Believing an absolutely fake book?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 8, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    This may belong In Debate Corner, I wasn't too sure.

    You know how there Is The Bible, right? Well, there Is this Cult who have their own 'Bible'. Unfortunately this Cult believes EVERYTHING It says, but this 'Bible' Is no different then a fiction book. It says things about celebrities, people, the world, country's etc. and all of It Is a lie, an obvious lie of course.
    So why do they follow It If Its an obvious lie?
    I am not too sure myself, but I do wonder why nobody has done anything about It If It says lies about people and the world.

    What are your opinions?

  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Wow...a cult making their own 'Bible,' that's just...terrible...

    In my opinion, sometimes, people want to follow something/someone, either to give them a peace of mind, or just because someone, they have been convinced into believing it's true. Just because one person finds it false, doesn't mean one person does not. However, there's also the possibility, like I mentioned earlier, it relieves stress, gives them a source of comfort/happiness, something to look forward to maybe.

    As for doing anything about long as it doesn't harm anyone or anything in any way, or somehow leads to some sort of felony, the government will not get involved. As it says in the amendments, people are free to have their own religion...and if this cult is what they want, they will be allowed to do so, without anyone hindering them...unless of course a felony has developed from it...
  3. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Please try and make sure your posts have 6 words each. Post your actual opinion on something instead of just something as brief as that. This is intelligent discussion. Please keep it that way.

    Anyway, I agree that this is wrong. It kind of reminds me of Scientology in a way...

    But anyway, I do think it is wrong, and I would never follow it nor encourage anyone else too. However, it is the people who chose to believe it's choice. They are choosing to put faith in fiction and believe lies. Although it is wrong, they are the ones who got themselves into the cult and they are the ones who chose to believe this. If you were to ask me, an agnostic bordering atheism, I would say the bible is a book of lies too. It all depends on what you believe in.

    Since it is these people's choice to believe it, no legal action or anything can be done about it. It is wrong to create something completely fiction and force others to believe it, yes, but that has happened in countless religions and cults in the past. It was only a matter of time before they started including people in the current world. It all revolves around whether or not people chose to believe it.

  4. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Wow, completely false and people take it seriously? You mean like EVERY "Holy Book?"

    On topic: If it keeps them happy and stops them hurting others, I think it's fine. However, I'd rather people find out on their own that hurting others is wrong.
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    It's not unheard of for a cult to make their own Bible. Look at the Church of Satan who have their own bible. While they're not really a cult, least in my opinion, they started that way. But chances are they're not going to ask you to drink the Kool-aid.


    Who is to say that the Christian Bible is "real"? To a Bhuddist, for example, the Christian Bible isn't real. And to a Christian, the Muslim Koran isn't real.

    It's a matter of perspective and one's views.
  6. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Guess they just wana deny the fact it's a lie even though it's evident...I dunno :sideways:

    And I guess ur rite about one's perspective on things...
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Sounds pretty familiar, Jordier. :3

    I really don't know why people would fall victim to that. o.O But, people will believe things regardless of obvious facts, I guess. Kinda sad. =/ xD
  8. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    There are alot of things in the world that we wish to believe but know are not true. It's like running away from reality which im sure lots of people have done. But making your own bible is kinda extreme.
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Well, in the end, every 'religion' started out as a cult, historically. Every 'holy book' was debated as having any authenticity whatsoever because they are all written by men. Just because a book was written 2000 years ago doesn't make it more valid than one written 4 years ago. All religions had their beginning times as being the thing that some people gripped onto and then later societies adopted as being something they wanted to add into their cultures.

    So, to me, I'm not seeing the problem here. Religions have their violent fanatical devotees, which those are the issues in the end. If the religion isn't one that just spurns hatred, mutilations etc, I don't think of it as a big deal. People believe in what they want to make them feel whole and happier and good for them.
  10. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    That's true, Repliku. Even Christianity started as a cult which was an executable offense in everywhere it was practiced. Then Constantine had his vision and made Christianity the official Religion of the Empire. Outlawing any and all other religions within the Empire's borders.

    Ugh...long history lesson I could go for hours on but I'll spare you.
  11. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    like posts said above me christianity was basicall considered (back a long time ago) a cult, how they all beleived in jesus and they all did everything they said blah blah blah....anyways..

    im not trying to say this i not wrong for, it is. but i guess im just a multi-pesonalityy kind of person. anyways... waht have you personally been taught since birth? OR say something depressed you so much and that one book broght you happieness, what would you do?
  12. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    If they want to believe it, then they can do that, but if they know its a lie themselves, then that is not something they should do. a "Cult" like this is not exactly the kind of thing that i think hsould be going on, but then again, most religeons started out as cults.
  13. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    i think cults are...a sticky subject but they do have a right to belive what they want.....-_-'
  14. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I heard something about the bible that was interesting a few days ago.

    It was written 200 years after Jesus's death. Not by god, not by Jesus, but by a bunch of (most likely) Guys who were rich and educated. Whether or not that's fake is up to you, but that's something to consider, because a lot of people or at least my dad believes that Jesus wrote the bible.

    That means in some cases the bible isn't written from if you will "God's" work, it was written from the POV and opinion from the men who lived during that time. And if you ever considered what it was like 2000 years ago.

    You can pretty much imagine why it was written in some cases like it was.
  15. sora roxas60 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 19, 2006
    Aperture Science Laboratories
    Hmmmmm..... Very interesting... But ,as previously metioned, It's been heard of before.
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