Unf, these are sexy and I'm saving some of them. Looking over them collectively, you added very nice, subtle effects, some more notable than others. I think my favorites are the second one, and the tenth one, so I'm definitely saving them. The eleventh one, I'm not so sure about. The white circle on the left is kinda . . . there, and it's really attention catching, but doesn't really fit at all. The red tones on the overall avatar are very nice though. I like the effect you used on the last one, but perhaps the transition on it was too sudden, but it doesn't really stand out. The rest of these are pretty nice, and some of them are a little bit more hard on the eyes than the others (particularly the eighth one), but other than that, lovely (sexy) job. ♥
Actions are the best, I use them so much. *u* These are all quite lovely though, usually with icons I am picky about the cropping/composition (since that's such a large part of them, small canvas and all), but I could find none that bothered me this time around. c: Really lovely work! I especially like the ones with the small pops of color, like this one.