Hi! I'm working on Polish translation of Birth By Sleep - Final Mix, but I need a little help with font edit. I must add to the game polish signs like ąęćśżź. Only way to do this is to change the game font. Font files are stored in Font.arc, but I can't find it and extract them. Maybe someone know how to edit BBS FM font? P.S: Sorry for my bad english.
Try contacting Sora6645 on Skype, he and his team know about kingdom hearts translation, they may be able to help, his Skype is Sora6645 same one as I mentioned, justlet him know in your contact request that you need some help with polish translation, he was will try to help you I'm pretty sure.
The group that sora is in has nobody that worked on the translation. I would ask crazycatz00. the maker of the translation tools and the actual translator.
The guy who made the BBSFM English Patch was Truthkey/Key to Truth. He is an active YouTuber, and if anyone would know how to a font language edit, it's him.