Best Poet

Discussion in '2013' started by Misty, Aug 29, 2013.


Read the samples before voting!

Poll closed Sep 5, 2013.
  1. Odamadillo

  2. nasirrich

  3. Vinyl Scratch

  4. Styx

  5. Lucy♥Heartfilia (Maka)

  6. ⟣ HYUGE ⟢

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  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Cycle One: "Most" Nominations; Thread/Group Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing, Video Editing, Art Nominations; Roleplaying Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Nominations
    Cycle Four: General Nominations

    Vote away!

    I've had enough of this crap
    I'd sooner throw myself into a death trap
    So I beg for you to smite me here
    Make my end come near
    I had an Idol someone om whom I could rely
    But now they've gone to die
    I've given up on such a disgrace
    So just get the hell outta my face

    I've gone out of my own head
    Knowing your not worth a single tear I shed
    And I know I'm not worth your time
    Believing in you was my only crime
    Don't think I'm in grief
    This is a simple belief
    I want to be hit with a poison dart
    I've let the darkness eat my heart

    I believed I was on the hero's track
    Till you came and stabbed me in the back
    That's right I've been betrayed
    Knowing that I still strayed
    Give me hell's golden knife
    I've given up on this life
    Though I'll soon be gone
    I'll be missed by no one

    "You've got a future to save"
    "I Don't" so how can I be brave?
    What future can we have now?
    A good one ha I don't know how
    The deepest caverns of hell
    Are for those who chose the day they fell
    So watch this next part
    Watch the darkness eat my heart

    I had a dream but it is now lost
    You've made me pay a terrible cost
    These are more than mere words spoken
    They are the last breath of a man who's soul has broken
    Let my legend end this day
    And have your memories of me thrown away
    I'm not a man worth remembering
    I'm not a man for whom you should sing

    I'm a fool who has nothing left within
    A man who has made a deadly sin
    Take that cold metallic blade
    And end the story I have made
    Slice through the one who should not exist
    Erase the man who should not be missed
    My legend ended before it got a chance to start
    Now Darkness eat my heart

    My life is nothing special
    I am an ordinary guy
    Yet you seem to think
    I'm someone whom you can rely
    I know I asked to learn
    Of what you hide
    So you no longer
    Have to bottle it up inside

    I have heard so much
    Good or bad matters not
    I'll be there for you
    And give all I got
    Still one thing remains through out my reality
    I always question
    Why trust in me?

    I'm a simple man
    Who resides in this place
    Yet many confess to me
    Without knowing my face
    There is no way of knowing
    I am who I claim to be
    So tell me how
    You can speak so freely

    I've heard tales of jerks
    And monsters alike
    I've heard first confessions
    And from the guy who stole my bike
    I heard stories of horror
    And news spoken joyfully
    Yet I must still ask
    Why trust in me?

    I've heard from the cursed
    And people yet to be wise
    And all said to me
    Is the same in my eyes
    Never to be spoken
    To any other
    Kept in secret for
    My sister or my brother

    Some of what I'm told
    Is known by very few
    But mostly known by
    People in real life they knew
    I'm the first not seen
    Face to face clearly
    And to that I must ask
    Why Trust in me?

    I may be kind
    And be there for you
    I strive to help
    Anyone who feels blue
    Yet I know one thing
    The thing I hold dear
    I know that I am
    Needed to be here

    You all should know
    The simple fact
    And that I will make
    The same binding pact
    I won't judge, and keep my lips sealed
    And I can say that honestly
    Remember that even if I ask
    Why trust in me?

    There's a living legend on here about this boy Nas when it comes to rhyming dude is HOT!!
    Many have tried to challenge and once they saw he was too much for them to handle they were like STOP!!!
    He kept going knowing how little control they have over him in the rhyming BLOCK!!
    Staff came around like cops reporting that they got complaints of verbal assault up in the SPOT!!!
    Even they weren't able to stop it so they got back up for his rhyming popped off like live SHOTS!!
    Nas then had to keep order so he changed his flow like frozen water doing his job for he was on the CLOCK!!
    It’s said he pays a shrink to tell him basically stating that what he does lyrically shows how psychotic he is NOT!!!
    The rumble from the sheer force from his intense wordplay has cats purchasing aftermarket SHOCKS!!!
    To underestimate his craft claiming to have supreme skill you better be prepared to fight to stay on TOP!!!!

