'Welcome to Neo Amerika, citizen!' The line yer usually greeted with when you start up the game. B.I.O. Freaks was a fighting game released in the late 90s by Midway, the guys famous for the Mortal Kombat series. Like its cousins, MK, and Mace, B.I.O. Freaks is a gory fighter. But wait. This game is a lil' bit different from yer usual fighting game. Yes, you can move around and punch and kick, but this particular fighter has some new game mechanics Each character has access to a unique primary weapon that can be used at any time and most of them do permanent damage. Each character also has access to flight abilities, allowing them to rise and strafe around their opponents. You can also dash as well. But unlike most fighting games, you get to your opponent in nearly an instant Unique to this game is a Limb Loss system, not seen since Time Killers and Bloodstorm, two games that tried to compete with Mortal Kombat. Like stated above, there are some weapons as well as special moves that causes the opponent or player to lose a limb in battle. Mainly you lose your arms first, and with it, any weapons that might have been on there. If a player takes enough damage again without arms, their head is destroyed, ending the round instantly. It is also possible to lose an entire torso Like Mortal Kombat, B.I.O. Freaks also featured Fatalities. However, unlike said series, these could be executed at anytime, which are signaled by glowing spots. Some moves remove limbs instantly while other will cut off the head or torso completely. In essence, they're super moves, but without havin' to power up. The game features 8 cybernetic fighters who fight in post-apocalyptic version of Earth each with their own strentghs and weaknesses and each represent a single country of the United States Ish kinda sad this game didn't get a lot of praise. It woulda been somethin' right now. D: Any questions or thoughts? o:
I've never played myself, but it sounds pretty good. I like the limb loss thing, and while hearing that guy go "Finish him!" is really quite satisfying, being able to excecute fatalities at any time would've been pretty sweet.