Beautiful Disaster

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Apr 19, 2009.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    This is what happens when I'm bored and not in a good mood. Another RP. I know this is like an overused plot. Blah. Title=random. Yay...
    I know the story is a little short. Sorry. ><

    In the world, there have been people that are kept as a secret from the rest of society. It is believe that these people could possibly cause chaos throughout the world. But, this is not true. Not every one of them is evil. Some believe with the power they have, they could possibly change the world and make it a better place for humans and non-humans alike. But since others thought differently, they decided to isolate these “special gifted” people. These people are kept in a school called Allendale Academy. Some are Witches, Warlocks, Vampires, and many others that only have special powers they were born with. But, there are normal humans that go to this school. Their parents had powers and were believe that their children would have powers as well. They just need to be awakened somehow. Some humans enjoy the school but others hate it and wish to escape it. There are even others who aren’t humans that want to be treated like any ordinary person.

    1. No god-modding or power playing! Do any of these and I will bite your head off.
    2. Stay ACTIVE! If you’re not going to be active, don’t bother posting a character. But, if you join and things begin to come up, please do post something here or leave me a VM so I know you won’t be active.
    3. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language etc. Romance, anything beyond PG-13 take it to PM. Language, censor it if you must swear.
    4. No controlling others’ characters.
    5. No killing others’ characters without their permission.
    6. I’ll only allow you to have up to 4 characters. If you already have the max number and one of your characters dies, you may go head and make another character.
    7. Don’t you dare do *this*. I swear to God, I will be pissed since I haven’t been in a good mood for the past week.
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive.
    9. Don’t post too many pages when I’m gone. I’m in school and I’m kind of stressed with…stuff. >>;
    10. Make this your own RP, I will shoot you and hunt you down. B|
    11. Do not be random. It makes me mad every time.
    12. If you’re wondering, yes I wasn’t in a good mood when I typed this.
    13. No constant one-liners. Look at number 10 to find out what I’ll do to you if I see it post after post. I understand writer’s block because I get that a lot but, like I said, not post after post after post.
    14. And yes, I know this is an overused plot.
    15. Another thing, only I can disobey my rules since I am the one came up with this RP.
    16. I would like the preview post LONG.
    17. Put your ‘Gravity’ somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules.
    18. If you have any question regarding the RP, just PM me or leave me a VM.
    19. Witches, Warlocks, etc. have their own spells and stuff like that. But if they’re not a witch etc. then they have powers. But if they’re human, they have absolutely no powers. Only a weapon but that’s optional.
    20. If I add anymore rules, I’ll let you guys know.

    ~.:OC Form:.~
    Race: (Witch, Warlock, etc.)
    Power: (If they’re not a witch or warlock and so on, then put a power here. If they’re human, they have NO powers. *points to rule 19*)
    Weapon: (Optional)
    Preview Post:

    Username: Aura
    Name: Violet Martinez
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Race: Witch
    Personality: Violet is very outgoing. She feels like the way everyone is being kept is a terrible idea and that if it’s possible that everyone should rebel. But, she knows if they were to do that, it would only cause more problems.
    Bio: Her mother was a witch and her father was a human. Her mother didn’t want to put her in Allendale Academy but her father believed it would have been a better place for her. She has been hating her father ever since he left her at Allendale. Although she is outgoing, she doesn’t have many friends. Her teachers find it a little odd and yet, so does she. She keeps a book close at hand which she uses for her spells.
    Appearance: sprites unicorns ect ect/a33my2gc.jpg
    Power: N/A
    Weapon: Wand
    Other: N/A

    Username: Aura
    Name: Rebecca Watson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Personality: Rebecca is very shy. She is a bit the opposite of Violet but she feels the same why she does. She believes they should let everyone in Allendale Academy live like any ordinary person. Rebecca is very caring, and sweet.
    Bio: Both of Rebecca’s parents had special powers. Her mother had the ability to control wind and fire and her father had the ability to make illusions. She was first confused to have been able to gain powers but Rebecca is a regular human being. She is usually forced to take classes or lessons that will help her “release” her powers. She knows that she doesn’t have powers and tells the teachers it’s pointless to try but she is still put in these classes.
    Power: N/A
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Me B|
    Name: "Grey"
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Race: "Angel"
    Personality: Has a dark sense of humor, tries making crude jokes but he knows when to quit...sometimes, he can act almost suicidal but he almost always knows what he's doing. Helps others when the need arises.
    Bio: He entered the school reluctantly with several scars from lost fights with his brother, his only family member. He knows he has a great deal of power but he lacks something inside himself to fully use them. Even his powers can have a personality and can randomly turn themselves against him. Grey doesn't tell anyone his real name. Even in the school he was enrolled as his allias. He's busy trying to think of his purpose but he comes off as a slacker and a jerk.
    Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, about six feet tall, wears a white hoody, dark blue jeans, black and white shoes, and usually wears gloves to hide the scars on his hands.
    Powers: Fire(he can't throw fire though XD), flight, slight telekenesis(sp), and can dampen other's abilities.
    Weapon: Friendship! XD Kidding. Love. B| mainly. << >>
    Other: A little based of my story. *Advertizes "Angels Don't Like Heroes"*
    Preview Post: *Then Grey killed everyone* ZOMGWTFBBQ? TAKE THT N00BZ!!1!!! =)
    Kidding. Uh...<-< *Defies you since I used my phone to post this and I revived this*

