Going by military time, I could say she was born 21:11 instead :lolface: but that is pretty weird timing. Would have been weirder if she did weigh 9 puonds 11 ounces.
And then the 9:09, 9/9/09, 9 pounds 9 ounces girl... I mean, you figure that in the entire world there's going to be someone born then, but still..... freaky coincidence.
Oh, the irony. The child is becoming famous before it can even walk. It's astounding. I bet its going to have stories to tell Cx
If people would start ignoring her because of when she was born, I'll kick the crap out of them (if I was there and of here age at that time of course lol) That's like the weirdest reason to pick on someone.
I kind of think it's cool. ^^ She has something to brag about all her life, and make wishes at 9:11 AM or PM.