    Lyrically I'm Untouchable, Uncrushable ask your friends who's the Illest
    From that alone you should understand I'm here to kill hits
    Prospering from eradicating the fib gibberish taking out the ridiculous
    Vaporizing the ignorance just so others are able to walk with bliss
    Tell me who's able to dish out spits crazier than this

    Let me re-state for the mistake for others might think I am trying to tarnish the greats
    This is not a debate on who the best is to date
    I was stating how serious I am when saying I wasn't playing

    On when I said I stay true to my craft
    Many others only do it just too see cash
    If that's the case then you should think fast
    I've come to take you out in a flash
    Post that pic of what happens when you like to do things adding a dash

    Of effort hoping to see if that'll make your feeble attempts work
    You do this for the wrong reason so me calling you out can't make me the jerk

    I know my history of this sort of art you see
    The first line of my second verse came from B.I.G.
    I only said to show how real I came with it be

    Honestly if you think you'd stand a chance do me a solid
    Prove you contain more skill then those on kh-v and rock this
    Claim you're hot so I can come heat seek ya like a rocket
    I'll make this ruthless so things said will spark
    How others perceive word art
    I pound puppies before they get to their first bark
    Have you reading this back from the start
    You're going nowhere like a birthmark

    It seems when life passes by it divides
    The product of true artists can't multiply
    Taking away substantial teachings that provides
    New additions for peaceful minds to combine
    Spectacular lines that the mind eats to dine
    Making books something more fine
    Than that of the bullet that killed a swine

    Not H1N1 even though this will please the tongue
    As if you're Spanish flipping it because it has to be done
    When talking, but it needs to be converted to an idea enjoyed by anyone
    No matter what no one can take away that fun
    Acted as if this is an ode so make it grow up like daughters and sons
    That's why my mic manners don't equal stereotypical standards raising banners not using guns

    Leaving them wondering how to fulfill the job credentials
    Could it be that this is another confidential thing that's hidden from the people?
    The problem with that is this isn't pretend so
    All that has to be done is live your life autobiographical
    Don't disappoint the gift those who gave you the gift of being your own individual
    In others places things like that will leave you marked as a criminal

    You wanna rebuttal because you don't understand what I utter
    Leave you with paper cuts with the help of a box cutter
    Truth hurts, but if you'd like an ISO take a number
    I just lack the time to care for those who want to wear me down under
    Like Sydney just with me I'll make em have an eternal slumber

    Heading forward towards the back my mind at this dark light
    Forget hindsight that tunnel vision has me wondering if guns are the reason why my heart sounds like
    Someone thrown in an engine with that bone crushing might
    That's why I got my life right or trying to get it with her rays of life
    To be clear if she were here my soul would get tight
    Choking my inner demon for believing that everyone takes a hike
    To a corrupt path making others follow with no sight
    As if they were lambs going to a slaughterhouse assuring they made it right

    Still got problems with other cats I can end just won't do it
    For the frequent abuse they have with their ideals of music
    Not just with me you see they want to be the best calling others stupid

    I put an end to people like that for how they abused a gift
    Of rhythm spitting so I leave em sittin on daises as their soul lifts
    Out from the doubt put in others for wanting a warm family which is pretty sick
    I bring it to them if they are willing to actual do this
    So I assure you this is not a diss with a subliminally kick

    When I got a problem with a minor trick I go up to them to face to face
    Have them understand the current ability within you isn't up to par with my wicked taste
    I too am guilty of having the pleasure of making those undermine their own talents saying its a waste
    Unwilling to feel that pain again so I just broaden my horizons so I can adjust my flow to any trait
    Not copy nor mimic sorry its no imitation just emulation gotta demolish those who abide by hate
    I took the evil within myself messing up that fragile mind state
    Lost it so I hurt others for trying to take

    Me into the side I used to be on
    Switching so many times I got 3 styles for these poetic songs
    Plenty more than 3 just the titles I work under in this section to dawn upon
    Honesty which is always done and the list gets long
    Because others put their hearts in each work and judged so they can keep going not end up gone

    Vinyl Scratch
    Like a beautiful wave, you dance across the sea.
    Like a fire so bright, you beam your light on me.
    Like a dream, you're filled with endless wonder.
    Like a stormy scene, you bring about the thunder.