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Black
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Race: vampire
    Personality: crude, old fashioned and blood thirsty
    Bio: His parents where vampires making him a born vampire. His blood drinking needs are taken care of with cartons of blood much like milk cartons at the school.
    Appearance: guy vampire/MewmewRikku/Anime Boys/guy127.jpg
    Power: Typical vampire stuff, not Twilight style and not the weak to silver type. Think Angel and Buffy.
    Weapon: none.
    Other: Gravity?
    Preview Post: Leon stayed indoors at dinner mostly because if he stepped outside, into the sunlight he would probably make a nice little mess from disintergrating. Keeping to himself so he wouldn't make a mistake to his weakness he strayed into the cafeteria where he was able to purchase cartoned blood so he wouldn't feed on the other students. As a vampire he had to sustain his life with at least a pint of blood a day other wise he would go wild until he eventually starved to death and turned to dust like if he was hit by the sun.

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Seth Walker
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Race: Warlock
    Personality: Seth is a calm and quiet sort of guy. He sometimes acts lazy
    Bio: Both of Seth's parents were not to sure about sending Seth to the Academy but they soon realized it would be best for Seth to go to the Academy despite the fact that he never really wanted to go in the fist place. Seth is a pretty quiet guy who usually is by himself. Despite being a warlock he never really finds interest in using spells. He only uses them when he has too
    Appearance: anime boys/natsumebythetree.jpg
    Power: None
    Weapon: A sword
    Other: Gravity
    Preview Post: Seth was in his room sitting on his bed. In his hands was a sword that was in its sheath. Seth pulled out the sword from its sheath and started to examine it. "Excellent quality" Seth said as he continued to look at it for a while. He soon put the sword back into its sheath and sighed and layed down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling "I really don't know why they sent me here even though they were not that sure in the fist place. The teachers are getting me annoyed too with all their talk about how I should start using spells more often" Seth mumbled to himself as he sat back up and looked back at the sword once more by taking it out of its sheath

    Name:Riyu(rie you)
    Race: part wolf
    Personality: a quiet kid that usualy reads and does c average but if you get him mad you get a feeling that you are wanted dead and he will talk but he rarely talks to poeple and usualy answeres a question asked and will stick up for people
    Bio:his parents died at birth and he was a normal kid until one day a group of people took him to the school
    Appearance: when he isnt mad he has short brown hair and yellow wolf shaped eyes. and is about 5'5 but when he taps his part wolf power his brown hair grows frizyish and his eyes turn reddis and his nails are sharper and longer while his fangs are usualy a bit longer
    Power: to tap into his inner wolf
    Weapon: (he keeps a bow and arrow set in his room and a dual weild sword under his bed
    Other:nothing much oh yea "gravity" teehee
    Preview Post: as Riyu was walking through the forest he was using the trees to balance him and as he got to a medow the moon shone slowly backed away he fely something say STOP and he stopped and he could hear a growling sound in his head and felt his fingers get longer and noticed his nails were sharper and bit longer and he noticed his hair was unusualy messy and that his vidsion was almost perfect andhe could smell the school a mile away and then the finial thing he noticed was his urge for blood and the fac that his canine tooth was a bit longer abd sharper

    Race: part wolf
    Personality: the rash type not afgraid to speak her mind or hit somebody
    Bio: she has a younger brother named riyu who she is always beating on and like ehr brother she is part wolf but more " mature" gravity
    Appearance:tall 5'7 long red hair to her back and green eyes she dosent have the wolf eyes less she changess. wolf app: greyish reddish hair red wolf eyes and her nails and fangs get longer
    Power: wolf
    Weapon: her self
    Other:not much
    Preview Post:as Ariel sat down she saw riyu chewing on a pencil making some slobbery noise she sighed and threw her math book at him hitting him in the back of the head making a really loud "THUD" causing riyu to faceplant the desk cursing silently

