What do you guys think about them banning the game in some country's? I think it's stupid why not just give an high rating and live with it... If you go out and kill your best friend after playing the game then you already had a problem. Why not ban the Saw series much more violent and much more real some people have just got to understand games don't make everybody crazy What do you think about this?
hehe i was gonna post a thread like this. I have mixed feelings about this. I don't see why they should ban this game when they don't ban movies that can be just as violent. They could of given it a special age rating. A lot of people are angry that it's banned. Then again if it really is that bad i can understand why they would ban it. It would most likely reach the hands of kids & the parents would most likely blame someone else other than themselves for their kids playing it.
Well it's not coming out in Britain because the BBFC said the game was "brutal" and featured "unremitting bleakness" and "casual sadism." Which i'm pretty sure it is.
I agree with you totally. I heard this on the radio today and I didnt know they'd ban a whole videogame.
The UK is a lot more strict on the games they let enter their market. But that aside, I don't think banning this game really solves anything. It won't stop the video game industry from producing titles like Manhunt, and it certainly just gives parents an excuse to not take a pro-active stance in solving this problem. Blaming someone else is always the easiest to do, and requires the least amount of effort. ^ This is the reason why that baby got hit in that Breakdancer Baby Kick on YouTube.
well....Manhunt has been known to make people crazy. that's why the first one was recalled and then discontinued. and think about it in the perspective of the game comapny: it's easier for them to have the game banned then to have to deal with a bunch of angry parents all over the world.
Wow i just heard it's banned in the US too. I think the only plave where it's not banned is in main land Europe, but i'm sure it may get banned there too.
They are probably banning it in the UK over that murder which they believed to be linked to the first game.
I know that totally angers me. if you feel VERY strongly about this, go to theeca.com and join it s awesome about 30 dollars a year ad you get a free game magazine subscription and a whole bunch of other freebies!!!! :D And no, its not banned in the U.S. I just think the politicians who oppose video games just want to hear themselves talk.