I can't seem to find myself drawing lately. Hmph. So I made some icons. Yes, I'm procrastinating from my school work booo>:c Not a lot, I'd like to make more but I've grown quite lazy ho ho ho If one were to oddly interest you, you may use it! Please just credit me and if you need anything sized down please say ♥ CnC ?
I'm really loving the first one. It's just so pretty. You're so talented, my dear. Your current one is lovely as well even though I'm not a big fan of pink and Ariel! =D Keep up the wonderful work, sweety. <3
my favorite: your skill is always amazing. ugh. /brb using edit: i don't know if it will make a difference in quality, but can i get one in 100x100? thank you <3
I adore what you did with this one, it's beautiful. /wonderseizure Your style is very nice, I always like to see bright colors. Very well done, Dinny dear.<3
B'awww, thanks so much all of you ; u ; I was hesitant on making this because I felt like I was loosing my touch on icons abububbu, but thank you so much for liking them and such n _ n It means a lot yey <3 Here you go! I'm not exactly sure if it made any difference... I'm too sleepy to compare at the moment xD If you want me to sharpen it up or tweak it a tiny bit more just tell me c: