Just got home from Art of Dying, Shinedown and Evanescence concert. It was really good. Art of Dying opened, and they killed it! They were amazing. My first time hearing them and they are pretty good live. Shinedown was pretty good. They are good live. Now to the main topic, Evanescence. Amy's voice was really scratchy tonight, not sure if that was just a thing or that's just how she is live. And when they played the song "Bring me to Life" it wasn't the same without the guys voice in it. Still was happy getting to see them all live and hearing them. I got to take a pic with Art of Dying, they are really cool. Cuttlefish got there CD and had them sign it. I dropped 50 on shirts, and cuttlefish got me one since I payed for tickets, so I got 75 worth in shirts. I'm happy!!!!!