    Like a timeless memory, your price is off the charts.
    Like a symphonic melody, you entice my broken heart.
    Like an amp, you cause so much commotion.
    Like a Van Gogh, you filled me with emotion.

    Now it's time to end this wandering charade.
    Let's call about the demons for my endless night parade.
    I cannot stand their faces even just a moment more.
    Make sure when you're done you scrub each and every floor.

    My heart might sing in daylight but it weeps in the night.
    That idiotic fool makes me sick with his delight.
    He thinks that things are easy when in truth they are not.
    It all just makes me queasy; like I'm sick, I'm burning hot.

    We face an endless struggle as we fight amongst ourselves.
    Can't you tell we're crazy grabbing weapons from the shelves?
    We raise our arms in glory fighting for a solemn truth.
    Why don't we stop a second and try and act a bit more couth.

    In our heated passion we have all gone blind.
    No more action within our idiotic minds.
    Relax it's almost over, I can see the break of day.
    So turn your head once more and just look the other way.

    ~~A most poetic rant, in the form of a poem.
    I can feel the fire burning,
    deep within my heart.
    While the chemicals are churning,
    thoughts racing at the start.
    I can feel the streams of water
    running down my face.
    Like the sun it just grows hotter,
    as I stand before your grace.
    The dagger in my ribcage
    is nothing but a farce.
    It only adds more carnage
    to the one that's in my heart.
    My mind is already fractured,
    from the torments of my past.
    My smile manufactured.
    You add fire to the gas.
    I am a weak individual.
    I am hurt with words like those.
    The pain that's left, residual.
    My heart it fills with woes.
    Go ahead and laugh
    at the boy who shed some tears.
    But you don't know half
    of my so-far nineteen years.
    Words are powerful, so they say.
    Words hold fearful things at bay.
    But words can call them all the same.
    So go ahead . . . call my name.

    I. Yesteryear’s Cradle
    Interlude: Eons Pass
    II. One Skip From Eden
    III. Boundaries
    IV. Violet-Eyed Monsters
    Interlude: Healing Factor
    V. Lonely Blue Pearl

    Yesteryear’s Cradle

    It could have been the breath of the One
    Or maybe it were the wiles of none
    The day that birthed days

    Snap the light, like a twig,
    And make a spectrum spark
    Creation is an aggressive event
    Having more time and space than it knows what to do with
    A feast ensues

    The elementals waltz with one another
    Soon they’ll all be kings and queens
    Sprinkling gems across the expanse


    Eons Pass

    Life is gushing growth
    More than the sum of its parts
    One Skip From Eden

    Lush and pure
    “See who we are
    We are the essence”
    All in its rightful place
    A sudden wind blows diff’rence
    The established vigour startled
    Cautiously welcomes a pompous thud
    A foot of a new creature known as Man


    Choosing matter over mind
    Has me wondering every time
    If there’s nothing more to find.

    Understanding from start to finish;
    It has me glinting through my limits,
    Probably being good for business.

    I’m striving for an end of daze
    When my fingers split the drapes
    And marvel at what’s outside the cage.

    Boundaries subside before me
    As bittersweet chapters in my story,
    But to the victor goes the glory.

    Choosing mind over matter
    Turned me deaf to idle chatter,
    Absorbing ambition all the faster.

    I swear to have the present sutured
    To its trophy wife named future.
    I’ll craft the jewelry that will suit her.

    To cut the edges like a razor,
    To preserve the welfare of our races:
    That’s why pencils have erasers.

    Violet-Eyed Monsters

    This is love, else we wouldn’t have bothered
    A thirst for your splendor’s secrets, for a clue
    Having our talons tilt the balance
    Devastation just to gaze upon you

    On solid ground our wonders dwindle
    So on the firmament we’ll lean
    Working to soon become immune
    To the inadequacy vaccine.

    Constrictingly thin
    Fittingly slick
    My conscience is feeble and
    The choice not chosen
    Is a harsh mistress.

