A live-action remake of the classic 1991 animated film, Beauty and the Beast tells the story of an inventive and bookish young woman named Belle who becomes imprisoned in the castle of a prince cursed into the form of a beast until he can learn to love and be loved in return. Directed by Bill Condon (Dreamgirls, Mr. Holmes) and featuring the original films songs by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken (with a few new songs by Alan Menken), the cast features: Emma Watson (Harry Potter series) as Belle Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey) as The Beast Kevin Kline (A Fish Called Wanda) as Maurice Luke Evans (The Hobbit) as Gaston Josh Gad (Frozen) as LeFou Ewan McGregor (Star Wars prequel trilogy) as Lumiere Ian McKellen (The Lord of the Rings) as Cogsworth Emma Thompson (Sense and Sensibility) as Mrs. Potts Nathan Mack (Babylon) as Chip Audra McDonald (The Sound of Music Live) as Garderobe Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Belle) as Babette Stanley Tucci (The Hunger Games) as Cadenza Hattie Morahan (Mr. Holmes) as Agathe the Enchantress Zoe Rainey (Mr. Holmes) as Belle's mother The film will release on March 17, 2017.
I have to admit, I haven't shown much interest in Disney's recent trend of live action remakes of their animated classics. But this may be an exception, as both today's new trailer (as well as the teaser from months ago) have caught my attention and got me interested. Was it the heavy nostalgia that the trailers provided? I don't know, but I know I'll definitely be seeing it. Now where's my gritty live action reboot of Bambi?! Come on, Disney!
I think the first trailer makes it took a lot better than the newest one, even so, it looks like it is going to be an amazing movie. I cannot wait until March when it comes out.
Every time I saw a trailer since I saw the teaser, I have become hopefully of this movie. This movie has been one of my favorite Disney movies, and one of my favorite actresses is playing the lead role. It looks so good and I hope to see it when it comes out.
So if anyone's interested, Disney uploaded all the songs from the movie to their official YouTube channel.
Recently just saw the movie today and it was great. They added onto the history of the Beast and why he was so selfish that caused the castle to become cursed by the Enchantness. They also told why Belle's mother wasn't around and what happened to her. There were scenes that were same as in the animated one but done in a way to show it's different. All in all, I really enjoyed it, won't spoil it though