Welcome to the final cycle in the awards! Thanks everyone for nominating people and -insert whatever whitty comment people like to see from staff here- what... do people actually read these? Cycle One: "Most" Nominations Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations Cycle Four: General Nominations @Plums @What? @Stephen Colbert @Saudade @Midnight Star @Boy Wonder @Bite the Dust @aiight KS WHY YOU NO TAG, amaury I know you see this can you do it, I can't get it to work.
Where the hell is metanoia/quintessence/holy/golden/rad as heck/who loves the sun?/temples (this is all I can remember) ???
wow no Synk's Fish. I thought all of you bitches said you would remember so I wouldn't have had to suffer under @SynK's tyrany for nothing??