    There is a heat that will bribe this glass
    To a humbled puddle it will be melting
    The atmosphere we once held dear
    Shall be in dire need of welting.

    I tell the others horrific tales
    Of being just one card in an endless deck.
    I instill fear and hate by being afraid:
    I am the cobra’s neck.

    Beads of a new greed gleam their violet evil
    As we rip the veil off the heavenly bride
    Assumin’ we are therefore human:
    One part self-loathing, an equal part pride.

    This is love, else we wouldn’t have bothered…?

    Folly’s thunder strikes in cycles.
    By the next round I’m sure we will
    Think that he who’s throned on a mount of bones
    Is somehow still king of the hill.

    Through our parallel carcasses we swear:
    We’ll once again be with you.
    Your ribcage grin will transform in-
    -to a hair of the dogs that bit you.

    Healing Factor

    Eons are passing
    Oh, the time this takes to mend
    Forming boundaries

    Lonely Blue Pearl

    She was overcome

    Hues and shapes draw closer
    Resilient remnants checking back in
    They, too, are no longer units
    No longer science
    They embrace the ravished matter
    Work the magic of an untold compassion

    Are you prepared, milady?
    Ready for another round of all-encompassing irrelevance?
    Ready for a torrent of headbutting dualities?
    Shall I bring the guests then?
    This survivor, she accepts
    This demiurge, she is ready

    She has overcome
    (Quiet applause)
    A momentum of matter
    A phoenix made of stars
    In chlorophyll necklaced and beshawled
    Feeling a billion of yesteryears cradle
    Road To Nowhere

    Dead men tell no tales, but if they did,
    they would revolve around this place:
    a canyon shaped like a demon's grin,
    a rock-solid brown embrace.

    Every thud of the hooves I command
    seems to stir another curse.
    To me and my only friend, I'm sure,
    this crag will be our hearse.

    Arid heat scorches and fries my noggin'
    but my sins flicker all the clearer.
    Why is it that I think of her
    while my doom is sprinting nearer?

    A tavern wench rife with youthful folly,
    who shot winks like twinkling rays.
    My personal gold rush finished, convinced
    to spend with her the rest of my days.

    But the vastness of the west still impressed
    me more than a woman possibly could.
    I saddled my partner in the canvas of the night,
    escaped my barless prison for good.

    I'm certain she cursed my unborn son
    since then, from the minute that she bore him.
    "Men and women will despise him alike,
    but bullets will adore him."

    I knew not where to look or turn
    when guilt is my opponent.
    Hence I follow the road to nowhere
    hoping to lead me to atonement.

    Indeed, drifting isn't what it ought to be.
    Freedom is but a term, no more.
    I sense various twitches underneath me:
    my companion's legs are sore.

    "I'm sorry, loyal friend", I say
    "I'll walk with you on foot."
    Though he still quakes as if hit by bolts,
    kneels in the desert's burning soot.

    Exhaustion legible on his face,
    his neighing reduced to a feeble tone.
    With a heavy stomach I understand:
    from this point on I roam alone.

    At least the sands of the wastes are courteous
    to shield me from the tragedy behind.
    Perhaps I should have stayed with him:
    What is it that I have left to find?

    Remorse beats me, batters and harasses me
    This raging sandstorm has woes to sell.
    These doomed joints click into place
    for one more leap into farewell.

    The images of everyone I ever wronged,
    like ghouls they enter my throat and choke me.
    But it's not my love, son or deceased comrade
    'Tis I and I alone who broke me.

    Lucy♥Heartfilia (Maka)
    There’s a time of peace and rest, they all say
    But my theory might make them insane
    For when I close my eyes and dream
    It’s shadows and sorrows as far as I can see

    Moonlight, sunlight, nightlight, flashlight, no light
    It doesn’t matter; the tears roll and the brain will fight
    Monsters love my closet, and ghouls devour my visions
    The fear, the depression, and the anxiety are the provisions

    Night falls, and let the games begin
    Morning comes, seeing is a sin
    Oh will it just let me rest?
    But I think it’ll never hear my protests
    The damage was done
    Blood on dead grass ran dry
    Knife in hand glinted under the sun
    And all she could do was cry

    Shredded fragments of faces left
    Faces she once saw and then hid
    Strewn around her, sore with regret
    To the dark one she gave after the bid

