This is some great news. Basically, it states that batteries, provided there aren't faulty ones, for the PSV will have a lifespan of up to 5 hours, with a minimum of 3 hours. More information here: Click!
Five hours doesn't sound like much. Then again for the system specs it is quite good considering it. How long is the 3DS battery?
That is considerably impressive for it's processing power! Well if all things fail, just have it plugged in while you play. (That's if you can of course... like being at home.)
This is pretty good for me. When I play portable games, I tend to play them in a few short hour bursts or less. Unless I get really into it.
Same, but the only thing i'm worried about is: Will the battery life lose its maximum capacity over time? For example, i play a PSV for 2 years and the max battery power it will "have" is about 3-4 hours instead of 5. I've noticed my PSP does this...
That's horrible, whenever I actually do use my portable systems outside of the house it's usually on a long drive or something and five hours just won't cut it for that. Thank god for external batteries if I decide to ever take it with me anywhere, which I probably won't because playing games outside is pretty lame. Thank god for being able to use the recharger while playing? I rate this thread a 9.0/10
I have a charger that works in the car, so I don't have to worry. My original charger for my PSP stopped working, so we got a new one. It can charge from outlets, like a normal one, from the car (cigarette lighter), and from one's PC.