So, since returning, I've been on a major KHV nostalgia trip naturally. And because of it (mainly the need for GIMP and such) I ended up putting all the old stuff from my laptop onto my new PC in the process, and while sorting through it I found many things from my old KHV days. Rep screenshots is one of those things. I remember that back then, there was only so much space on your rep page, and once full the older rep would become unreadable since you couldn't 'go back a page' or something to see the old rep that you were given, so you'd have to screenshot it in increments if you wanted to keep it as a memory. I was just wondering if anyone else actually went and did that, and if they did if they actually still have their screenshots. It was nice looking over them again, because it made me remember a lot of old names and moments that were pretty cool. Like things that I hadn't outright forgotten but that had faded slightly from more recent memory. This isn't a "Post your old reps" thread, although if people wanted to, and that's okay with staff etc, it could be amusing. This is just literally me being an old fart from before liking posts and stuff became the new thing over the rep and whole green gems thing. Oh god. I just remembered the green gems for the rep bars! Shutting up now. Go. XD
I did. I don't have any of those screens though. I would definitely keep tabs if like a certain post EXPLODED in rep and derep. Back then, it was mostly "rants" that did well and it was such a weird positive reinforcement to a bad habit. Now I take pride in when I make ya'll laugh and I get a lot of likes.
I just remember that I, like, never gave out rep. If I gave you rep, you must've done something I really, really liked.
I remember having to rep like 10 other people before I could rep my friends again. I also remember rep being the first thing I checked when I logged in and if it went up then it was the best thing ever! Also, when you got another 100 points and you got another crystal.
I remember being so happy when you repped me because you repped like 45 points or something ridiculous.