I have not been active on here in... years. I've popped in and lurked every now and then but wow, I have a lot of RP memories here. I kind of want to try being active again and if any of my past friends that are still here see this, HI!
Xero! Hi! I was just looking back at LvD recently and wondering how you were doing. Good to see you back!
Always got to be reminded that Evil Ananta ripped out Kaya's heart and made her and Valinton watch each other die. One day I should finish the summery of that a d maybe do a more proper write up of LvD2
I know someone did a write up for a "proper" ending of LVD2 for us, but i dont remember who ; v ; it was nice lol
Skyheart and Rienzel worked on it I believe. Do you want a link to the document? It was more of a summery so I'd like to write it more like a story but that is a lot of work and bullshit to sort through