In the entire history of rap, who was or is the Best Rapper ever? Alive or Dead. It's hard to choose, so either pick one or name an elite group.
Tupac is definately up there. Biggie too. Maybe Immortal Technique...maybe. Non of the current mainstream rappers, though I'd like to say Wayne because I'm a fan but if he is up there he's like last. Dead last. Maybe one day he can really be considered on of the best but right there are others who are better. I can't really pick one though. lul no u .
Oh shat I forgot about Nas. He's good. Nas is smart, but I think IT is smarter but the problem is his **** is so out there that some people don't get it, and not many people have heard of him. Also, I think Nas's flow is better.
Yeah, I've heard Industrial Revolution, and I've hear of Dance with the devil but I never actualy heard that one.
I think Lil Wayne and Kanye are the best, honestly. They're probably the only rappers I like. also, lawl at my post being deleted.
They are some of the best of the mainstream, and I think the way thier going they'll be remembered as two of the best rappers alive or dead. Though I must say, BRANCH OUT AND LISTEN TO MOAR RAP TRIGGEH :3
They are mainstream giants, true, but they aren't good...compared to the others out there. Theres no way I can pick 1. Its a tie for me with Nas, Mos Def, Andre 3000, Talib Kweli and Common But I tend to like their older works better.