I finally played and beat Re:coded....now I just need to figure out how to play PSP games on this computer without any hassle, and then I'll finally be able to play BBS. But there is no way I'm going for the secret ending on that game. I had to deal with nearly 12 hours of the game, and there's no way I'm dealing with even more. Now excuse me while I go to bed to prepare myself for another day of work...................who's got a good way to sleep through anything for 5 whole days?
well excuse me for never having the urge to play it. You know how a lot of people didn't want to play Days? That's basically how I felt with Re:Coded. Probably because a good portion of the story is about the journal itself and it takes for fricken ever to get to the point as to how it relates to any other part of the story.....which still seems a little funky