Coded Behemoth in layer 25 (Re:Coded)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by itsmemerawr, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. itsmemerawr Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 8, 2008
    so i was barely making it past the previous layers while playing some Olympus Coliseum, then i go against the Behemoth and i get owned a few times. Any advice on beating the Behemoth?
  2. Slycrg Destiny Islands Resident

    The Behemoth is a fairly simple boss. He has only 2-3 attacks and they're pretty easy to block. You may need to level up more or try using your Defence, Regen, Auto life and Strength Licenses at the same time then renew them when necessary. Also have you got cloud in your party? If not you definitely won't be able to beat the final boss so if you missed him I'd say to go back and get him.