I was reminiscing during work,(day dreaming) and I thought about a few silly pranks my cousins and I pulled on various family members. Two of which, I will probably remember for the rest of my life. The first one involved me going to my very first sleepover (at 12 or 14... over protective mom. Don't ask.) I stayed over at my cousins house when we decided we would prank her annoying bother, and his cousin, (who was also sleeping over) We stayed up until 4 am. waiting for them to go to sleep so our plan could commence! After the boys got scolded (by their grandmother no less) we snuck into their room holding in our childish glee. Using lip stick, we drew all over only one cousins face. He looked like jiggly puff with the swirls on his cheeks and red lipstick on. When we woke up the next day, to our surprise and pleasure, we found out my cousins big brother was blamed for the whole thing! My cousin, my sister, and me decided to make chocolate chip cookies in our victory. The second occurred during middle school on a very cold October or November morning. I used to go to school at five a.m. because my father had to go to work really early. I would sit inside the music hallway waiting for violin class to start. One day... As I walked into the hall all the lights were off. I wondered why but it was to dark to even search for a light. So I sat on the floor, in the dark, waiting for a good friend to come in at six. When she did arrive we chattered a bit then decided this is the perfect halloween prank! Our devious minds planed as we waited for a good guy friend to join our trio and then the pranking started... We put makeup on our guy friend and told him to go and lie on the middle of the floor like he was dead, or unconscious. He was pretty convincing with the makeup job we had given him. One by one students would come into the hall (the light from outside gave them a glimpse of the inside hall) only to be scared s***less by our "dead" friend. For about an hour we made silly noises, and watched our friend chase people out of the hall, some hitting lockers, walls, and doors in their haste to escape. It was a riot! But our fun had to end... At eight a.m. the janitor realized he left the light in the music hall off and we had to end our fun prank. So what's the funniest middle or high school prank you guys have pulled? I'm curious to know!