    The bid that she wished to take back
    But could she now? Oh no
    For night has risen and the mirror now cracked
    Summer fades, in comes winter's snow

    Happiness to her was not a dream
    Nightmares and darkness was her security
    Once something good would come her way it seemed
    Time to cut ties and try to show no pity

    Alone, alone she would always be
    Friendships, smiles, that was not her way
    If only, only she saw the mask she would scream
    For this was not her, she was actually brave

    For that moment she saw the light
    And sometimes felt the warmth of that embrace
    Fear would overcome her, oh what a fright
    Friends became demons, her mind shed no grace

    The crime was committed, no honor was paid
    Loved ones, dear ones close to her now gone
    Down on the ground the knife she laid
    And no more sought for another dawn

    ⟣ HYUGE ⟢
    Lights flashing,
    love fading,
    darkness seeping in
    through every pour.

    Crimson red
    trickles down from my mouth.
    What does it matter anymore?
    It's all just a lie.

    What's the point in trying?
    It's just a myth.
    My protection is gone.

    Who will be my anchor?
    Why did I bother listening?
    There is a pounding in my head.
    Larger and larger it grows. . .

    Please, make it stop!
    I can't feel my arms. . .
    My chest is constricting.
    Everything is fading.

    Lighter and lighter I fall.
    Where will I stop?
    The lights are gone now.
    There is only blackness.

    Will you catch me?
    Trust no one--
    that is what I've learned.
    If only I knew
    before. . .
    Dreaming like the night.
    Freathers golden as summer.
    Please don't let this end.

    Rain washes over
    my body, soaked to the bone.
    I am sinking now.

    It is not so bad.
    I quite like the ending here.
    Dreams are what you make.

    The best shall only be
    as great as you let it grow.
    Flowers blossoming.

    The tides are turning.
    Water begins to churn, so
    drop your life anchor.

    Flashes of bright light,
    blinding as far as the eye
    can see. Do you see?

    Everything is gone.
    I am losing my bearings.
    The ground vanishes.

    Spiraling downwards;
    landing on a bed of clouds?
    Where have I gone now?

    Drip, drop. Drip, drop, drip.
    The sun is fading away.
    The clouds separate.

    I begin to fall.
    when will this dream end for me?
    Twisting, churning. Drip.

    Surreal -- is how it
    feels for me. What about you?
    What is your dream like?

    Do you dream of clouds?
    Is it sunsets and moonlight?
    Walking on water?

    Is there someone there?
    Does it have a happy end?
    Does it bring you tears?

    Mine are usually
    filled with monsters. Cruel is life.
    Dream to take the pain.

    I like to sleep when
    I am hurting. How 'bout you?
    Do you feel better?

    I usually don't.
    The pain seeps in and distorts
    my dreams. Nightmares come.

    This is my last dream.
    I will never awaken.
    I see you out there.

    You are waiting for
    me. Tears, streaking down my face.
    We are together.
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Voting for Odamadillo.
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    I just wanted to point out that Dreaming, is a series of Haiku, but it's harder to tell now since the paragraph spacings were lost in the copying. But if you just ~ imagine ~ a space after every three lines, it might come to you ...
  4. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    And fixed!

    If anyone else needs their formatting & the like to be fixed, feel free to ask. :B
  5. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I'd like to request the formatting be fixed in 'Words'. There should only be one line break after every line.
  6. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    If it's not too much trouble (and sorry for not having done this myself), I'd like my first poem to have bigger print. I think some people may not bother reading it otherwise.
  7. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009

  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Odamadillo puts a lot of effort in his pieces, and I respect him for that. He obviously puts effort into making his poems lengthy and detailed, and doesn't resort to convenient pseudo-rhymes. Some lines boil down to the same thing though, which looks an awful lot like beating around the bush. I do, however, dig the repetition of "Darkness, eat my heart" in the first piece because it emphasizes the idea of a negative spiral the narrator has been thrust into. The second piece ponders over an interesting question. I like the ending, where the narrator seems to answer his own question. In fact, Odamadillo seems to have good endings down in general.

