BBS Melding Spreadsheet

Discussion in 'FAQs and Guides' started by Mixt, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Rummaging through my old files I found this and realized I never shared it. I created an Excel document for the melding chart since I noticed a lot of people trying to squeeze all three characters on to one chart, and that got a bit confusing.

    So the document has five sheets. Master, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and Abilities.

    The Master list is almost verbatim David Arthur's list (found at the end of his guide here)

    Terra, Ventus, and Aqua pages are a breakdown of the master list, only listing commands for that one character and changing how rare melds are displayed. (instead of being treated as a separate meld, they are listed next to the meld they can change from)

    The Abilities sheet is a reference used to tell what ability to expect by using certain crystals. On the other sheets a letter A-P is listed with each meld. On the abilities page if you look at the row of the letter given and the column of the crystal you want to use it will tell you what ability you will get.

    Disclaimer: I did not test all of these and do not plan to. Please do not blame me if something does not work. If you do find an error please alert me and I'll be happy to fix it.