Dont push What? into becoming premium do it when he only has 5 post to go do it when he feels like it
This has been suggested to everyone that is almost at 1,000. :B|: By definition shouldn't an acting paper be just BS? I mean there's not honestly much you could write. xD
Dude, techies rule. I'm not just an actor, I'm a techie. Power tools are the sh*t, man. And I love destroying the set on the final show night.
Oh god set strike is definitely one of the best parts of stage crew. The best in my opinion is lighting, since that's my area. 8D But I might have to be stage manager this year too since I'm the only junior crew member. .-.
I was always in charge of Box Office since I was one of the few people that actually knew how to handle, face, count, and deposit the damn money. But I helped with painting and construction. Lighting and sound weren't really my thing.
Our crew doesn't really get defined until a few weeks before the production; it's mostly because we don't have that many people. xD So we all end up painting stuff, just the older students can handle the tools. Though I'm the only one that's allowed to go up the ladder to fix/adjust the lights...with various power tools on my belt or in my pockets...8D I also supply the brownies on our six hour rehearsal days. xD
My high school was different. To be a crew head, you had to write a letter to the director(one of the three teachers) explaining why you should get the position. Then, you have crew meetings and decide your crew. We have specific deadlines to keep. Our crews are decided about a week after the final casts are posted.