BbS Wins Best Portable Game at Japan Expo Awards 2011!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. Ty Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 30, 2010
    Oh wow, another update brought to our attention from forum member P! He's on roll, isn't he? I'm gonna need to step my game up, haha! This update is kind of small, but still very awesome to read.

    Anyways, at this year's Japan Expo Awards 2011, an event specifically for the French, as they celebrate all great pieces of media coming out of Japan, such as music, anime, manga, and last but not least, video games. And guess what? This year, they awarded Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep this year's Best Portable Game award! Like I said - awesome, right?

    Source: (site's in French, so)
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 1, 2011.

    1. Mish
      Awesome. I loved Birth by Sleep, so I think it deserves the win<3
    2. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      awesome a totaly deserved title to BbS!
    3. Dinny
      Hoorah! :'D
      That's fantastic! Birth By Sleep claimed and won that title all-deservingly~
    4. Shikou
      Best PSP game I ever played
      -Best Music
      -Best Visual (graphics dont count)
      -Best Story
      -Best Challenges
      4 out of 4 for my review :D
    5. Day~Dream
      That's amazing! =D
      of course it deserves to win, that game is fantastic. The moves, the storyline, the characters, true beauty in my eyes.
    6. kngdmhrts2
      Fully deserved!! ^^
      Yay for BBS!
    7. Plums
      Looks like BBS really may be the best KH handheld game yet.
      I bet Square must be really proud. c:
    8. Bushy
      This definitely deserved it's place.
      Personally, I think another amazing portable game would have to be Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
      But, I see why BBS was the one to win.
      Well done to Square I say.
      Now hopefully they can work on making the best PS3 game of all time... Kingdom Hearts 3
      Although... I think the delay is because they're working on FFXIIIVersus. But yeah lol.
    9. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Sweet. BBS, alongside Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII, are my two favorite PSP games ever. I poured over 110 hours into BBS, and it definitely is an outstanding portable game. Here's hoping if they reboot it for the PS3 I can play it again on the big screen. ​
    10. ShibuyaGato
      It seems like P took a shot of extra-awareness...

      This is great. A game deserving of the win.
    11. Jⱥy
      Woohoo, thank god BBS didn't go without recognition.

      We love you Kingdom Hearts
    12. Shikou
      Why dont you just connect your PSP to your TV its the same thing anyway(no hacking needed).
    13. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      The PSP doesn't have HD output. Hooking standard AV cables to a 55 inch HDTV and blowing up images from a 5 inch screen will destroy picture quality. Also, who said anything about hacking? There is a chance Sony will legitimately release an HD version of BBS on their own. They have announced HD reboots of bestselling PSP titles enhanced for the PS3 already, and some are out in Japan. With any luck, BBS may see another release. ​
    14. kingdom_hearts_loverXX

      Might playthrough it again just for the heck of it.
    15. Shikou
      I said no "hacking needed" because most people think hacking is the only way to get what you want when it isn't. It doesn't look that bad to me on TV. People need to learn graphics are not everything. It looks fine on my TV as it does on the PSP.
      I really wouldn't want a PS3 remastered version. It should stay on the PSP, it looks beautiful on it anyway. ^_^
    16. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I never implied that graphics are all that qualifies a good game. I just stated that my television is high definition and the PSP doesn't support it. Maybe I just want to enjoy the game a second time in a way that is different than the first time? And in fact, if you must know, I own the cables for the PSP to be connected to a standard TV. I am done looking at this news thread, as I have gleaned all the information I needed from it. Consider this a lesson about how asinine it is to assume things about someone without any factual basis for making said assumptions. I have never hacked a game or game console in my life, I consider games an art form in which enjoyable game play dictates graphical quality the majority of the time, and that despite having a different opinion than you on the potential re-release of a great game, I don't assume you meant to offend me or behave like a troll. Good day. ​
    17. Shikou
      Ah, Im so sorry. I dont mean to sound like a troll, believe me Im not one, I block them on YouTube.
      When you put it that way I would like to see BBS on a PS3 ^_^