    Name: Blake Narkityle
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Electric Demon
    Personality: Blake is a joker at best who tends to make enemies quicker than friends. With this personality he is classified as a Grade A+ Smartass, an achievement he's quite proud of.
    Bio: Blake was forced into the school by his father who wanted him to stop his lifestyle of skating and scamming his way through life after his mother died.
    Power: Control Electricity
    Weapon: Bladed skateboard and a custom made all-red .45 Pistol with electrically charged bullets
    Other: Gravity
    Preview Post: Blake sat in his first hour class bored beyond comprehension. All he could think about was leaving, skateboarding, and doing all the things he does best like scamming people and goofing off. He looked at the teacher finally starting to pay a little attention. But something was wrong the more Blake payed attention the more he noticed. There was something wrong with this room...this smell, it didn't smell like old books and cheap floor wax, no it smelled like bleach and glass cleaner. This wasn't his first hour class at all. Oh no the worst had happened....he fell asleep in the Janitor's closet.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Gravity doesn't exist in anime. XD

    Username: Me B|
    Name: "Grey"
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Race: "Angel"
    Personality: Has a dark sense of humor, tries making crude jokes but he knows when to quit...sometimes, he can act almost suicidal but he almost always knows what he's doing. Helps others when the need arises.
    Bio: He entered the school reluctantly with several scars from lost fights with his brother, his only family member. He knows he has a great deal of power but he lacks something inside himself to fully use them. Even his powers can have a personality and can randomly turn themselves against him. Grey doesn't tell anyone his real name. Even in the school he was enrolled as his allias. He's busy trying to think of his purpose but he comes off as a slacker and a jerk.
    Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, about six feet tall, wears a white hoody, dark blue jeans, black and white shoes, and usually wears gloves to hide the scars on his hands.
    Powers: Fire(he can't throw fire though XD), flight, slight telekenesis(sp), and can dampen other's abilities.
    Weapon: Friendship! XD Kidding. Love. B| mainly. << >>
    Other: A little based of my story. *Advertizes "Angels Don't Like Heroes"*
    Preview Post: *Then Grey killed everyone* ZOMGWTFBBQ? TAKE THT N00BZ!!1!!! =)
    Kidding. Uh...<-< *Defies you since I used my phone to post this and I revived this*
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Wow. XD The only time I'll accept you without a preview post. B|
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    My god, if I knew of this sooner.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Black
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Race: vampire
    Personality: crude, old fashioned and blood thirsty
    Bio: His parents where vampires making him a born vampire. His blood drinking needs are taken care of with cartons of blood much like milk cartons at the school.
    Appearance: guy vampire/MewmewRikku/Anime Boys/guy127.jpg
    Power: Typical vampire stuff, not Twilight style and not the weak to silver type. Think Angel and Buffy.
    Weapon: none.
    Other: Gravity?
    Preview Post: Leon stayed indoors at dinner mostly because if he stepped outside, into the sunlight he would probably make a nice little mess from disintergrating. Keeping to himself so he wouldn't make a mistake to his weakness he strayed into the cafeteria where he was able to purchase cartoned blood so he wouldn't feed on the other students. As a vampire he had to sustain his life with at least a pint of blood a day other wise he would go wild until he eventually starved to death and turned to dust like if he was hit by the sun.
  5. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    Name:Riyu(rie you)
    Race: part wolf
    Personality: a quiet kid that usualy reads and does c average but if you get him mad you get a feeling that you are wanted dead and he will talk but he rarely talks to poeple and usualy answeres a question asked and will stick up for people
    Bio:his parents died at birth and he was a normal kid until one day a group of people took him to the school
    Appearance: when he isnt mad he has short brown hair and yellow wolf shaped eyes. and is about 5'5 but when he taps his part wolf power his brown hair grows frizyish and his eyes turn reddis and his nails are sharper and longer while his fangs are usualy a bit longer
    Power: to tap into his inner wolf
    Weapon: (he keeps a bow and arrow set in his room and a dual weild sword under his bed
    Other:nothing much oh yea "gravity" teehee
    Preview Post: as Riyu was walking through the forest he was using the trees to balance him and as he got to a medow the moon shone slowly backed away he fely something say STOP and he stopped and he could hear a growling sound in his head and felt his fingers get longer and noticed his nails were sharper and bit longer and he noticed his hair was unusualy messy and that his vidsion was almost perfect andhe could smell the school a mile away and then the finial thing he noticed was his urge for blood and the fac that his canine tooth was a bit longer abd sharper ( how is that? it is the first time he became part wolf)