    I don't like "I'm awesome" poems/raps/songs. At all. It's a good thing then, that Nas' first piece is quite a bit more than that. Reading through the entire poem, one can't help but realize that this is actually a commendable challenge to writers to take their work seriously. The first stanza still irked me, but poetry with a message is something I approve of. "Bar Fax" lacks the cohesion in the first piece, but has stupendous rhymes and flow and genius lines such as "The product of true artists can't multiply" (ain't that the truth?).

    Vinyl Scratch
    I would have stuck to only one stanza of comparisons (they seemed to drag on a bit), but on the other hand it was a great way to make the mood whiplash all the more jarring. "Poetic Rant" successfully mixes love, sadness and a hint of anger and it all boils down to an enjoyable, emotional read. "Words" demonstrates just how good Vinyl Scratch's rhyming skills are whilst not distracting from the content of the poem. Loved the closure too.

    "Yesteryear's Cradle" may well be the Ghost In The Shell of poetry: ambitious, thought-provoking, intricate. It also has many of the same flaws. For all its philosophical musings, their vagueness and overdose of imagery can be off-putting and is simply not quite entertaining. I like the little things a lot though: the choice of format (from chaotic free verse to orderly and back again), the crescendo in "One Skip From Eden" and even the haiku, even though they're basically glorified time skips. Everything has meaning, but the wish to impress the reader is far too obvious. Great poetry; it's only unfortunate that the whole epic is as subtle as Ted Nugent driving a tank through your house and blasting your couch to confetti.
    His second entry was therefore well chosen since it balances out these impressions. Nothing grand here but a simple, even slightly cliché tale of a single man's struggle with guilt. There is nothng remarkable about it, which is the most neutral comment ever but important nonetheless. Its quality of being, well, ordinary may prove to be a nice change even if it disappoints the author itself. Last but not least, using Wiktionary to find good rhyming words (painfully easy to tell in some instances) is kinda cheap. It is the equivalent of buying an authentically crafted item and then finding out that it was "Made in Taiwan". For shame...

    "My Weary Head" is a superb piece of poetry and perfectly conveys how tired the narrator is of fighting. The "monsters love my closet" line was pretty clever too. "The Price Of Solitude" is dark, brooding and even slightly nightmarish. What is implied is as powerful and telling as what is actually written, if not more so. The ending was heart-wrenching and left a wry aftertaste, even though we had already gotten a taste of the road the character was heading down. Goes to show how great the piece was.

    ⟣ HYUGE ⟢
    Ah, experimenting with the form. I love it when poets do that. I dare say it worked quite well here. The fading effect was clever and contributed to the emotional impact of the poem. Shouldn't it be "through every pore" though, or was that a play on words? I think the second piece is the better one. Using haiku for stanzas worked in giving the poem a more dreamy feel, lulling the reader into a false sense of security before taking a turn for the darker. It also contains more imagery than the first piece (which makes sense in a poem about dreams).

    Choosing who to vote for has been difficult. I think my two favorites were Maka and ⟣ HYUGE ⟢ . The latter, however, earns bonus points for working with the form of the poems in addition to the content. So yeah, my vote goes to ⟣ HYUGE ⟢.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    First, I just wanted to say thank you for the vote.

    I truly appreciate the critique. It is hard to know how well oneself is doing, if no one ever comments on the work. I'm glad you like the formatting of the poems. Having them look a certain way, especially Fading, was immensely important to me [which was why I started freaking out when the spacing was gone]. Fading was meant to have less description because I wanted the coloring of the words to help capture some of the imagery and pull the reader in so that they are more susceptible to reading the piece. I'm super excited over the fact that you caught the play on words! I wasn't sure anyone would. Most would assume it was just a typo, but it was indeed intentional.

    Dreaming was more difficult and took a lot longer to complete. It was less about the formatting of the poem and more simply down to the words. It was the first time I had tried anything like that and personally I feel as if I executed it well. I had hoped that it would make it feel more dreamy and like you're floating in one stanza and then plummeting in the next, as it often times occurs in dreams as such. So I'm glad you got that vibe from it. It makes me feel like I accomplished my job.

    These were the first two pieces I have wrote in a couple years. They have also given me the motivation to get back into my poetry. So yeah. Thanks everyone that has voted for me so far, and good luck to everyone else! You all deserve it much more than I do. LoL
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