understand the answer to your question about my question, I should not have to keep repeating myself until you understand.
Okay, then let me ask a question that may allow me to provide some actual insight. Why does it have to Apple and not a piece of third-party hardware that will work just as well for a fraction of the cost?
That's why. No real reason other than that's just my preference. It would bug me otherwise. I like/require all of my things to be by the original manufacturer I sold my PSP and bought a new one just because my original PSP charger was not in great condition and I wasn't about to buy a cheap knockoff. I tried eBay and the guy sent me a 1000 charger, not a 3000.[DOUBLEPOST=1367799846][/DOUBLEPOST] did I hurt your feelings?
I do. Yes, the 1000 is larger. The 3000 is more compact. They also say 1000 and 3000 on them. Not to mention the 1000 charger he sent me was in horrible condition.
Totes dude. Like, you got me in tears right now bro. I can't even see to type right now, how am I doing?