I played the PS3 Beta earlier today, and It was pretty nice. But it was really, really laggy, almost to a point it got unplayable which is a bit of a let down IMO
I think it would be better if people wouldn't go under the map alot. As for game mechanics....I want to be able to hold the grenade so I can realign my accuracy instead of throwing it right of the bat and missing, the fact that you have to crouch first in order to get back into your sprint since you cant go back into it once you've stop sprinting. I have only one complaint(The mechanics I listed above were just bugs and glitches) and that is everyone keeps using prone to the extreme, like the start of a match you run towards the bomb, you get killed, and you see the guy in prone and just camping in a bush with an Assault class, so I said well I use prone only to reload my gun and then run back out there but this is ridiculous in Call of Duty proning wasn't abused at all even though it was useful but this.....this is too much camping. Yes I am ranting on like a little kid but you know it yourself that it's true when I say this, Battlefield 3 has become a 30 FPS version of Call of Duty minus the killstreaks. But I really think it's just because it's a beta that everything is just bad gameplay wise but I believe once the full game is out everything should be normal......I hope......if not.....I'll just have to make up new tactics for this game. BUT THIS GAME IS FREAKING AMAZING ESPECIALLY THE VAULTING OVER STUFF OMG I FEEL SO BAD*** WHEN I DO IT AND THEN KILL SOMEONE!
Beta open on ps3, xbox and PC. I played it yesterday on my 360, the servers are a mess but that's expected in beta. Does anyone know how to play the other map though? It's only letting me do Operation Metro. Anyways it's a decent game so far, but nothing mind-blowing like they said it would be.
It's for PS3, 360 and PC. My experience with the game so far has been really good. I really like the option to change a weapons firing mode. The animation for jumping over small obstacles is pretty cool, too. Overall, I'd say Battlefield 3 is looking pretty dern good, if I do say so myself. EDIT: Dangit, ninja'd.
I found a way around the servers, they were messed up because there's too many people playing it at once so that's expected to happen, as for changing the map you can't it's only Operation Metro on Rush and that's it. To get into a match just kinda spam the A/X Button but not too fast and you'll wind up getting into a lobby so you can start a game by yourself or with your friends.
Well there's three guesses...... 1.It's exclusive to early betas. 2.It was hacked because these betas can get hacked and I've seen them done it's not so hard. 3.It was probably updated with a new map for everyone to play OR could be a glitch since of course there's numerous glitches from what I heard. So yeah pretty much it could be one of those three things.
I'm downloading the beta now, but I heard from a friend of mine that you shouldn't go into it without a partner. Also, I believe it lags, considering it's the new beta and the Playstation Store crashed yesterday when I tried to get in and download it.
Caspian Border is for PC players only, and it's password protected server that EA is using to stress test. Anyway, I am loving the beta. The only glitches I've encountered are falling into the map a few times, the other is the screen flashing white sometimes. Usually stops happening when I aim down the sights, though. I wish they would release Caspian Border for everyone, though. Operation Metro isn't 'real' Battlefield. It's a bad way to showcase the game. Everyone wanted and expected destruction, vehicles, big warfare. Then they go and give us Metro, which is a tight map with no vehicles and very little destruction.