This movie is playing in the other room right now and I've come to a conclusion. Beast learns nothing from the spell. The spell was placed because he failed to notice the enchantress' beauty because of her ugly appearance. Then he falls in love with Belle who is the most beautiful girl in her town but is considered a bit weird to the towns folk. And that was only because the servants mentioned that she could be the one to break the spell, he was going to keep her locked in a dungeon. So Belle learned the lesson that the beast was cursed for, and the beast learns nothing.
Beauty and the Beast teaches little girls to stay in abusive relationships in hope that in the end, the abusive man will turn into a gentlemanly prince and a dream come true.
I just find it funny. He never learns his lesson in all of it. He learns to love, yes. But the person he loves is beautiful (personal preferences aside, that is blatantly said in the plot-line). So did he actually learn anything about looking for inner beauty?
But Beast didn't love her for her looks, he loved her because they liked the same books & she could see past his outside appearances. So in a way, Belle taught him that looks don't matter, both by refusing to marry Gaston and by paling about with Beast. Even if you're one of those "looks don't matter" people, you can still be with someone who's pretty. If looks don't matter, you'll be into someone ugly or pretty. Beast just got the better end of the deal, lol.
Actually, now that you all mention it there is kind of a stockholm syndrome kind of thing going on...
.....I see it now. -_- I will blame it on the fact that she was trying to save her dad. Thus, she got stuck with the beast.
I agree with what Misty said, Beast learned his lesson through Belle. She was able to look past his looks and see him as a human being, not just a Beast. Before she showed up, I think he pretty much gave up hope for ever breaking the spell because no one would ever love him because looks alone would prevent it (like how he had turned away the enchantress solely for her looks). He eventually saw past Belle's looks and realized she was even more beautiful because of her personality.