What was, in your opinion, the best Sonic game ever? (The 2D ones count too) Personally my favorites were ( and still are) : The original Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Adventure.
Yeah. They are great, even in these PS3 and XBOX 360 days. I love the musics from those old games, their cool and remind me when I was little...
Yeah i love the music in the older games. Sadly i can only find remixes of them, some of which are pretty good.
So many good memories...my favorite Sonic game was without a doubt the first one who came out (I think it was the first one, at least its the first one I played xD) "Sonic the Hedgehog" for Sega master system. "Sonic Adevnture DX for Dreamcast and computer is quite good too, but not half as fun as the first one I played...at least that's my opinion! ;)