    oc how was that

    yo gravity
  6. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    Fix your preview post. Honestly, I barely understood it.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Seth Walker
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Race: Warlock
    Personality: Seth is a calm and quiet sort of guy. He sometimes acts lazy
    Bio: Both of Seth's parents were not to sure about sending Seth to the Academy but they soon realized it would be best for Seth to go to the Academy despite the fact that he never really wanted to go in the fist place. Seth is a pretty quiet guy who usually is by himself. Despite being a warlock he never really finds interest in using spells. He only uses them when he has too
    Appearance: anime boys/natsumebythetree.jpg
    Power: None
    Weapon: A sword
    Other: Gravity
    Preview Post: Seth was in his room sitting on his bed. In his hands was a sword that was in its sheath. Seth pulled out the sword from its sheath and started to examine it. "Excellent quality" Seth said as he continued to look at it for a while. He soon put the sword back into its sheath and sighed and layed down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling "I really don't know why they sent me here even though they were not that sure in the fist place. The teachers are getting me annoyed too with all their talk about how I should start using spells more often" Seth mumbled to himself as he sat back up and looked back at the sword once more by taking it out of its sheath
  8. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    Make the preview post a little longer please.

    And, once one more person joins, we'll start.
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ok I made it a bit longer is it alright?
  10. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC:Yeah, it's fine. You're in.

    And since I'm too lazy to wait for someone new to join, we may start.

    Violet had arrived early to her first class, since she would always wake up earlier than everyone else. She stood by the window, reading a spell book that was given to her by her teacher. She ran her finger down the page, looking description of the spell. "Ordinary fire spell..." she muttered. She knew a tons of those already. She let out a sigh, closing the book and turning her head to look out the window.

    Rebecca sat up from, letting out a loud yawn. She rubbed her eyes, looking around, noticing she had fallen asleep while doing her homework...again. She took a deep breath, figuring she should start sleeping on her bed instead of the table. She scratched the back of her head as she stood up, walking over to her window. She could see some students already heading for class. She lowered her head, looking down at her hands. Rebecca took a deep breath, turning back towards her paper work.

    OOC: >>
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon was already awake, he had been for hours. He slept just after school until night fall usually, this was so he could go to this school and keep himself to the night as his nature intended. During the day he wore clothes thick enough to protect him from the sun until he got inside, he even wore a full bike helmet to keep himself from getting fried. He made his way to the school which wasn't far since he stayed in the on campus dorms.
  12. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    as Riyu looked down he saw students passing below him going to class he stretched scratched his ear and fell out of the tree landing on his feet right infront of some student a female one and as he hit his legs buckled so he was in a squatting possition he slowly stood straight up and looked ehr in the eyes and smiled
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey let out a low whistle, stuffing his hands as he walked through the halls. He actually didn't have class this early, he had fewer classes than just about every student because there...well there really wasn't anything for him to learn. His eyes looked left and right as he searched for one of his own classes, to check if there was anyone inside it yet. "I hate being early..."
  14. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    Riyu then walked up the steps and saw grey
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth was walking down the halls with a spell book in his hand. He was reading it as he walked trying to memorize some spells. He continued to walk until he got to his class and walked in. Seth then closed his book and took his seat. Seth sighed as he crossed his arms and sat there
  16. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Violet sat at her desk, seeing from the corner of her eye as students walked in, one by one or in pairs. She had her elbow against the table and rested her head on the palm of her hand. She turned the pages of the spell book, skimming some of the spells she thought she might like to learn. Most of them she already knew, but she had yet to master some of the most difficult ones.

    Rebecca had collected her things and left her room, heading for class. She kept her papers neat and organized since she has to turn them in today. While walking to her class, she read the paper she had to type for her English class. "Needs to be perfect." she muttered, making sure everything was in place.
  17. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    Riyu walked into class and sat next to a window with his eyes squined looking at all the girls and spotted one with a spell book and tryied to read the cover of it
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth continued to sit at his desk with his arms crossed. He had his eyes closed and remained quiet as the many students started to come into the room. Seth continued to stay like that as he waited for the teacher to arrive and start the lesson
  19. sora117 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 1, 2008
    in hell wanna come play
    Riyu leaned over to a boy yo dude what book is that ?
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Despite the fact that somebody was talking to him Seth didn't either unfold his arms or open his eyes. "Its a book of spells" Seth said in a calm voice as he sat there
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