So I am a HUGE 'that's what she said' joke lover and I thought we could post some of the funniest ones we've heard and/or said. I'll start with one that I said while at work. Co-Worker Amy: My back is killing me. (She's squatting against the wall of patient files we have in the back.) Me: Why are you squatting like that? Co-Worker Amy: It helps if I bend over and stretch it out! Me: That's what she said. Everyone in the office: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! =]]
Me and Michael at my work are filing our paper in the tray at the end of day, I pick up the packet, unsure if he had put his paperword in: Me: Mike, did you put yours in yet? Michael: That's what she said... Me: What the hell? Its so small she has to ask if its in or not? Michael: (v_v)