I wonder how many members on that site have been happy with the other 'beautiful' members they have met.
A couple thousand of people got kicked off that site after Christmas because they put on a little weight. And the guy who runs the website doesn't want a bunch of fatties on the site. The site just sounds really silly
At BeautifulPeople.com of course! And you are only premitted to join if others think you're 'beautiful' and you continue to take their fancy.
I heard the original purpose was to make a refuge for "beautiful people" because they attract too much attention from losers on other dating sites. Flawless plan except that the designer forgot to take into account that there is such a thing as a good-looking loser.
It wasn't the owner of the site that kicked them off, the users vote as to how attractive each member is and if they fall below a certain standard (set by the users) then they are removed.