Balance of Politics

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Zandyne, Jul 14, 2007.

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  1. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    *This is actually a general statement that could apply to the past, present, and if it doesn't change, the future as well.

    Politics are generally a sticky subject, please try to be rational when making your statements and if possible or applicable, quote a reliable source before criticising someone or something.

    As many times when the running of a country is going sour...specifically here in America, everyone seems to be blaming the president, as if it is his sole responsiblity, and superficially a majority would be correct. However, we have a little thing called the checks and balances (aka the Seperation of Powers) system, in which there are THREE BRANCHES. Skipping general history/social science information, why is it that in generally grim situations, the president gets the blunt of the blame? (whether or not it really is his fault is only addressing a THIRD of the problem)

    As stated earlier, the Presidential (Executive) powers are technically, only a third of the political system, one third is Congress (Legislative) and the final third is the Supreme Court (Judicial). Where the hell are they in all this when the metaphorical sh*t hits the fan? A majority of people seem to forget to share the deserved "fault" with the other two parts (majority) of why this country is even in a crisis.

    This isn't even taking into account the different parties either and how they deal with the problem- or lack thereof depending on your point of view.

    Anyway, what do you think about the fairness of the current polictical system? Please don't just give a one-lined statement, put some thought into it, after all, politics, like it or not are probably going to be what dictate your life as long as you live in a 'modern-day society'. Another thing to note is that all of these people in power, were at one point or another....voted in by the majority and scruntinized by a series of systems (you can scoff at it all you want but they still had to go through the same filtering system).
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The reason the president gets all the blame is because he is the public figure/figurehead for the government. To the majority of the people he IS the government, and the first to throw things at when things go wrong.

    As for the fairness of politics, it will never be completely fair. A perfect democracy would involve every inhabitant being involved in every vote over everything which would slow down the process massively more than it already is. Atm, I think it's about as good as it's going to get in the UK. As long as humans are involved, there will always be faults.
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