Why the hell isn't there a GODDAMN BATMAN thread in here? This is by far the best superhero game ever made. It's just amazing in all ways and I pretty much had no faults with it. Scarecrow levels made me trip out so much and the Killer Croc fight scared the crap out of me.
Fuck yeah this game owns. Scarecrow was pretty much the star of the show. My least favorite part? When the game ends ;<
I love this game so much but I thought it was too short and easy on normal... so I started replaying it on hard. Killer Croc shat me up, it would of been worse if I was playing it at night. I was like "FFFFFFFFFFFF-" when Poison Ivy sprouted a second health bar (no pun intended). And that sonic batarang is a life saver. I loved getting the trophy for fighting a titan without using batarangs, I did it on hard (because i'm daft like that) and I think I mastered dodging thanks to it. I love how Joker has a one-hit kill with his gun which is useful for time when you've only got one guy to kill and he's a distance away. Most of all, I had fun finding all the riddles, I did it too quickly the first time though XD
Who else thinks that when you turned into Scarecrow during his segments it kinda hinted at challenge map dlc where you play as Scarecrow?
Absolutely amazing game, there are so many good things to say about it, so I'll say that Riddler, Scarecrow, Joker and Killer Croc were my favorite parts. For those saying the game is too easy, have a go at getting all the challenge medals on hard. Tell us how easy it is then.
I sort of got a hint of play as Scarecrow, I wonder if they actually would do that. It'd be fun to silent takedown people with his drug fingers. Maybe they'll keep releasing challenge maps which don't count towards the 100%? It'd be interesting to see if they would as you could imagine as being a few characters like Zsasz (knifing guards), Poison Ivy (kiss of death and all that jazz) or even Gordon (it did say he was an expert marksman :lolface:). But ofcourse they wouldn't do that.
Awesome game. I do agree that the biggest let down for me was the way the end boss was so easy. Scarecrow has always been, and this game solidified it, my favorite villian within the batman universe. The entire transition from the Mansion to the streets of Gotham...brilliant. Btw...getting all of the Riddler's challenges is wickedly time consuming....took me 8 hours to find all of them last sunday.
btw explosive gel stunning a titan makes that achievement/trophey 10x easier. I love this game, currently doing all the challanges to finish me 100% on normal mode, then onto hard mode. one fault: batmans voice.
Yeah, I used the gel but after about 3 uses I didn't need it anymore since they kept running into each other. I'm actually also doing the challenge modes right now XD God, i'm not gonna get any high scores on them leaderboards but i'm definetly going to do them all. Then i'll try and get the rest of the trophies.
Im good at the combat, bad at predator ground take downs + high combo counter = insta win for the combat challanges, 25 combo do a ground take down, =2500 points instantly (for example)
I'll rememeber that when I start racking up combos. Usually i'm doing a combo then I go to do a ground takedown and some guy throws a random object at me from off screen. Otherwise I think I can do that. But on predator I tend to either use the gargoyles but if the gargoyles are planted with bombs I hide in the vents and sneak around for silent takedowns or I set up some explosive gel, throw a sonic batarang onto the gel and when someone gets close enough I set off the gel knocking them down for a ground takedown. Then I run off before others come XD Still, it's not a good plan to milk the gel + sonic plan as thats a long recharge time which is what I did once XD
I can knock them out fine, its doing the bloody challanges i cant hack, for some reason i cant knock down 3 guys with one wall blast, i knocked 3 down, but they got up >.>
I'm a beast at the predator challenges. Getting the 40x freeflow combo is pissing me off though since every time I get close some ****** throws something at me from off screen.
I have all the Predator Medals, they were pretty fun. Vivi, the trick with explosive walls is which side you place the gel on. If you place it on the same side as the guard who is walking past, the wall will be blown outwards away from him and he will only be knocked back. Place it on the other side and the debris will knock into him, knocking him out. Just a useful tip.
figured it out but thanks gotten 950 in the game, all thats left is so finish hard mode, easy stuff. hard mode is fun, no counter indicator ftc I kick ass on combat challanges, nra and quick fast batarang can save your ass.